ʚ chapter twenty five ɞ

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a/n: sorry for not uploading for a long time :( life has been crazy

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** Mark's pov **

Waking up and seeing my phone completely flooded with notifications from different friends and more importantly my mother.

What had happened?

Deciding my mother's messages were more important I clicked on her profile and immediately started reading. Almost all of them were about Brooklyn and something about her being sick again. Worry started settling in quickly when I realized that she was meant to be performing whilst still recovering from being terribly sick.

"Oh god." I muttered while flinging myself into an upright position.

"Come on, pick up, pick up." whispering to myself while I clicked on Brooke's contact. She should be awake technically with it being in the afternoon in Los Angeles.

"Hello? Mark?" her voice flooded out of my speakers and instantly started to calm down my nerves.

A hand ran through my tangled hair, "Do you know how much you just scared me right now? What are you doing to me?" my voice still very heavy and full of sleep.

There was movement in the background before I was suddenly getting a facetime call from her. Squinting my eyes slightly before pressing the accept button I was not expecting to be met with a completely different face staring back at me.

I immediately recognized her as one of Brooklyn's group members, Yunjin, I think it was. She was staring at me with a harsh look on her face before she smiled at me, "Hello sunbae!" her voice erupted quickly.

Bowing my head slightly towards her, "Ah! Hello! I-I can call back if you guys are busy?" I hurried out not knowing if I was interrupting some schedule that they had.

Brooklyn was quick to shake her head, "No, no, it's okay! Me and the girls were just talking about our MAMA performance. How unfair it is!" I watched as her eyes squinted towards her member next to her.

Unfair? I mean from my experience there was always going to be certain members that got more screen time than others. Of course no one really liked it, but that was just how the industry was.

"It is not unfair! You're one of our leaders, you have to have a big part of our performance!" Yunjin exclaimed before going back onto her phone.

A small chuckle left my lips before I tilted my head, "So how big is this part in your guy's MAMA?" I asked her, curious if it was actually as big as it seemed.

When the small pout formed on her bottom lip I couldn't help but slowly reach up to take a brief screen shot. Thankfully she didn't notice or else I would have gotten an immediate scolding for me needing to delete it.

"I start off the performance and I just have a lot more solo moments than the other girls do. No matter what I say to the managers they won't distribute the parts more evenly." my head nodded along to every word she was saying, "Like- I just feel like it is because of me being in GFRIEND not because I am one of the leaders of Le Sserafim." her words were heavy with frustration.

I couldn't imagine how she was feeling right now. After I left the dreamies was the only time that I could somewhat compare her situation to mine. She was in her group for way longer than I was and she was the youngest member.

Letting out a long sigh, "Nah, I think they want you to have big parts because you're an amazing performer." there was a loud bang outside of my door right when I finished talking.


Brooklyn's eyebrows raised and couldn't help but start laughing, "You gotta go, huh?" she asked with a slight smirk.

"Sadly. I-uh I love you." my entire body felt like it was on fire at the words that streamed out of my mouth.

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** Brooklyn's pov **

"Sadly. I-uh I love you."

My entire body felt flushed when my brain finally processed what he had said through the phone. Yunjin's body froze next to me completely and stopped scrolling away on her phone screen. Taking a sharp breath I tried to desperately calm down my nerves.

"I love you too." I spoke with a smile.

We both waved goodbye to each other before he ended the call and probably went to go see who called his name.

As soon as my phone hit the mattress we both were laying on, Jenni turned towards me and started slapping my arm, "You guys are so cute!" she practically was squealing at this point.

Rolling away from her, "Ow!" I yelled out trying my best to get away from her swinging hands, "Can you stop hitting me please?!" my voice carried through the hotel room.

Her bright smile turned quickly into a serious tight lipped grin, "I'm serious Bei, there is a lot of stress with this job and every time I see you guys together it doesn't seem like it affects you guys. After everything you've both been through to get where you are now." Yunjin's words sat heavy on my mind.

I guess she was right. Every time I was with or talking to Mark on the phone the daily stresses seemed to just melt away for the time being. Hopefully I did the same for him.

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a/n: thank you for the support on this story, i genuinely wasn't expecting it

𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐀𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐄 - mark leeWhere stories live. Discover now