ʚ chapter twenty seven ɞ

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a/n: a slightly shorter chapter but i think you guys will like it.

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** Brooklyn's pov **

It was going to be the last time that I would see Mark for almost a month. After their performance at the MMA's NCT Dream would be traveling performing for the Jingle Ball back in the states. The next time that I would see him would be for the SBS Christmas show.

"I'll miss you." Mark muttered into my neck as he pulled me closer to him.

"I'll miss you too." I sniffled slightly due to the gathering tears in my eyes.

At the sound his body was immediately pulling away from mine, "Hey, why are you crying?" the man questioned as his eyes scanned over my face.

To be honest I didn't really know why I was crying. It was definitely not the last time that I was going to see him. However, it was the first time since we had been in contact again and actually together that we would be spending the holidays together and he was going to be gone for most of it. Of course there was the SBS Christmas performance but that was a work thing.

"Sorry-" my hands wiped underneath my eyes, "I will just miss you. Don't worry I will be fine." I tried to reassure the idol.

Mark smiled at me before he pulled me back into his chest, "There is nothing I want more than to spend the holiday season with you and not have to worry about anything else but you. However there is something else that I can give you to hopefully make the wait feel shorter." his words ended with him smiling brightly.

Before I could even say something a pair of lips were lightly pressed against mine.

His lips were soft and pillowy almost like they were made by an angel. Something that thought would annoy me was the slight stubble on his skin, but to my surprise it only added to the whole experience. As his lips moved against mine a smile only grew.

The entire moment seemed cliche. Two celebrities torn apart from the labors of their jobs.

When we finally pulled apart from each other, his hands keeping their resting spot on the underside of my jaw, "How are we boyfriend and girlfriend and that was the first kiss we've shared?" he muttered towards me.

My shoulders shrugged before extending up onto my tippy toes, "I don't know, I don't care. However your manager has been watching us for the last five minutes so you probably need to go." I told him quietly.

The man in front of me sighed before discreetly glancing towards the blacked out van that was parked just a few feet away.

I had practically begged to see Mark before his performance at the MMA's. Meaning that he didn't have much time to see me before he had to get back. Also meaning that we were currently standing in front of my apartment building.

For the last few days I had been staying here to try and relax without the interruption of management. They had much more access to the group dormitories.

"You watch that arm whilst I'm gone alright? I don't need to come back to an injured girlfriend." he scolded me as he walked backwards towards the van.

My chest bounced with a small chuckle, "I promise." I paused, "I-I love you!" I yelled out before hurrying back into my gated front yard.

That was the first time that we had said it in person. Of course we had said it over the phone and text message, but saying with him just a few feet away from me was completely different. My brain was far too anxious to deal with that.

Just as the front door closed behind me, my phone sitting in my pocket chimed with a notification. Hurriedly. I tore it out of my pocket thinking that it was one of my members talking out the performances that we had been practicing, but turns out it was Mark.

"I love you too".

Before I knew it there was a small squeal left my lips. My right hand reached up from my side and swiftly smacked my cheek, "Stop acting like a schoolgirl Brooklyn Bei Park! You are twenty-four!" I yelled at myself.

Taking a few seconds to calm myself down, I realized that I needed to get back to what I was doing before Mark arrived at my place. Almost since five in the morning I had been in one of the two spare bedrooms practicing a solo performance I had coming up.

Directly after our group performance I would be rushing off to another portion of the stage to perform my most recent solo song "Killing Me". I had never performed the song at any type of actual show before so the pressure was on. Hitting mark after mark for the last five-ish hours was really starting to take a toll on my body.

All of my muscles were starting to ache, and one wrong or too forced movement would send a muscle cramp all the way up my leg or arm.

Thinking back to what Mark had said before he left about not hurting myself further, I decided to stop for the day. With just about a week and a half between now and when the AAA's would be airing I knew I had enough time to get everything perfect.

It had to be perfect. 

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a/n: what do we think???

𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐀𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐄 - mark leeWhere stories live. Discover now