Unnotified Scheduled Appointment

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Today was finally the day I would just be able to sleep in and not have to worry about a challenge. Zander on the other hand didn't have the same privileges. All the members of each faction were subject to today's challenge, so I was left alone to suffer the depression of lonesomeness. I wasn't even one month pregnant and I couldn't participate in any events. The boredom was so intense that I couldn't bare it anymore, so I went to the living room to play video games. They had the two newest consoles an Xbox One and Playstation 4. The game selection was wide for these two consoles and they were just released a few months ago. If you asked me I think they are illegal traders or something. iPads, flat screens, and game consoles, what more can they provide. I saw TitanFall for Xbox One and immediately wanted to play it. I didn't want to create a profile but I also don't want to ruin Zander's scores so I just went on ahead an made one anyway. In what seemed like the middle of the game's story mode I was interrupted.

"Ahsoka, please follow us."

I look back over my shoulder and saw an escort that was gesturing to the Libra House's door. Personally I wanted to ignore him and continue playing the game. Instead I got up like a good little girl and went on ahead to the door. He followed behind me and made his way to my side.

"Where are we going an for what reason?"

"We are going to the hospital section of the building. Its new and. We have the war doctors internationally working for us. You are going to get a check up, you know because of the baby."

"I get it, I guess it's a good thing. Tell me something. What is your name?"

"My name is Brady and I will be your personal assistant through your whole pregnancy. you can use your iPad to contact me whenever you need me."

"Oh ok. Well that's convenient. So will you be in the room with me during my check ups?"

"Not if you don't want me to be, but I will only with your permission."

"Ok cool."

"We're here. Now, I'll check you in and I'll guide you to whatever room they assign you to."

"Ok. Fine with me."

"Room 41. Follow me."

"Hey are you just my personal assistant or do you take care of other contestants as well."

"I am only assigned to you as you only. I'm not even assign to your boyfriend Zander."

"Cool. I like how these game makers think, sometimes that is."

"Well your nurse should be coming down the hall any minute now."


I walked into my assigned room and it looked exactly like a room in a health clinic or hospital. The nurse came in and told me to lie down on the bed. I did as I was told and suddenly I blacked out.


I woke up with a confused expression on my face and the nurse stared at me like I was crazy. Her eyes were big and she looked frightened at what just happened.

"Are you ok sweetie?"

"Yes. I am ok. how long was I out."

"You weren't out long. Maybe about five minutes but within that time I was able to do the full check up. do you wanna see the pictures of your baby."

"Yes, I would love to!"

The baby was so small well it was bigger than I expected it to be, so I guess it's on track with the stages.

"Are we able to tell if it's a boy or girl yet?"

"Nope, not yet but in a month we will be able to."

"Okay, thank you."

"You may go back to your headquarters when ever you like."

I looked at her and gestured her with my eyes to kindly leave. She left and walked back to the front desk from what I could tell. I quickly got dressed and then I remembered I never undressed. That lady undressed me! Ewwwww! Anyway I walked out and to my right was Brady.



"I'm ready to go home and take a nap. Lead the way please."

"To your left."

I walked towards the entrance of the hospital section and opened the door. Brady came out behind me and he passed me to escort me back to my HQ. The whole way back we didn't talk, but he did look back at me several times. He even smiled and blushed once. After we entered my HQ he left and I took a nice log nap.

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