ʚ chapter thirteen ɞ

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a/n: a little bit of a shorter chapter but i still hope you guys enjoy !!

(above is her outfit for the chapter)

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** Brooklyn's pov **

The final mixing and mastering was a couple of days ago leaving us with a completed song. Something that I was excited for is that I was getting to work with a new choreographer.

It was a little bit later in the day as the sun was already setting but it was the only time we both had available today to start the learning process. Me and the members had been at a meeting for the majority of the day, before we were able to go home for dinner.

After dinner while the girls went to bed or hung out in the dorm somewhere, I had to get ready again to go learn the start of the choreography.

"Be careful tonight alright?" Chaewon said to me right as I was walking out of my room.

Smiling at her while slipping a black face mask onto my ears I nodded, "Of course, don't worry about me Chae-Chae!" I spoke.

Chaewon walked over and gave me a tight hug, "How are you having a solo release and preparing for our next project?" her voice muttered concerned.

Don't get me wrong, all of the girls and I were close, but me and Chaewon were just closer than the rest. Maybe it had to do with the fact that we were both the leaders I really don't know. If there was something bothering one of us we would go to the other first before anybody else.

Patting the top of her head I sighed, "I promise that I am okay, alright?" she nodded her head, "Now go watch whatever movie you were watching and relax." I told her while reaching for the door handle.

The summer heat was absolutely killing me and my asthma right now. I had been keeping my normal inhaler and even my backup inhaler with me at all times.

Jumping in the company car that was waiting for me outside the front of our dorm building, I reached for my phone. I hadn't really had time to check it all day so I was sure that there were multiple unanswered texts on it.

I had been texting my GFRIEND members about my comeback process so far and about how Yerin was having a solo comeback as well in a couple of weeks. We both were complaining about how busy we are and joking about the shared exhaustion.

After about ten minutes we were already at the company building and I was getting rushed off towards the practice room. The sounds of my completely worn in pair of converse squeaking against the tile floor up until we reached the carpet.

Taking a deep breath before I took the final plunge and pushed myself into the smaller practice room. Well smaller than the Le Sserafim practice room that is. Seeing a slightly older woman standing in the center of the room with a bright smile on her face, "Welcome Brooklyn-ah! Sorry for such a late scheduling!" Rian exclaimed while moving towards me.

Bowing lightly with an excited smile, "It's okay! I was so excited to actually start learning the choreography after watching the demo video the other day!" I smiled back at her.

Taking off my face mask and setting down my purse against the mirror in the front of the room. A couple of days ago I had gotten the demo video and fell in love with the choreography that she had created.

I had gotten in contact with Rian through my friend Chungha as she is her usual choreographer for her comebacks.

Quickly we started stretching and getting used to each other's personalities. We both warmed to each other pretty quickly and had already started making jokes and laughing during the learning process.

"Wow! You picked that up really fast!" Rian announced loudly while throwing her hands up in the air.

Laughing at her from my seated position on the floor, "The ten years of training really come in handy when I'm learning new dances and stuff for comebacks." I mentioned with a small grin.

Rian nodded her head while following along and sitting down on the floor, "Does that ever feel weird?" I tilted my head in confusion, "Like- You were in a completely different group and then all of a sudden you were thrusted into this one." the woman further explained.

A little bit of shock made its way to my eyes before I could try to stop it. Immediately she tried to start apologizing for bringing it up. Shaking my head, "No, no, don't worry about it!" I quickly rambled out a statement of reassurance.

Tucking a loose strand of hair back into its rightful spot I sighed, "Nobody really talks about my first group anymore. Even though I've been with the girls for over a year now I still think about my GFRIEND members every single day." releasing a shaky breath as my back slouched.

Her head nodded along as she listened to me talk, "I mean these girls are already like family to me. But- god I hate saying 'but'- but the GFRIEND members raised me. Coming from Canada at barely fourteen-years-old and being the youngest trainee was something that I'll never be able to replace." I spoke with slightly teary eyes.

I hated crying.

For the next hour me and Rian sat on the floor of the practice room and just talked to each other about things. Mainly our experience in our careers, but we also talked about life. She gave me plenty of advice on things like sticking up for myself and how I shouldn't just give up on having a life outside of being an idol.

It felt nice to have somebody who was just talking to me like a human and not just another idol who needed to fit this image.

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a/n: brooklyn starting her next solo project !!

also this story might not 100% follow le sserafim's activities because there is just so many, the same with nct and mark because that would probably make them never be able to see each other !!

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