Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The day after Dad died, Mom showed me a note from the attackers.

"Consider us even. Don't fight back. We got our revenge, and we could have done worse. And we aren't going to bother you with violence anymore.

The Russians"

Dad's funereal was horrible. Luckily, Niall was there to help keep me and Mom stable. Connor is still sick. He's so ill he was moved to the infirmary. I try to at least have lunch with Connor everyday, sometimes I stay longer and we watch a movie or play a game, but I've been having to do a lot of the paperwork since Dad's died. I have had Mom's help, but she's still grieving. I'm pretty content with the whole situation.

"Could you guys cut my hair?" I ask my maids out of the blue.

"I can do it," Hannah says with a smile. "I'll go get some supplies." Hannah leaves my room.

"Are you cutting it short?" Emma asks as she cleans.

"Not short-short, but maybe to the lower-middle part of back instead of past my butt," I explain.

"That'll look nice."

"I hope so," I say as I go to the next piece of paperwork. I've been avoiding Dad's office, so I've been doing my work in my room. There's a knock at the door, and Emma goes to answer it. She closes the door. "Who was that?"

"It was a guard, delivering this." Emma holds up an envelope as she walks over to me and hands it to me. I open it up.

"Due to Connor Garcia being very ill, his family -Melissa Garcia, Kayla Garcia, and Mark Garcia- have requested to visit him. Do you give consent to this?" The letter reads. There's an open spot at the bottom so I write:

"Yes, Connor Garcia's family is allowed to visit. Thank you.

Princess Allison"

I put the note into a new envelope. The back says to return it to the mail room. I'll do that later. I finish the last piece of paperwork and send Emma to deliver all of the paperwork to the council. As Emma is leaving, Hannah is arriving with a large basket full of hair supplies.

"Whoa, do you need help, Hannah?" I ask her as I stand up.

"No. I got it, Alli. Thank you, though," she replies as she kicks the door closed. I grab a chair and head into the bathroom. I set it in front of the sink and mirror. Hannah wraps a cutting cape around me and the scrunches my hair a little bit. "So what do you want done?"

"I was thinking just changing the length and touching up on my bangs," I answer.

"How short?"

"Like here." I point to the middle of my stomach.

"Got it," Hannah says and starts to prep my hair for it's cut.


"Do you like it?" Hannah asks once she's finished.

"I love it! It looks great! Thank you," I compliment. (The picture featured is the style of Alli's bangs)

"My pleasure," Hannah says and takes the cutting cape off. I stand up and attack her with a hug. Hannah hugs me back instantly.

"I ought to head to grab lunch for Connor and I," I say once we both pull back.

"Okay, have fun!" Hannah calls as I walk out of the bathroom and she cleans up my hair and everything. I grab the envelope and head to the mail room, which is on the first floor underground.

"Hello, You're Highness," the secretary of the mail room greets.

"Hello. I came to drop this off. It was a request from the Garcia family," I say as I hand her the envelope.

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