ʚ chapter two ɞ

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a/n:  i hope that you guys enjoy!!

ʚ . ₊ ༝ ・ ˖ ₊ ɞ

**Brooklyn's pov**

As soon as we got back into the cars to take us home I was bombarded by questions by the other girls.

"Girl why was Mark sunbaenim making googly eyes at you!" Yunjin exclaimed.

"How do you know that member from NCT?" Sakura rambled out quickly.

"Unnie how are you friends with Mark sunbaenim!" Eunchae yelled.

I just sighed and sat back into my seat and took a slight breath before looking back at all of the girls, "Please, please don't tell anyone. Nobody knows and I think that if the fans found out they would turn it into something it's not." I muttered.

When they all nodded their heads I continued talking, "Mark and I knew each other growing up in Canada. We lived like three houses apart from each other and were friends up until a few months after he passed his audition. I swore to myself that I would never even look at him again." I ended with a heavy tone.

Talking about the old relat- friendship brought up a lot of old repressed feelings. When I was thirteen and just sitting in my room waiting for a text to come through my phone in the late hours of the night. They came for a few weeks, went from as often as he could to maybe one a week to then absolutely nothing.

With the mood now dampened in the car, nobody said anything on the way back to our dorms. Either they were sleeping or they were on their phones listening to music.

Just as I was about to get out of the van go inside with the rest of the members, I sat back down and looked towards our driver, "Could you actually take me to my place? I think I just need some time alone right now." I spoke out loud.

Chaewon looked at me for a few seconds with a soft smile, "Text me when you get home, Bei. Don't forget that tomorrow we have the day off!" she yelled out as Eunchae started dragging her inside the building.

Giggling slightly when the door of the van slid shut, I leaned back into my seat with a content smile. The driver cleared his throat when we got a couple of feet away from where we originally stopped, "Is everything alright, Miss?" he questioned.

Nodding my head slightly, and unknowingly a smile grazed my lips, I looked at him through the mirror, "Just an old friend coming back into the picture is all." I muttered.

The younger man, who was still slightly older than I was, nodded his head as he was registering my words, "Is that a good thing or bad thing?" he questioned back.

Was it a good thing or a bad thing?

I don't think that I could tell yet.

Glancing back up at the man through the mirror and then back out of the window and looking out on the street life I sighed, "I guess we'll have to wait and see on that..." I trailed off.

ʚ . ₊ ༝ ・ ˖ ₊ ɞ

**time skip**

It had been a couple of hours of me just laying in my bed going through multiple notebooks of lyrics and short blurbs of jotted down notes for a song I was probably writing on the guitar at the time. I always did that. My brain was just too cramped with everything at once that I would just jot something down and then forget about it.

Letting out a groan as I flung yet another spiral-bound notebook across the room, I stopped when I came across the next one in the stack.

It was just a normal boring notebook on the outside. But it wasn't. On the inside were the memories of youthful memories back over in Canada.

Staying in the converted attic with the fireplace on, with the snow falling on the ground outside, laughing with your best friend. I loved what I do now but there was a part of me that wished that neither of us went to those auditions.

My thoughts were interrupted by a ping erupting from my phone's speakers.

Reaching over and looking at the notification I froze. It was from a number that I didn't even know that I still had.

All it said was, "Hi.", and then there was quickly another following it, "I don't really know how to start this.", and then there was nothing.

With a small smile working its way onto my face at how he still had problems with starting conversations. Taking a few seconds and just looking down at the message itself I started typing a response, "You never knew how to start conversations." is all I typed before hitting send.

If you have ever sent a "risky" or stressful text then you would understand the way that my body is feeling right now.

Quickly tossing my phone out in front of me, I stood up off of my bed and started pacing around my bedroom.

"He would respond quickly right? It's too late for him to be doing scheduling." I quietly spoke to myself.

I don't know why I am so worked up about this right now. I had dealt without his friendship and conversations for over a decade at this point. I could deal with it if he never responded to me. If I ever looked back in the future I knew that I would've tried my best.

As the text does not get a response, I let out a groan before storming out of my bedroom and towards my kitchen. I desperately needed any form of caffeine in my body after the events of today.

Grabbing a prepped matcha latte from the fridge, I poured it into another cup that would allow me to add more ice to the already cold beverage.

Once I was done, I downed almost half of the drink in one go. Would I regret it later? Of course I would.

By the time that I got back to my room I came in right as there was a call ending on my phone screen. Oh god! What if it was some important business call, no one ever calls me this late at night. Ever.

Hurrying over, carefully not spilling my drink, I looked at the contact name of the call that I had missed.

Lee Minhyung.

Mark had called me..?

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a/n: more revealed about brooklyn and mark ?!?!?

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