ʚ chapter nineteen ɞ

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a/n: SMTown in Jakarta :) i think i'm planning 30-35 chapters for this so we're about halfway through it :/

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** Brooklyn's pov **

After multiple days of pleading and practically begging on my hands and knees to travel to Jakarta before we performed in Hong Kong I was allowed to go. You see, it was the SMTown performance in Jakarta on the 23rd. Tomorrow.

With everything that has happened between me and Mark, after we told each other our feelings. We talked practically every single day. Well more than we did already. He had asked me to see if I could come and watch the show as his guest.

Almost immediately I had to tell him that I could not come. There was a part of me that knew that there was a very slim chance that they would let me go. So when I finally asked a day before the actual show and was told yes the day before it made me start to panic.

It was around nine in the morning in South Korea meaning it was around seven in the morning in Jakarta. I was praying so hard that Mark would pick up the phone. After a few rings a deep voice echoed from the phone speaker, "Hello".

Had I woken him up? Running a hand through my hair and letting a small smile make it's way onto my face, "Hi Markie!" I spoke softly.

"Brooklyn? It's so early aren't you on break right now?" Mark asked, his morning voice still extremely clear.

I wasn't going to lie and say that it wasn't making me go completely crazy inside. He was right, we were supposed to be on a small break right now. I would have one-hundred percent been sleeping in my bed right now if it wasn't for my manager calling me to the company building to tell me that I could go.

Leaning back in my studio chair and slightly spinning I cleared my throat, "Well I would be, but I was just told that I would be attending a certain show in Jakarta." I told him plainly.

There was a few seconds of silence before I could hear a faint scream from the other side of the call. Stifling a laugh I waited for Mark to say something, "Oh my god, are you serious?" his excited voice erupted suddenly.

Making a noise of agreement while nodding my head even though he couldn't see me. Hearing yet another scream, I couldn't help but let my laughter actually come out.

ʚ . ₊ ༝ ・ ˖ ₊ ɞ

** time skip **

I had just arrived at the Gelora Bung Karno Main Stadium where the SMTown was taking place this year. From the minute I landed in Jakarta I was being escorted around by different SM staff members.

As soon as I stepped inside the backstage area I heard my name being yelled and then a body running into me almost making me fall to the ground.

"Woah! Brooklyn sunbaenim!" A woman's voice erupted from behind me.

I quickly recognized the person as Aespa member, NingNing. I had never talked to them before but I had heard that she was a very kind person.

Smiling at her I bowed my head slightly in greeting, "What are you doing here unnie?" she questioned with a small head tilt.

Motioning to the stage, "Oh-uh I'm here to see my friend in NCT. He really wanted me to come on my off days of tour!" I said with a bright smile.

I didn't know how much she knew and didn't want to possibly lead on to more if she didn't know anything at all.

NingNing smiled at me and nodded her head, "So you're here to see Mark sunbaenim right? Everyone in the company knows that you two are really good friends." she mentioned while glancing behind me.

Turning my head to look at what she was seeing I smiled when I noticed the familiar man. Mark Lee was standing just a few feet away from me but was completely distracted by something that his member Johnny was saying. Laughing loudly and probably way too hard for what Johnny had actually said.

"I'll let you guys meet each other. It was so nice to meet you, maybe we can hang out together soon!" her kind voice exclaimed while backing up and getting back to what she was supposed to be doing.

Slowly turning back around I walked as carefully as I could through the crowds of people trying to get their jobs done. When I finally got to the group of boys I smiled when the people in front of Mark saw me coming.

Exaggeratedly clearing my throat, "I flew all the way here and you don't even notice me coming?!" I yelled out with a fake saddened tone.

Mark turned around with a bright smile, "Woah!", he yelled out before pulling me into a hug.

Before I could even process what was happening I felt him plant a gentle kiss to the crown of my head. He pulled away and just looked at me before grabbing my hand with his and interlacing our fingers. My face must've been as bright as a tomato because multiple of the members started chuckling.

At the sudden sound Mark spun around and took in a breath, "Cats out of the bag now, we're not official or anything yet." he hurried out at the raised brow of his closest friends.

He told them with the brightest smile I'd seen him have since I told him that I liked him just a few days ago. I was probably right to assume that Mark had told the boys, or at least some of them, about our conversation a few days ago.

Feeling the need to readjust myself on my crutches, I let go of his warm hard and lifted myself around before I found another comfortable position.

The noise from my motions drew all of the attention on me yet again, "Let's get you sitting down Brookie." my fellow Canadian muttered before moving in front of me, "Come on. You can watch from our dressing room so you can stretch out. I can't have you getting hurt again on my watch." Mark spoke to me sternly.

That is exactly where I watched the rest of NCT rehearsals. Sitting on the couch in their dressing room surrounded by staff checking up on me consistently, probably because Mark had asked them too.

Watching the screens that were recording their rehearsals for the people backstage, I couldn't take my eyes off of Mark. The way he put in everything just for the rehearsals was crazy. I couldn't believe that he was technically in four groups and actively promoting in all of them at the same time.

This man was an icon and inspiration to so many people and I don't even think he knew it. 

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a/n: my love ningning <3

but HOW is nct 127 already having another comeback after golden age promotions ?!?!?!

𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐀𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐄 - mark leeWhere stories live. Discover now