ʚ chapter twenty two ɞ

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a/n: a slightly short chapter today but i'm hoping to write a long chapter for the next update :)

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** Brooklyn's pov **

Waking up the sound of people whispering around me was not how I was picturing myself waking up when Mark led me back to his dorm, but at the same time I don't know what else I was expecting. The man shared a dorm with ten other people including their two managers.

"Why is there a girl in Mark's bed?!" a slightly higher pitched voice whispered.

"Are you blind? That is Brooklyn sunbaenim!" a deeper voice spoke in English.

Finally opening my eyes and staring at the scene in front of me, I couldn't help but start smiling. My hand reached up and started to rub my eyes lightly to not rip out any of my eye lashes. With every second that they were open they continuously felt like they were on fire.

The rustling of the blanket I was using had to have caught the men's attention because their heads twisted towards me, "Oh my god!" Johnny yelled while grasping his chest.

"Yo! What are you two doing in here?" Mark's voice entered the room as his face twisted in confusion.

Haechan and Johnny turned to look at me before turning towards Mark who had multiple containers in his hands, "Didn't you guys have a meeting today?" Haechan questioned with a slight raise of his eyebrow.

Nodding his head, the Canadian walked over towards me with a small grin, "How are you feeling, any better?" he asked me whilst completely ignoring his two members.

As soon as I opened my mouth to try and respond to him I knew that nothing was going to be coming out. This was not good. With the release of a new single "Perfect Night" in just a few days losing my voice was the last thing I needed. Also the whole situation of our relationship getting revealed didn't help anything either.

Snapping my mouth shut I stared at the group of boys that were standing around me. Haechan took in a sharp breath before beginning to drag Johnny out of the room.

"Well that is not good. Here take this and be careful it's really hot." Mark mumbled while handing me a takeout container of soup.

Immediately the warmth of the broth seemed to help the small grade fever I was still experiencing. Out of habit I tried to open my mouth and thank him but again nothing came out.

"Don't try and talk okay? I don't need you getting any worse." he spoke with a sad smile lacing his face.

Nodding my head with a small pout, I looked down at the chicken noodle soup sitting in my hands. It looked absolutely delicious, I just hoped that I could keep it down. Seeing a spoon being held out in front of me I looked back up, "Here's a spoon for you, instead of just staring at it." Mark chuckled.

My eyes squinted up at him before beginning to open the container of chicken noodle soup. When the first wave of the broth hit the sour part of my throat I took in a slight sharp breath. It felt good after a few seconds but the initial feeling did not feel good at all.

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** time skip **

Mark and I had been watching movies in his room for a while when all of a sudden his phone started to ring. It was around five o'clock in the afternoon so I have no clue who would be calling him right now. Unless it was someone from management?

He pulled his arm around my shoulders, leaning forward to grab this phone and quickly placed it up to his ear. Automatically his eyes widened before he pulled his phone away and placed the call on speaker.

"I'm assuming that I'm on speaker now. Now, Mark and Brooklyn both of our companies have decided that we will release the statement tomorrow morning. Both of you will make a post on your personal Instagram's confirming, and then that will be that for now." the man I assumed was Mark's manager spoke sternly.

I mean we didn't really get a choice but from what I heard it all sounded fine. The best outcome that we could have had I guess.

Mark looked over towards me with a slightly raised brow, hurriedly nodding my head he turned back towards the phone, "Uh, yeah, yeah, we both agree to that. Brooklyn is here with me right now but she lost her voice." he quickly explained and agreed to the announcement plans.

"Well great, we will write up the statement and post it first thing tomorrow morning. Please try to coordinate the times you both post. Goodbye." his manager spoke before ending the call abruptly.

Looking directly at him as he turned around and stared at me with a small smile. I was so happy that he was smiling. He was happy. This was happening so quickly but I was happy.

"So this is really happening, huh?" Mark breathed out with a small laugh.

Not being able to speak even a single word, I nodded my head slowly. We were on the same page about everything so far and I hoped it stayed that way for a long, long time.

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a/n: what are we feeling?????

𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐀𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐄 - mark leeWhere stories live. Discover now