Chapter Twenty-Three

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I grab both of their arms at once as we walk. Photos are taken as we walk and talk.

"So, what are we riding first?" Niall asks.

"Uh, I don't know..."

"I recommend the Tilt-A-Whirl for beginners," Connor says with a grin.

"So, I'm a beginner?" I ask, playfully.

"Yes," Connor and Niall answer simultaneously. I start laughing. Luckily, there are few photographers. I mean, the Dilhians do take pictures of us, but they won't post them in magazines or put them in the news.

We make our way to the Tilt-A-Whirl, and again, people offer for us to cut, but we decline. In line we make jokes, laugh, and talk while newer music plays.

"Now, if you're scared of this ride, I don't know how the hell you're going to ride the other rides and roller coasters," Connor says as we move forward.

"Oh, trust me, I am not scared," I say confidently.

"I guess you do run-"

"Shh!" I cut off Niall, not wanting anyone else to know I escape from the palace often.

"Sorry," Niall mumbles. Connor watches as the ride starts to move with the people in front of us. I kiss Niall's cheek and smile at him. He returns the smile.

"This is all the ride does," Connor says, turning to look at me.

"Oh, well that's not horrible."

Once the ride stops, they step out and exit. We scan our wrist bands and find a vaccant car. Niall steps in and sits first, Connor next, and then I sit in between them. Connor pulls down the bar and it sits on our laps. The worker comes to make sure we're seated right.

"Stay in the car at all times," he says with a charming smile and checks the next cart.

The song changes as we begin to move.

"We'll spin more if we all tilt one way," Niall explains as he tilts one way. Connor and I tilt with him, but we tilted the wrong way and hardly spin. We all laugh. The next time we get it and we spin so fast, I scream with joy.

"This is so fun!" I shout.

"It's not the funnest," Niall assures me.

"How could it get more fun?" I ask as we spin again.

"Dropping from several feet in the air," Connor says.


"You see that?" Niall points, but fails to point at what he was trying to, because we spin. "Well, I was trying to point to the ride Connor was talking about." I laugh at him.

Soon, the ride ends. Niall and Connor get out first and then I do. I smooth my dress down as we exit. Niall holds his hand out for me to take, which I do, as I walk down the metal steps. After I reach the ground, his hand lingers on mine for a little. Niall kisses it and I smile at him. I turn around to see Connor helping a little girl, who looks like she's six, down the steps. The little girl looks up at me.

"Oh, my gosh! You're Princess Allison!" she says as she runs over to me and hugs my legs. I laugh a bit as I crouch down to give her a proper hug.

"Hi there. What's your name?" I ask.

"Lena!" she replies proudly. "My mommy says you're prettier in real life. She was right."

"Thank you, Lena. Who's your mommy?" I ask her.

"She's my mommy! I can show you to her!" Lena says cheerfully. I glance at Connor and Niall for approval. Connor shrugs his shoulders and Niall gives me a warm smile.

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