ʚ chapter nine ɞ

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a/n: more brooklyn mc moments :)

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** Brooklyn's pov **

Something about knowing that I was finally done with recording and having the stress of making sure that everything that I did was absolutely perfect made the smile on my face even brighter than usual.

As the film crew yelled cut for the final take of the interview with NCT Dream for their song "ISTJ" before they went to go film their actual performances, I took a slight breath and took a step or two back away from the interview set.

Chae-min was saying goodbye to the Dream members before he looked over towards me with a slight smile, "Ah! Brooklyn noona, are you going to do their dance challenge?" he questioned.

Right when I was about to shake my head and give some random excuse, Mark looked me dead in the eyes with that signature smile, "Come on Brooklyn sunbaenim! It will be so fun and the fans will love it!" he exclaimed.

God. That jerk. He knew exactly what that cheesy smile did to me and that I could never say no to him, even when we were little.

Taking a slight breath, I nodded my head, "Okay, I'll do it!" I exclaimed with a light playful smile.

All of the Dream members cheered while their leader came over and stood next to me, "I'll do it with you. Are you going to be okay with your dress, I could give you my jacket to tie in front of you?" he started to take off his jacket.

Before I could even process what he was doing next, he was tying it around my waist so that the big part covered the front of my legs. "There Bei now let me teach you the choreo." he muttered to me while straightening up.

Everyone was looking at us with a slightly shocked expression due to Mark's actions but they quickly started doing what they were originally doing again. The dream leader turned towards his members and smiled, "You guys can go and relax in the dressing room while I do this before we go record our stage." he suggested.

Then after a few seconds it was just me and Mark left to wander around the building trying to find a nice quiet spot to record the dance challenge.

As soon as we got into a quiet, almost deserted part of the building I leaned over and brought the NCT member into a tight hug, "I've missed you." I muttered into his shoulder.

A slight chuckle rumbled through his chest before he rested a hand on the back of my head, "I missed you more." he spoke.

We had to have been sitting there for a while before he pulled away, "We better get this done before my team comes looking for me. I'll go easy on you I promise, don't worry." he reassured me with a small smile.

Reaching over and smacking his arm before slightly moving towards him preparing myself for the choreo that was coming my way.

After about five minutes of learning the small part of choreography and another ten minutes of trying to get the right shot. I wasn't going to lie to you and say that I was not a little tired from the recording process.

Once Mark saved the video and sent it off to his managers, I untied the jacket from my waist and extended it out towards him, "Here you go kind sir, you'll need this back before you go wandering around the building without it." I told him with a chuckle at the end.

He shook his head, "Nah, you can keep it. It's raining outside and I don't want you to get sick." when I went to refuse he lowered his brows ever so lightly, "Brooklyn keep it." his voice was hard and stern.

My mouth closed immediately and nodded my head and just threw it over my shoulders, "Do you want to walk me to my dressing room?" I questioned quietly.

What was I doing? Where was this brazen rizz coming from? Seeing Mark's eyes widen slightly before extending out his arm for me to grab, "Let's get going then, you need rest after your long day." he said to me with slightly heavy eyes.

Linking my arm with his we started our quiet, but very comfortable, walk to my dressing room. No matter how long we were apart for, or the fact that we were in a very difficult career, it seemed like nothing had really changed our dynamic.

Sadness flooded my emotions as my dressing room door was quickly coming closer and closer, "I guess we're here." Mark mentioned.

Slowly nodding my head, "We are. You're probably really late for your performance rehearsal." I noted when I caught glance of a clock on the adjacent wall.

Mark shook his head and pulled me into another hug, but this time it was a little bit tighter and he seemed like he didn't want to let me go. His arms were loosely wrapped around my shoulders and one placed on the back of my head pulling me even closer.

It reminded me of our childhood. The hand on the back of my head was always something that he did when we hugged. Always.

Readjusting my face so that I wouldn't smear my makeup on his shirt when I talked, "Text me when you can alright?" I managed to mumble out.

Feeling the motions of him nodding his head, he pulled away and just stared at me.

We broke out of our trance when we heard someone yelling down the hallway, "Mark Lee! Lee Min-hyung!".

Leaning forward and twisted my head, I laughed at the two grown men rapidly running down the hallway towards their now spotted leader. Recognizing the members as Haechan and Jaemin, I turned back towards the leader, "You might want to get going before they come all the way down here." I trailed off towards the end of my sentence.

His laugh echoed slightly before slightly waving goodbye and taking off down the hallway to meet his members halfway.

Oh geez. Though he was much older and of course wiser compared to a thirteen year old boy, he really hadn't changed all that much.

I just hoped that I was the same.

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a/n: some soft mark and brook moments :) 

what are some ship names you guys like for them?? 

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