Chapter four:An argument to start our morning

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Freshman year for me was definitely an eye opener and I'm glad it's over.

Stiles woke up to the sun glaring in his eyes, he sat up to find Derek still asleep under the blankets. The only thing he could see was the black tuff of hair Derek's sticking out of the blanket and the outline of Derek's body. Stiles slipped out of bed careful not to wake the sleeping wolf.

The house was still completely silent, Stiles opened up the door and stepped out into the hallway. The entire beach house was bright and clean and Stiles just couldn't get enough of it. He walked into the kitchen and checked the refrigerator it was fully stocked to his surprise. He grabbed eggs and cheese from the fridge and shut it.

Without even thinking about it he started making himself a cheese omelette, it was the first official day of summer and Stiles felt like a heavy weight was lifted off his chest. He flipped the egg with the cheese already inside it so that it could fold over and look like a legit omelette. While the egg cooked he went back into his and Derek's room and brushed his teeth in their bathroom quickly so that he wouldn't accidentally burn his breakfast.

He rushed out only to see Derek sitting up on the bed. He let out a yelp before falling on his butt. Derek glared at him his hair tossled from sleep and his eyes squinted. Stiles rubbed at his swore behind obviously displeased with Derek scarring the crap out of him, he got up and walked out the room without another look from Derek.

He saved his omelette in time and slid it on a plate shutting off the stove and grabbing a fork. He plopped down onto the couch and turned on the tv, Stiles started flicking through channels to see if he could find anything interesting before he started eating.

Derek trudged out of their bedroom and started to fiddle with the coffee maker not that Stiles was paying attention. Stiles had found the perfect channel that was marathoning doctor who he ate and watched his show without a look back at Derek. It was giving all of the tenth doctor's episodes and the tenth doctor just so happened to be Stiles' favorite doctor. Derek sat besides Stiles his eyes half shut from drowsiness, and Stiles didn't want to admit that the annoying growly wolf looked adorable half asleep.

"The ninth doctor is better." Derek yawned rubbing at his eyes.

"What the hell? No." Stiles tried to grasp why the hell Derek thought that his eyebrows now furrowed.

"If it weren't for him there wouldn't be a ten, eleven, or twelve." Derek spoke gruffly running his fingers through his messy hair.

"That's complete bull, they still would have done the show just made his life span shorter." Stiles turned so that he was know facing Derek his plate on his lap.

"Now that's complete bull! If his life span was shorter they probably wouldn't have casted David tennant." They were full on arguing now their voices growing louder by the minute.

"David tennant would've snatched that role anyways no matter the time." Stiles threw up his arms while he rolled his eyes.

"Bullshit and we both know it!" Derek's face screwed up.

"You're mad cause you know I'm right." Stiles took a bite of his omelette.

"I'm mad because I'm talking to you before I've had my morning coffee." Derek growled charging off the couch and stomping into the kitchen.

Stiles stuck his tongue out at Derek's retreating back feeling the satisfaction of winning. He continued to watch his show and eat his omelette he was glad he made his point. Derek sat back down by him a coffee mug in his hand, Stiles could tell just by the look in Derek's eyes he was still thinking about their debate.

Allison trudged into the room in pajama shorts and a big shirt, her hair was in a sloppy bun and her socks had bright purple strips on them. She let out a yawn before plopping into one of the arm chairs and looking up at the tv without saying a word. Stiles watched her for a couple of seconds before shrugging her off and going back to think about what he and Derek just spoke or more like yelled about.

"Why are you two yelling so early in the morning?" Allison looked at them with a fresh frown on her face.

"Because Derek won't admit-"

"Because Stiles is annoying." Derek interrupted Stiles glowering at him.

Stiles stared at him with bugged eyes, it was as if Derek didn't want them to know that he was a nerd just like Stiles. Then it dawned on Stiles that he really didn't want them to know, he was showing Stiles a side of him no one else in the pack has seen. Stiles didn't know if he should've felt flattered or annoyed.

Allison let out a sigh before resting her head back, not to soon the others started to lounge lazily around the living room as well. Leaving Stiles to think about Derek and how he really was. Stiles didn't know if this changed how he felt about Derek but it definitely changed something between them. Stiles gave Derek one last once over before finally putting his mind at rest with the whole Derek situation.

For now all he had to worry about was surviving the summer with the pack in one house.

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