ʚ chapter four ɞ

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a/n: i hope you guys enjoy !!

ʚ . ₊ ༝ ・ ˖ ₊ ɞ

**Brooklyn's pov**

What I didn't expect was for us to go to a small little enclosed lounge area. It was entirely closed off and full of blankets and cushions and some of the fluffiest looking couches I've ever seen.

He looked over towards me with a small smile and gestured towards the couches, "Uh- we can just sit in here for a little bit and talk. Nobody will come in here so we can talk about anything you want Bei." Mark mentioned while sitting down next to me.

Letting out a slight chuckle without being able to stop it "Why are you being so awkward right now! Just talk normally!" I quickly let out.

Mark was right about to say something when I heard a familiar song start playing.

It was one of my solo songs, from my last album, I had released it whilst me and the girls were training for Le Sserafim. It was difficult to do, but not something that was new to me, as we were also preparing for our debut album.

Looking directly at Mark with a slight smirk, "So, are you going to answer that or pretend that your ringtone isn't one of my songs.?" I questioned with a small smirk.

He shook his head with a slight blush to his cheeks, "Uh- nope. Gosh! You still know how to make me so blushed. That's so not fair!" Mark exclaimed with a childish tone.

After that we had to have been in that room for close to two hours just talking about literally anything and everything.

Right up until the point where there was a gentle knock on the door, "Ah- hyung? Taeyong hyung sent me to come and get you." a soft young voice spoke up while slightly opening the door and peeking his head in.

I quickly realized that it was their maknae, Park Jisung, sitting up from my slouched position, "Hello!" I greeted the younger boy.

He seemed flustered as he stuttered out, "Oh! Hello Brooklyn Noona, what are you doing here?" he asked me.

I quickly glanced towards Mark silently waiting for him to say something, but after he was just sitting there I sighed, "Me and Markus were just sitting in here catching up. We grew up together back in Canada and lost touch when we became trainees." I explained with a small smile.

Standing up and adjusting my top so that I wouldn't accidentally show them my straight up tits, I grabbed my jacket and purse, "Well I will leave you guys to whatever you guys are doing today. I have to go to the gym sadly." I joked, before quickly leaving the room and making my way towards the elevator.

Right as soon as the elevator doors opened I wished that I had just taken the stairs.

There in all of his glory was Super Junior member Shindong. Of course with my luck the time that he would be in the elevator I would be needing to use it as well.

His face held a consistent shocked look before he cleared his throat, "Ah Brooklyn! What a surprise seeing you in an SM building." he noted smugly.

Nodding my head I grinned, "Yes, I was just meeting an old friend of mine here. I am leaving to go to the gym right now." I spoke shortly.

Almost immediately I recognized that I said all the things that I shouldn't have. The way his eyes gazed over my body made me feel almost dirty.

The man nodded his head before turning to look at me, "Shouldn't you be concerned about looking too masculine with all of this muscle you already have?" he questioned.

Just sighing, I hummed, "My company focuses on the wellness of their idols, and building muscle can lead to being better performers. Now excuse me, I must get going." I quickly announced when the elevator doors opened to show the lobby.

Hearing him scoff to himself, brought a slight smile to my face as I walked out of the building and straight towards another café across the street.

I was in desperate need of some caffeine.

As I opened the door to the smaller looking café, I was immediately met with an employee greeting me with a bright smile, "Ah hello! If you would follow me please!" the woman spoke while grabbing a menu and walking towards the back of the store.

Following her quietly, until we got towards the entrance of what I assumed was a private room, I cleared my throat lightly, "Thank you. You guys take your time coming in here to take my order, I know that it is your of your way to come back here." I said to her with a gentle smile.

The employee shook her head and smiled at me, "It's no problem at all ma'am. We will send a server in a few minutes!" she exclaimed before leaving me alone to enter the room and get comfortable.

Quickly sitting down on one of the small sofas and pulled out my phone from my pants pocket, "Okay, now what do I want to get?" I questioned myself.

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a/n: a little bit shorter but i hope you guys enjoyed it anyways :)

𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐀𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐄 - mark leeWhere stories live. Discover now