Challenge with Wrist Bands

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"A new challenge is present. You will pick a male and female member from within your groups to compete in the challenge. Todays challenge will be sex involved and driven. Pick your competitor well as they will be the key to your points in this round." Senai read that out loud in the living room where everyone was gathered.

"Ok everyone. We all need to take a vote. Get your iPads and let's use the voter that was preloaded onto the devices." Said Senai.

Everyone got their iPad and found a seat in the living room. We all surveyed each other before Sevai said vote. I vote for Erin to go in for the girl and Tavi for the boy. All the votes were in within 2 minutes and Senai put the results on the TV screen. It turns out our faction really favors us because Zander and I were chosen for today's challenge. I looked to Zander longing for a way out. He leaned in to kiss my forehead and I closed my eyes knowing that we would both have to do something we really didn't want to do. "Well that settles it." said Erin. I looked at her with hatred and jealousy.

"You have no right to say anything!"

"Hey girl! Watch it!"

"Erin you can kiss my ..."

"Ahsoka calm down love. What's wrong!"

"Zander, I'm tired of her. She keeps on acting like she's the shit."

"It's ok. Let's just get ready for this challenge to earn some points for our group."

"Alright. She still gone get it later though."

Zander looked at me like I was malicious person. He then grabbed my hand and lead me to our room. aI felt so pissed at everyone. Could they not tell that Zander and I were cuffed. How could they not tell we were together? We made it to our couple's room within seconds and changed clothes. After about an hour in our room we were called out to the living room by Jace. I looked at Zander with a gloomy eyes and began to cry. I felt a warm finger inch up to my eye and wipe a tear away. We stared into each other's eyes and took in this sad moment. Zander didn't say anything to me so I laid my head on his chest and he leaned back into the couch. With a few possible min ties remaining Zander and I did nothing but look at each other. Our faces never veered from each other's gaze.


Those few minutes of time with him didn't last as long as I would have liked them to last. We had to go to the main headquarters and on the way there we both saw the other three males and females chosen by their factions. I saw Jake and Zint eyeing me as if they wanted me. Whether I liked it or not I probably was going to be a sex toy to one of them. I knew for sure they wouldn't partner me up with Zander. After arriving to the HQ we were all escorted to a waiting room. The room was very unique. In my eyes the room resembled something of the talent presentation room in The Hunger Games. The game makers explained today's challenge for about 30 minutes. Basically all we were gonna do is have sex. These games were to much about sex. They needed to be changed up. While the game makers were talking Zint and Jake stared at me the whole time.

"Now here are the pairs..."

I was paired up with Zint and Maddox was paired with Zoray. I was pissed at the game makers for purposely doing this. I looked at Zander one last time before parting ways with our new sexual partners. Zint and I headed down the long hallway to our assigned room.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

"I'm sorry, about earlier and now. It's are so beautiful."

"Thanks, but I know you just wanna get in my pants. Look, this is how this is gonna go! You will have to have sex with me, but there will be no kissing or anything more than just a bump and grind. Ok?"

"Alright. I'll respect your relationship with Zander."

I felt awkward staring at him because I knew what he was getting ready to do. He walked closer to me and grabbed my waist. I almost resisted by trying to push his hands off my waist, but then we looked into each other's eyes and he said "It's ok Ahsoka. I wont hurt you." I relaxed at the sound of those words and let him lay me on the bed. Ass all of this was happening I started to see how sexy he looked and gained the urge to kiss him. Without hesitating or thinking about what I would do, I kissed him. I kissed him passionately and I couldn't stop. I guess he wanted to kiss me as well because he never stopped or bothered to tell me to stop. He slowly undressed me and I felt my heart beat speed up. I didn't know if this was wrong but, I think I was enjoying Zint. He and I both were fully undressed and under the sheets. I don't know what it was about it, but it was the way he kissed me and positioned my body that made me want him more. I thought about Zander and I began to shed a tear. I didn't stop what I was doing to take a breather and think about my listing behavior towards Zint instead of thinking about Zander at the moment. Zint felt so good inside of me and I felt so wrong and terrible for loving it. With every stroke he made me feel different then Zander would. He made me feel better than Zander would.


For about two hours we have been going at it. Thats when I break down emotionally and tell him to stop. Being the nice boy he is, he stops. He saw that I was crying and a conversation broke out between us.

"Hey. Why are you crying?"

"It's just. It's just that...I love Zander and I feel I'm cheating on him with you."

"Why would you feel that you are. Heating on him with me. We are just having sex. Nothing more, ok."

"Zint. You don't understand. I'm developing feelings for you. They are very small and they can't compete with Zander, but I think I like you and may wanna have sex with you again. I can't do this anymore, ok. I gotta go. Help me get dressed."

Zint helped me get dressed and he decided to get dressed as well. On my way back to my faction headquarters I was thinking of how big he was. Zint was about 7 inches long the same as Zander, but he felt thicker and like he knew how to work his little friend. Zander really needs to learn a few moves or I don't know what I'm going to do. I headed to my room to get some rest after what has been a long day in my case. I passed by Erin and I almost smacked her for trying to annoy me and be rude by saying "Did he feel good. I bet he did. You don't love Zander anymore do you?" I wanted to slap that little snooty bitch so hard, but I just brushed it off and walked to my room. I quickly undressed as I walked in to my couples room with Zander and plopped right on the bed. It didn't take me long to drift into a nice deep sleep that I really needed. Before I did completely go to sleep I did think about Zander and how hurt he might be to hear about my experience. I love my boy, my Zander boy.

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