Bundles of Joy

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Do was showing me the way to the room where Khai and Skai were held. My mind was still on Erin somewhat,but I didn't let her consume me. I was better than that. I knew better.

"Just around the corner."

I looked at Doc and and continued to walk. He was kidding when he said it was around the corner. Before we went inside he told me, "Be very quiet. They're sleeping."

I didn't know what to expect, but I was ready to see my babies. My heart started to pound as I walked up to their carriages. I paused just before leaning over to see them.

"Doc I can't do this. I'm scared."

"Zander it's ok."

"I thought I was ready to see them but I don't know."

"It's ok. Being so young and a first time dad at that is hard. So I understand. Go ahead and look, it's ok."

After hearing Doc's words I felt more comfortable and ready to see them. So I lean over and the first one I see is Khai. I instantly noticed he looked just like Ahsoka. I find it funny because I thought he would look like me since we share the same gender. I took quite some time looking at Khai that I forgot I also had a daughter that was his twin. I slowly shifted body so that I could see her. Slowly leaning over her carriage I see her beautiful face. She looks exactly like me. The irony behind this is too much. Khai looks like Ahsoka and Skai looks like me. After looking at them I begin to have the desire to hold them.

"Hey Doc can I hold them?"

"Of course you can. Which one do you want to hold first or do you wanna hold both of them?"

"Let me hold Skai first."

"Ok no problem."

Doc picks up Skai for me and places her in my arms. Her little body is so light, but then again heavy. I sat down in a near by chain so that I could feel comfortable with her in my arms. She felt so peaceful and gave me happiness. I have never felt so much joy in my life. The only thing that was missing at this moment was Ahsoka. I started at Skai's beautiful face for so long I forgot about Khai. As much as I don't want to put down my baby girl I had to. My boy needed some love from his dad too. I gently got up out of the chair and placed Skai back in her carriage. She began to cry but stopped after my hands weren't on her body anymore. Walking over to Khai I see that he is sound asleep. He looks peaceful, so peaceful, I don't want to pick him up. I can't resist the urge to hold him, so I place my hands in the right position to pick him up safely and gently. After positioning him in my arms comfortably I walk back over to the chair. As I'm sitting down I notice he turns in the blanket he is swaddled in. I finally get a chance to really take in how much he looks like Ahsoka. I started to smile and suddenly he surprises me by doing something I didn't expect him to do. He opened his eyes. My smile becomes brighter and he must understand what a smile is because he smirks back at. He didn't smirk for very long. His smirk stopped at one point and her turned his head to try and hide, but he eventually turned back, eyes still open. Thinking about all that just happened I thought "This kid is gonna be trouble. Then again his sister would keep him out of trouble."

It was getting late and I had held the twins for quite some time now. All day my mind was everywhere. It went from Ahsoka giving birth to being extremely mad at Erin and finally to holding my two beautiful kids. This day couldn't be any worse and all I needed now was some sleep. I head back to my HQ in hopes that Erin does not agitate me once again. It didn't take long for me to get there. Entering the compound the first person I do see is of course Erin. She looks up at me and just stares. I pause in my footsteps and stare back. She then gets up and starts to walk toward me. I then try to quickly make my way to my room. She makes her way in front of me just before I could get to the hallway where the rooms were.


"I want to apologize. I was wrong ok. I shouldn't have done what I did. I know this day has been rough for you and I apologize for being the one who ruined it."

"You didn't ruin it. I was just extremely stressed out and you pissed me off. You know Erin you make people wanna hurt you and you have to change that."

"I know and I'm sorry for that. Can you forgive me?"


"Give me a hug?"

I take a long look at Erin before hugging her. She seemed very sincere about her apology and her hug confirmed it.

"Now go get some sleep. The fam can hold it down from here."

Hearing her say that is relieving, but I don't know if I'll be able to get any rest. I wanted to be around Ahsoka. Sleeping without her tonight would be hard. Now that I have kids sleeping without them in my presence would be hard as well. It felt like I was alone and my family could not be around me. I felt lost and no one could do anything to fix it.

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