Chapter Five

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"May I speak with you both after lunch?" I ask my parents.

"We will be in my office," my father replies a bit harsh.

"I will see you there Mother and Father," I reply.

After lunch, I head to my dad's office and wait for them to arrive. I look around his desk. There are pictures if me from when I was younger, of my mom, all of us, my grandparents, and an ultrasound picture of my miscarried brother. I wouldn't have had the selection if he were born, I might not have been born. My parents were happy with just me, even though they've tried after for another, but gave up when I was 12.

The phone on the desk starts to ring. I grab it and answer it.


"Hello, is the King there?" asks whoever is in the other line.

"Um, no. Who is this?"

"Oh this is Officer Malik, may I ask who this is?"

"Zayn? You sound nothing like yourself on the phone." I laugh.

"Princess? You don't sound like yourself either. I was just calling about the wedding. I can call back another ti-" he stops and I hear someone in the background "I've got to go. I'll see you around Princess. Bye."


Not long after the phone call do my parents arrive. My dad sits in his chair behind his desk, my mom behind him.

"I just wanted to say sorry. I'm sorry I acted very rudely and impolite to both of you. After Father's comment last night about the competition I was just angry at him and for some reason you, Mother," I explain.

"We accept your apology," my father says for the both of them.

"Thank you," I go and kiss them both on the cheek.

"Allison, I would like to have some lessons on being Queen with you tomorrow," my mother says.

"That would be fine." I smile and curtsy before I exit to go to the library.

I sit in the library and read about 200 pages before someone frightens me.

"Oh my god! You scared me!" I yell.

"Sorry, Princess," Connor says.

"What are you doing in here?"

"What libraries are for. Reading. Do you have any suggestions?"

"Unless you like love stories, umm no." Connor laughs.

"I'll just look around."

I try reading again but keep getting distracted and having to reread what I just read. I get aggravated to I fold the corner and close the book.


"Yes, Alli?"

"So, I know this beach. If you go to the back of the garden and go through the woods you run into a beach. Do you wanna go?"

"Sure, sounds fun. But, umm, wear your swim trunks under a suit if you can. We aren't supposed to go off palace grounds."

"Oh, wow, Alli. Trying to get us in trouble."

"Well, I'm not trying. I just thought it would be fun." I smile.

"You're smile is cute." I blush as I laugh.

"Meet you here?"

"Of course." I untuck my sleepy legs from underneath my butt and grab my book. I put my shoes on and walk to my room.

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