ʚ chapter eighteen ɞ

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but BIG THINGS happen this chapter so please forgive me :)))))

(the picture above is the picture mentioned later in the story)

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** Brooklyn's pov **

When Mark was leaving my hotel room the next morning after accidentally falling asleep during our second movie our goodbyes were bittersweet. I was going to be gone till October and who knows what SM was going to be having him do.

Standing in front of the hotel room door wrapped in each other's arms and muttering "I miss you"s and him calling me beautiful again. Waving sadly to each other before he finally walked out of the hotel room.

It was now mid-September and me and the girls were taking a slight detour back to Korea so that I could have a checkup with our usual doctor.

Yunjin was sitting with me in the car on the way back to our dorm. The doctor had said that I would need the cast on for at least another month. Meaning the rest of the tour I would have to sit out for all of it.

Setting down my phone after sending a check-up text to both my parents and Mark, I sighed and leaned back against the seat. This was really not what I needed right now. Being on tour was always difficult and full of stress. Having my ankle being broken and needing to be extra cautious just added to it.

Yunjin looked over at me and smiled, "Texting Mark I see." she teased me.

Reaching over and slapping her arm, "Can you please not right now." I muttered.

Out of all of the members, Yunjin and Eunchae had been teasing me the most about my "situationship" with the NCT member.

Her hand reached out and grabbed my hand, "I know this is all stressing you out right now, but I really think that you guys need to talk about your feelings for each other. With it all out in the open it might relieve some stress for the both of you." she told me with a kind tone.

The idea of actually saying the words, "I like you" or "I have feelings for you" to Mark was nerve racking. Slightly shaking my head, "I'm just terrified that it will fail and crumble when that happens. Our jobs prevent us from having complete freedom and I've seen how it affects relationships. I don't want that." I breathed out.

My eyes widened in shock. Had I really just said that all out loud?

Jenni gave me a sympathetic look before leaning over and grabbed my phone. She unlocked it and started to search for something. It didn't take her very long until she turned the screen around and showed me what she was searching for.

It was a picture that Mark and I had taken back when we first started hanging out again.

The moment was almost imprinted in my brain. He was laying on top of me, practically suffocating me, and would not stop squeezing my cheeks together. Although I was trying to be sneaky he caught me taking a picture. It was one of my favorite pictures of us.

Looking over at my fellow foreigner I tilted my head, "What was the purpose of showing me that?" I questioned her.

A dramatic sigh left her body as she threw her arms up in the air, "Because! You talked about this picture in the groupchat for days!" Yunjin yelled, I went to object but realized that it was true. "If this is how it is when you see each other in the rare times you can, I think that it is something that it is worth trying for. You both have been in the industry long enough and have worked hard enough to deserve something like this." Her voice was stern but still caring.

After she finished talking, the car ride was silent until we arrived at our dorms.

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** time skip **

I was alone in the dorms. The rest of the girls had decided to go and grab some dinner together and after my appointment today I was left exhausted. Electing to stay home so that they didn't have to worry about me and just have fun, I had been laying in my bed for the last hour.

The conversation with Yunjin in the car earlier had been occupying almost every single one of my thoughts since I had laid down.

She was right. All of the people who told me that at some point I deserved to be happy and to just go for it were right.

Things like Mark and I didn't happen all the time. Disregarding our careers and the fortune and privilege that we have surrounding us, we had found each other again after years of no communication. In a country of almost fifty-two-million people we happened to be in the same place at the same time.

Flinging myself into a seated position I groaned, "Just call him Brooklyn Dana Park!" I yelled to myself.

That's just what I did. Well sort of. I had actually texted him a very vague, "can you come over?" text and just completely ignored the following texts from him saying that he would be free in a couple of minutes and that he will call me when he can.

Pacing around my room the best that I could with the crutches that were attached to my sides. This was quite possibly the most stress inducing thing I had done in months.

Hearing my phone start ringing from my bed in the same spot I had thrown it, I jumped towards it and let out an extremely shaky breath. It was Mark.

Clicking on the accept button I quickly noticed that he was moving through his hotel room. I'm such an idiot. Tonight was their last Tokyo show. He was probably exhausted and here I was wanting to confess my feelings for him.

After a few seconds he sat down in the desk chair before seemingly propping up his phone on the wall, "Are you okay?" he questioned.

Here it goes.

Slowly nodding my head, "Uhm yeah", taking in a deep breath, "I just wanted to tell you something and just get it off of my chest. I don't know how long I'll be able to do this so just like let me ramble really quick." I hurried out.

Mark's eyes widened but still just sat there in silence.

Covering my eyes with my right hand, my brain could not handle both, looking at him and then trying to tell him about my feelings, "I like you. I know that our careers are unpredictable and we're always busy. That our fans might not like it and whatever, but I want to try if you want to try. We've both found each other again and I just feel like it means something way more." I hurried out hoping that it all made sense.

Hesitantly pulling my hand down from my eyes my eyes readjusted to the bright lights around me and then the screen in front of me.

Looking back towards Mark I saw that his face held a bright grin. Almost immediately my face mimicked his, "Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked him nervously.

"I'm smiling because the most beautiful girl I've ever seen just told me that she likes me back. Do you not want me to smile at you?" Mark's voice asked me with a slight teasing tone.

My chest dropped with a deep sigh of relief. He liked me back. Despite every single person in my life saying that there was no way that Mark didn't share the same feelings, my brain could not help itself but think the opposite.

"Forget when I said that you have to do more than call me beautiful." I told him, not hiding my blushing cheeks anymore.

We both started laughing before staring at each other longingly.

This was going to be hard but I think that both of us were extremely willing to try and make it happen.

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a/n: THEY TOLD EACH OTHER !!!! i hope you liked this chapter :)

i've been struggling with my writing recently so i'm sorry if sucks a little bit lmao. i am trying to work on it and make my writing better :\

𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐀𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐄 - mark leeWhere stories live. Discover now