Mommy's Secret Surprise

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Who knows what happened last night. In my head it's all a daze. I can't remember one thing that happened last night. All I know is I enjoyed what ever he did to me last night. Feeling happy from my current thoughts I quickly think of how we have to leave this morning and quickly begin to feel sad. Zander must have packed our bags last night because our roomed seemed clean and I saw our bags lined up against the door.

"Ready baby?"


"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm just gonna miss this place. I mean we're leaving early and I really want to stay but this baby..."

"It's ok Ahsoka, don't worry yourself about it. When they let us out from the games we can come back if you want. Would you like that?"

"I would." (smiles)

"Come on...let's go."

He pulled me up and kissed me then we walked out of our hotel room and I looked back to take one more look at a place I may never see again. Traveling down hall became difficult. Tears started to fall from my eyes as we took several steps away from the hotel room. Looking at the hotel one more time I take a deep breathe in to make a lasting memory.


"Welcome back! Ashoka you will need to get a check-up immediately and Zander you may head back to headquarters."

"Zander thank you. I love you."

I left to head to the hospital part of the building. I'm assuming that this check-up was for my baby. Brady my I mean our assistant escorted me to the hospital and on the way there we had a little convo.

"Wassup Soka!"

"Wassup Brady."

"Nothing much. So what do you think this check-up is for."

"My child, what else would it be for."

"I don't know, it could be for something else."

"I doubt that."

The doctor came directly in after Brady.

"How are you doing today Miss Ahsoka?"

"I'm doing quite fine."

"I assume the baby is doing well also?"

"I would assume so as well. I haven't had many problems."

"That's good. Ok, we're just going to do a regular check-up and you'll be on your way!"

The doctor started to spread the bluish-clearing jelly like substance on my stomach.

"Looking good so far."

"That's great."

"Ah wait a minute. There seems to be something strange going on in their."

"Huh. What do you mean."

"Oh it's nothing bad. Sorry to alarm you. It's just it looks like you have two babies in there. You have twins."

"What! That's great! Can you tell me their gender's?"

"Of course I can now that we know you have twins. I'm sorry I wasn't able to tell you when you were three months but now that you are seven months I can give you a definite answer. It looks like you have a boy. You also have a little girl but she is hiding behind her brother."

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