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The last thing I can remember is giving birth and slowly loosing consciousness. I might have died because I can't hear anything or see anything. But wait I can see something. I can see everything. I can see Zander, the doctor and even see the twins. The twins look so beautiful. I go up to them and try to touch them but it seems as if I don't exist. I pause for a moment and look around. I start to call Zander and he doesn't hear me. I keep repeating his name and eventually the repeating of his name escalates to screaming. After screaming his name so much I give up. Realizing that no one can hear me, I fall on my knees to the ground and begin to cry. What is going on? What is happening, I'm so confused! I'm just sitting on the ground wondering why I'm invisible to everybody. I can see and hear them but why can't they hear me. I had no answer for myself but something told me to stand up and so I did. On the hospital like bed I see a body. The body looks like me. I look at this body for a long time and start to feel confused. Where am I? I am dead? Did I die? This can't be happening! I try screaming one more time to see if anyone will hear me, but I get no response. All of a sudden I start hearing a high pitch sound. So I look to my left and see a heart monitor. On the heart monitor is a flat line and that's where the loud noise is coming from. I look at myself and come to conclusion that I really am dead. Zander starts crying and acting irrational in the room telling the doctor to help me. He starts pounding on my chest and cradling my face asking me to stay with him. I want to let him know I can hear him and that I want to stay, but he can't hear me so it's no use. At that moment I felt helpless and alone. I sat on the ground for quite sometime trying to figure out a solution to this situation. Out of nowhere I heard a voice tell me to stand up. I looked around to see who it was, but I saw no one. I did what I was told and then I was told to go by my body. Again I searched for the person giving me directions, but found nothing. I did as I was told again. Then the last thing the voice told me to do before it didn't speak again was "when you are ready, go back." I had no idea what to do, but hearing those words meant I could see Zander again so I contemplated on how to get back, but the way to get back eventually came to me. I just leaned into my body and there I was back in reality. I couldn't see though. What I could do was hear the heart monitor go off. I could even hear Zander. I longed to talk to him, but I just couldn't. My body wouldn't allow me to speak. It was still as if I was there but no one could hear me.


A few hours after Zander left I woke up, completely. I felt my muscles cringe, but I knew I could move. I surveyed the room for the love of my life but he was no where to be found. The doctor was in the room and he quickly jumped up when he saw that I had awaken.

"Is everything ok Ahsoka?"

"Yes doc everything is ok. Do you know where Zander is?"

"He should be at the Libra compound. Why what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong I just want to see him that's all. Oh what about the twins are they ok?"

"Yes, they're fine. Would you like to see them?"

"Yes, I really would."

"I'll have an assistant bring them to you."

"What do they look like?"

"They are beautiful kids. You make pretty good babies Ahsoka. (chuckles)"

"Haha funny."

"When Zander first saw him the twin he first held was Skai. I think he noticed how much she looked like him. He held Khai second and he also realized that Khai looked more like you. You guys are basically a family of twins haha."

"That's funny doc. When will they be here?"

"They should be here any minute now. Ah here they are."

I sat up once my twins were wheeled into the room. I wanted to see them so bad. It didn't take me a long time to lean over and pick them up. I knew exactly which one I wanted to see first. Skai was chosen first by her daddy, so I immediately went for Khai. He was sleep and I didn't want to wake him, so I gently raised him out of the carriage. He had a few pounds on him. He was one heavy little boy. I cradled him in my arms, his face in the crevasse of my left arm. He started to wiggle around in efforts to make himself comfortable. He squirmed for quite sometime and eventually did what I was trying to avoid. He woke up. His little brown eyes quickly made their way to me and they flashed a little mean look at me. I flashed a mean look back and he turned his head to hide. I could tell he would be a trouble boy in the future. I didn't hold him for long. He was a little bad ass and I was ready to see his sister. So, I gently placed him back in his carriage and he smiled on the way down. Skai was sound asleep, but she needed to be held by her mother. As I did unto Khai I did unto Skai, gently I wrapped my arms around her head and lower body. As I slowly raised her to my chest area I was sure she was going to wake up, but oddly enough she didn't. She did move around quite a bit though. Holding her was very peaceful. I felt like I could hold her forever. Time passed by and she began to get jumpy. I was trying my best to comfort her, but she started crying. I tried to rock her to sleep, but that did not work. So, I tried to feed her and that didn't work either. After running out of options I just sat there and thought about what she would want while trying to comfort her. All I could come up with is maybe she wanted to be put back in her cradle. Leaning over the side of the bed I placed her down in her cradle and she cried louder than she did when she was in my arms. I had. I choice but to pick her up. It frustrated me to not know what she wanted. It took me a minute but I finally thought, maybe she wants her brother. I asked the doctor to play Khai in a cradle where both of them could lay by each other. He did as I asked and rolled the cradle to my right with Khai in it. Khai didn't make one sound, let alone a movement. He was the peaceful baby he always was. Meanwhile, Skai was hollering up a storm. I maneuvered myself into a position where I could place her in the cradle with her brother. Finally, I laid her down with Khai and to my surprise she stopped crying. I looked a little closer at Skai and saw that she was holding Khai's thumb. I found that cute but weird. Khai was smiling and Skai was too. I found it very amusing that Skai wanted her brother and to know that Khai would let her hold his thumb was even more amusing. Soon I would be able to leave this hospital like bed and go back to headquarters. I'm not to fond of what might await me there, but I will find a way to manage.

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