Dont Leave Me

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"Ahsoka. Ahsoka. Ahsoka! No no this can't be happening."

"What's wrong Zander?"

"Take the babies doctor."


"Can't you see she's not breathing!"


"She's not breathing!"

"Get the resuscitator!"

"Right away sir."

It was hard seeing Ahsoka not breathing. I couldn't breathe myself knowing she wasn't alive. The doctor came rushing back into the room with a resuscitator. He starts to give her CPR and I start to take in the fact that she might be gone. I might loose her forever. The CPR doesn't work so they bring in the defibrillator to pump electrical pulses through her body to her heart. All I can do is cry because I feel helpless. I can't help her in anyway and my only hope is the doctor. He's trying all that he can but it seems to not be working.

"Doc make it work!"

"Zander I'm trying. I promise she'll come back. I promise!"

"Just do what you have to do. Doc I'm begging you to bring her back. I need her. I can't live without her. She is my everything. Our kids need her. Please doc bring her back." (cries)

The doctor keeps trying and my faith and patience are both getting shorter by the second. As it finally sets in that's she's gone I put my head on her stomach with tears pouring down my eyes. Out of nowhere the heart monitor beside the bed starts to beep. I instantly look up and begin to smile. My Ahsoka came back to me. The doctor continues to monitor the heart monitor and her vitals seem ok. With tears still falling down my eyes I look up to the sky as if I was looking at God, thanking him for what he has done.

"She should be fine now Zander."

"Thank you doc, thank you."

"I keep my promises remember that."

"I will."

I turned to look at Ahsoka and her chest was still going up and down. I was so elated to know that she was once again breathing. I felt complete again. I felt that I could move on and live. I heard moans escape her mouth and again joy came over me.

"Zander let her rest. We'll take care of the babies. You should get some rest too."

"Doc I'm not sure about that. As much as I would like to get some rest, I don't think I can. My family is not together yet and as the dad of two kids I feel like I have no place to rest until they are with me."

"I understand. How about this? Once we get them cleaned and settled you can come and see them. Is that ok?"

"Doc I only want what's best for them. If that will be good for them then sure."

"Come back within 2 hours they should be ready to see you by then."


I wanted to stay with Ahsoka so bad, but I knew everyone back at our compound would want to know about the babies. So I decided to go back and tell them.


Before stepping into the front door, I take several deep breathes. What I had just experienced was already bad enough for me, but worse for the rest of my family. I had to face this small fear and walk through the door. So I took one last breathe and place my hand in the doorknob and turned it. As I walked in everyone was just standing at the door. Senai was the first to speak.

"Are you ok? Is Ahsoka ok? Are the babies here? Are they ok?"

"Gee Senai slow down. No offense but you're overwhelming me."

"Sorry. But yeah is everything ok."

"Yes Hun. Everything is ok."


"Well what."

"You know I want to know what happened Zander."

"(Huffs) Basically the babies were delivered. Ahsoka momentarily died and she came back. Lastly, I'm a mess and need some sleep, but I can't sleep cause my family is not together."

Senai's jaw drops and I look at her with an uneasy face.

"Close your mouth Senai."

"Oh I'm sorry. I'm just so surprised that all of this happened."

"Yeah I'm sure you are."

Out of the corner of my eye I see Erin come up behind Senai and stood to her right side. As I look at her she begins to speak. In a seductive tone she says "you should get some sleep Zander." After she says that I make a snarl at her.

"You don't have to be so hostile Zander. I'm just suggesting that you rest a little."

"Erin I think you should stop. You're making him mad," said Senai.

"Oh please. Zander you'll be fine. GO REST!"

I'm staring at her in such a vulgar manner that I don't notice everyone else looking at me or that my fist are balled. To calm myself down I tell myself in my head "don't let her get to you". Then I unclinch my fist and walk around everyone.

"Good fucking night niggas and bitches."

As I draw closer to my room I hear the one thing I shouldn't have heard.
"See he listens to me" As soon as Erin says that I instantly turn around and walk straight to her. Everyone clears the way for me without hesitation.


"I didn't say I had...."


"STOP!" Doc said. "Zander you can see the babies now."

"You are so LUCKY I didn't say what I was about to say to you."

"You were gonna call me a bitch. I know already. Asshole."


Erin pushed me so far that I was about to beat her ass, but Tavi and Jace held me back while Senai stood in front of me blocking me from Erin and trying to calm me down. I resisted so much it became super hard for them to handle me, but they somehow got me to calm down. They all placed me on the couch and told me to calm down. My mind was focused on on Erin the most though. She pissed me off and I really wanted to hurt her. I was so hype that nobody could get me to completely calm down. So I thought about Ahsoka and it worked. Somehow the thought of her calmed me down.

"Are you ok."

"Yeah I'm fine. Just keep Erin away from me."

"Will do boy. Now go see your babies."

"Thanks Senai. I don't know what I would have done without you and the boys."

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