Chapter Twenty-Eight

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The next morning, Hannah came into my room around 7, but I shooed her. I fell right back asleep, but when I did wake up around 9, I went to shower. I grab panties and a bra. I make sure my robe is in the bathroom, which it is. I decide to take the bandage off my neck and let it air out while I get ready. I then hop into the shower.

After I've showered, I put my undergarments and deodorant on. I slide my robe on and brush my hair and teeth. I put some moisturizer on my face and then walk out of the bathroom. Niall's still sleeping, but he shouldn't be. So I go to wake him.

"Niall," I whisper as I shake him. He moves around and then grabs me and pulls me on top of him. He weighs me down on him with both of his arms. Niall kisses the top of my head and then releases me and sits up. He stretches as I move next to him.

"Good morning," Niall says with a yawn.

"Good morning," I say back.

"How's your cut?" Niall asks as he tips my chin back with the side of his pointer finger.

"It still hur-" I begin as Niall brushes his finger across the cut. I scream in pain and move my head to a straight position instead of looking up.

Sorry, love," Niall apologizes. I glare at him. "You should probably bandage it, aga-" but there's a knock at the door and Mom comes rushing in crying.

"Allison!" she cries as she hugs me.


"How could you try to kill yourself? Especially for a boy!" she shouts. I glance at Niall, who has pulled the blankets up to his chest.

"Mom, it wasn't just about him," I whisper as I start crying and talking quieter.

Your Majesty," Niall speaks up and Mom turns to him, "she said she couldn't take it anymore. She lost her dad and then Connor and she thought I was going next. She was under too much grief, Your Honor."

Mom turns to me and starts crying again. "I'm so sorry for yelling at you, sweetie," she says and embraces me again. I close my eyes, letting one last tear run down my cheek. She pulls away. "Go get ready for breakfast. I have to go check on the Garcias." Oh my god, I forgot about them. I nod my head and she kisses my cheek. Mom leaves and I turn to Niall with watery eyes.

"Alli," Niall says as he moves next to me. I tuck my head into his bare chest and start crying once again. "Today's going to be rough. I'll be right next to you the whole time." And Niall starts crying.

"Ni, are you okay?" I look up at him.

"He was one of my friends. He was a great guy. I really got to know him. He didn't deserve this." I force myself to stop crying and hold him.

"I know, I know," I say as I run my fingers through his hair. He starts breathing rapidly and soon to normal breaths and no cries. Niall looks up at me with puffy eyes. I kiss his forehead and rub his back. "Are you alright now?" I whisper.

"I am," Niall says and sits back up. He takes a deep breath. "Shall we bandage your cut?" I nod my head with a small smile. Niall takes my hand and leads me into the bathroom. When he cleans it out, I grit my teeth to kelp myself from screaming in pain. He puts a bandage on it to finish it off.

Thank you," I say as Niall puts the supplies up.

"No problem, love," he says and pecks my lips. "I'm going to get ready. I'll come back here before I head to breakfast."

"Okay." He pecks my lips once again and then leaves. I text Hannah and Emma a text for them to come here. I blow dry my hair as I wait for them so they don't have to do much.

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