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I have always heard of the Sex Games, but never thought I would have to participate in them. From my Freshman year to my current Year as a Sophomore I constantly heard it. I've even met some girls who have already participated and have survived. Some girls say they enjoyed it others said they hated it and had nightmares about it. I was pretty sure none of that was going to happen to me. That is until they kidnapped me and placed me in the games. I didn't know what to do when I was placed in my holding cell. I couldn't even think. All I knew for the moment was that I was peacefully on my way to school and then a group of niggas ambushed me. To be honest the cell they assigned me scared the hell out of me. The cell was pretty comfortable but it still was creepy. I knew for sure this would be my new home for quite some time so I decided to try and get accumulated with it, but it didn't provide a likable welcome. After maybe about an hour or two I heard a medium voice announce that all new adversaries must depart from their cell and proceed to the orientation room. How I would get to the orientation room I didn't know. I just knew I would have liked to see a person I knew in the games as well. To my luck I saw Senai one of my neighbors as well as classmates. I quickly caught up to her so that I wouldn't feel so scared about the games and first challenge.

"All adversaries have 2 minutes to report to the orientation room!"

I frightened Senai a little, but she looked like she was relieved to see me. We gave each other hugs and exchanged glances which meant we knew we should quickly get to the orientation room. After pushing and shoving other girls we finally made it. the orientation room looked more like an auditorium than a regular size room. it wasn't much, but it's was usable.

"Welcome high schoolers!"


Everyone started clapping like the sex games were suppose to be a good thing. Personally I felt they were all idiots because I know for a fact I had a problem with losing my virginity by force. The males seemed more enthusiastic as the girls. They were ready to get the pussy.

"Each week there will be a challenge a day from Monday to Friday. There will not be challenges on 2 days from Monday to Friday. All weekends will be recovery days."

If I was correct this nigga said I would be fucked 3 times a week and would have 5 days off and 2 to recover. I wouldn't be surprised if the survivors catch something. Hell I'm probably gonna catch something! I sure hope not!

"You all have the rest of the day and night to get to know each other! You all have until 12 am! Have fun! First challenge starts at 9 am.

I felt so great about this time limit, even though I didn't want to meet any of those kids. One girl came up to me and tried to talk. I decided to come off as a mean but quite person. I must have done a pretty good job because she left after she I made a really mean face. A boy came up to me 3 minutes later and said " Hey my name is Kyle you wanna fuck a little early."

"Look you low down, hormonal bitch, NO!"

"Alright! Alright! I'm sorry!"

"You can go now."

He left but I could tell he still wanted me. Almost all the guys came up to me and introduced themselves. I could tell they all wanted me. I never knew I could be so sexy to so many people. I had to admit to myself that at least five of those boys were sexy, but I still wouldn't give it up. I couldn't give it up because I had to stay strong. I had to be the one that's unbreakable. If I broke then I would never forgive myself.

They had a party all night but I decided to go to my cell. It looked like a party to me. After sleeping for 3/4 of the night I woke up at 8 am. I knew I would have to shower and get dressed for today's challenge. I was thinking to myself through all of this, will this be the day I get raped. I had no way of knowing and I didn't want to find out, but I was sure I had to. Heading to the Square after dressing up, I found that I was the first to arrive. I saw the leader of the games come to the control booth and sound the siren to wake everyone up. By then it was 8:30. So many feet scrambled and some many words were said that peace was not an option. When everyone got to the square it had to be about 9:30, because I could tell the leader wasn't happy.

"You all were late on the first day, except Ahsoka! You all will be penalized, but her!"

A whole bunch of cruel comments were said to me when the leader of this stupid game called me out. The boys hated me at first, but they eventually liked me again. But if course all they wanted was my .... All the girls on the other handed hated me. Sone even wanted to fight me. I was ready for a fight if I had to be the one fighting, but I didn't want to be penalized for fighting if that's what they do in the games.

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