ʚ chapter seventeen ɞ

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a/n: a slightly shorter chapter and a little bit of a chapter so i'm sorry for both lol

the next chapter will be longer i promise !!!

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** Brooklyn's pov **

Getting carried off of the stage whilst waving goodbye to all of the fans in the crowds, I was only looking forward to one thing in the next couple of days.

We had decided to stay in Osaka a couple of days after our concert to just roam around and have fun. Whilst the rest of the girls were going to go to all of the tourist attractions I was going to be meeting a friend.

You see NCT Nation was performing in Osaka in a couple of days. With the little that we would have to see each other we both decided that we would just hangout in one of our hotel rooms. It was easier too seeing as I was still on crutches.

One of the managers gently sat me down in one of the makeup chairs in our dressing room so that our makeup artists could help take off my makeup. Me and Eunchae specifically took a little bit longer to be done because we had a lot of extra glitter and rhinestones than the other members.

Yunjin came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, "So what are you and lover boy going to do later tonight?" she questioned with a heavy smirk.

Squinting at her through the mirror in front of me my head leaned back against her torso, "He's coming over to mine- I think. Since we got back into contact with each other this is the longest we've been apart for. It's weird to feel like this all over again." I rambled out while my hands moved throughout the air.

Multiple "Ooo"s flooded the room from both staff and the girls at words. There was a sudden burst of pain shooting through my leg making me wince. "Oh my god, oh my god, I am so sorry I didn't mean to bump into you!" Chaewon rushed out as she maneuvered around the makeup chairs.

Reaching over and grabbing her hand I smiled at her, "It's fine Chae-chae." I reassured her quickly.

ʚ . ₊ ༝ ・ ˖ ₊ ɞ

** time skip **

Hopping around on my good leg trying to clean up and make my hotel room look as cozy as possible, I sighed when I almost tripped over one of my shoes. Shoving it under the bed I jumped when there was a rough knock on the door.

Oh god, he was here.

After the surprise of him being there after my solo project was released, and both of us somewhat admitting to our feelings for each other, we had talked and called almost every single day. Things had changed between us that was obvious but nothing had really changed. Not like I wanted them to anyways.

Looking over at myself in the mirror on the back of the door, after getting back from the concert I had decided on wearing a pair of biker shorts and a random t-shirt. Y'know keep it simple and casual.

Realizing that I had been standing too long just looking at myself and getting lost in my thoughts, I made my way towards the door. Gently cracking the door open a smile made its way onto my face, "Hi, did you make it up okay?" I questioned cracking the door further open.

Mark smiled at me while pulling me into a right hug, "I'm fine. You, however, you shouldn't be walking around this much." he scolded.

A slight scoff passed through my lips before I could even think of stopping it, "Please, I am completely fine alright." I flopped down onto the bigger hotel mattress.

He just stared at me before slowly walking to stand in between my legs, "You know it's not fair that you can just come out of a show and look as perfect as you do." his voice was soft and shy.

There it was. The daily comment about how "perfect" or "beautiful" I was to him. Leaving me a blushing mess in front of him yet again. What I said earlier was true, things had changed. Small comments like this were common and not a struggle to get out anymore.

We both knew that each other had stronger than just friendly feelings for each other. I knew that he was less confident in areas about sharing deeper and more meaningful feelings. Meaning that at some point the conversation would have to be initiated by me.

Reaching my hands to his, intertwining are fingers, I smiled up at him, "One day you're going to have to do more than just call me beautiful." I muttered through an ever growing smile.

Mark mimicked my expression, with a small nod, "Trust me. I'm trying." he whispered, not breaking any of the eye contact.

I don't know how long we just sat there staring at each other. To be honest I didn't really care. I could probably stare at those eyes for a millennium and not have a single complaint. They looked full of innocence but yet they had seen the world from one of the harshest lenses for almost a decade.

I love hi- I love his eyes.

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a/n: uh-oh what was she going to say at the end... i guess you'll just have to wait and see ;)

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