special one

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a/n: a  little special chapter for you guys :)) 

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** Brooklyn's pov **

This was incredibly ironic.

Here I was standing in the M Countdown bathroom with a completely life changing secret. Something that could possibly destroy the group.

A heavy knock erupted from the single bathroom door jolting my shoulders up and almost making me drop my phone. Seconds passed before the person on the other side cleared their throat, "Brook? We need to go on stage in a few minutes." my manager spoke calmly.

They had been the only person I had told. Absolutely no one else knew, not even Mark.

Taking a deep breath in, I wiped my hands off on my jeans before opening the bathroom door with an utterly fake smile, "Sorry. Are all of the girls ready?" I questioned quickly falling back into my leader role.

He nodded his head before continuing to stay quiet but I could feel his eyes travel back and forth between me and the area in front of us. I could tell that he wanted to ask about everything but didn't want to actually say it out loud.

"The results were positive." is all I said before hurrying into the dressing room.

Chaewon was the first one to notice my presence back into the room, "You're back! Girl you just like disappeared!" she yelled in relief whilst coming over and hugging me.

I shook my head, "I really wasn't gone that long, but we really need to get going to the stage, alright?" I announced to the room catching the attention of the rest of the girls.

We were lucky enough to be promoting our newest comeback on our debut anniversary. Something that I could even begin to process was that Le Sserafim was hitting the nine year mark. But also the fact that I had been in the industry for about fifteen years already.

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Getting backstage after doing a full out performance five different times coupled with multiple singles shots for the endings or certain killing parts, I was completely exhausted. Ever since I found out I had realized why I had been getting so exhausted by the end of the day.

Sitting down in one of the makeup chairs I started the process of taking out the hair accessories that were put in for the performance. About a few seconds of struggling with a certain butterfly clip getting tangled in my hair there were hands enveloping mine and gently helping me take it out. Looking up through the mirror I wasn't surprised when I saw that it was Yunjin.

"You were about to rip about half of your hair, girl." she laughed quietly.

"Thank you." I mumbled before leaning back into the chair even more, "I am just so ready to get home already.".

A small teasing smirk erupted onto her face, "Oh I'm sure you are. With your husband finally on a small break and all." Yunjin smirked.

Now that I was used to. Ever since we had moved in together, and then eventually got married, the teasing only grew. It was the typical teasing from sisters.

"Not even that, I am just so tired beca-" I slammed my mouth shut.

Jinni stopped running her hands through my hair and looked at me with wide eyes. If there was anyone who could read my mind the most in the group, it would be the woman behind me. For some weird reason we seemed to be on the same wavelength when it came to trying to keep something a secret.

𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐀𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐄 - mark leeWhere stories live. Discover now