Chapter Eleven: We Love you

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I had to wake up at four AM just to get to school 6:30 AM to get ten service learning hours.

Scott looked at Stiles from the side of his eyes, Stiles sat in the passenger side of Derek's SUV the radio filling the silence. Scott sighed lowering the volume of the radio getting a complaint from stiles who was about to put it back up.

"That's my favorite song." Stiles whined.

"Can we just talk." Scott finally spoke up.

"About what?" Stiles kept his eyes on the road his jaw set he knew this would come sooner or later.

"About what ever is bugging you." Scott sighed, "you've barely spoken to me this entire trip."

"Nothings bugging me, Scott." Stiles bluntly lied looking ahead.

"Stiles I've been your best friend since first grade." Scott rolled his eyes, "wolf powers or not I know when you are lying."

Stiles bit his lip and sighed, "Scott, I just don't feel like talking about it."

"But I miss my best friend tell me what i can do to make it right." Scott gives Stiles puppy dog eyes.

"I just don't feel like I'm part of the pack." Stiles admitted his neck during red with a blush.

"What? You're like the most valuable member in the pack, Stiles." Scott reassured him with a smile.

"It sure doesn't seem that way." Stiles grumbled under his breath.

Scott's eyebrows shot up at the remark. He had never seen Stiles act so unhappy about the pack, he thought Stiles enjoyed being with the pack. Scott looked as if he was going to say something but found himself speechless. Stiles scoffed and continued looking out the window putting the stereo volume back up.

"Stiles am I going to have to pull over so we can discuss this." Scott asked his eyebrows raised.

"I don't know dad that's up to you." Stiles muttered sarcastically causing Scott to immediately pull to the side of the road shutting the car off.

"What's up with you...I mean I don't understand why you don't feel like you're part of the pack." Scott leaned so that he was facing Stiles.

Stiles crossed his arms over his chest stubbornly even though he felt as if there was a rock in his throat. Scott watched Stiles for a good minute before signing and rubbing at his face. Stiles looked ahead, his cheeks turning red.

"Stiles." Scott pleaded.

"Fine! You want to know why I feel like I'm not part of the pack...because all year Jackson has made my life hell, Isaac and Erica don't even talk to me, Lydia hates me for no reason and she only tolerates me, you've been stuck up Allison's ass, and Derek used to hate my guts!" Stiles' face turns bright red.

"Hold up! What?" Scott gaped at his best friend.


"Stiles we all love you." Scott spoke softly barely above a whisper.

"What?" Stiles felt his heart skip a beat.

"For three months I've been trying to convince Derek to tell you how he has a stupid crush on you..three months of him pining. Lydia was upset at first seeing that she would no longer have a dorky boy chasing after her once Derek confessed his feelings. Allison and I were helping Derek plan this big special date for you two, and in the process we made up. Isaac and Erica weren't talking to you because they suck at hiding surprises." Scott smiled softly, "We just wanted you to be happy, bro."

Stiles felt his upper body warm with a blush, ""

"Those lame excuses we gave you. Yeah we were actually planning the date for you." Scott patted Stiles's shoulder.


"And Jackson will be meeting my fist when we get back..I honestly didn't know he was tormenting you."

"I..I'm speechless." Stiles was still staring ahead.

"Can we have our bro day now?" Scott smiled.


"Good." Scott started the car with a goofy grin.


When Scott and Stiles returned home the smell of food wafted into their noses and Scott instantly rushed to the kitchen Stiles on his tail. To their surprise Derek was cooking along with Lydia and Isaac, Derek dropped something into the frying pan completely oblivious towards Scott and Stiles's presence.

Stiles instantly went behind Derek and hugged his waist causing Derek to jump at the sudden contact. Stiles nuzzled his face on Derek's back. Derek instantly relaxed and started cooking once again, Lydia watched with a sweet smile on her face and Scott leaned against the kitchen counter glad to see his best friend finally happy. Isaac dragged Lydia and Scott out the kitchen giving Stiles and Derek alone time.

"How was your day?" Derek hummed.

"Great." Stiles grinned lighting his head up.

Derek turned so that he was facing Stiles, "yeah? What did you guys do?"

"Watch a movie, grab frozen yogurt, walk around the mall." Stiles shrugged.

"That's it?" Derek raised an eyebrow and Stiles bit back an excited grin.

"No we talked."


"The pack, ya know the usual." Stiles hummed.

Derek wasn't catching on but that made it even more enjoyable for Stiles as he watched how Derek took in his words. Derek looked at Stiles confusion in his bright hazel eyes, Stiles only tightened his grip on Derek's waist. The alpha still wasn't catching on as he thought about how to take in Stiles's words.

"I'm lost." Derek finally admitted.

"I can tell." Stiles chuckled.

"What were you guys talking about besides the pack?"

"Mmm...nothing." Stiles grinned bringing Derek's face down to his to give him a soft kiss on the lips.

Derek's eyes fluttered shut and he deepened the kiss enjoying every second of it. Stiles let out a soft snicker causing Derek to pull away with an annoyed expression on his face. Stiles bit his lip holding back his laughter.

"What's so funny?!" Derek groaned.

"Nothing I promise." Stiles brought his lips back onto Derek's and Derek complied once again kissing him back.

"Three months." Stiles murmured into their kiss making Derek freeze.

Derek's entire face turned bright red and he backed away embarrassed.

"Its cute really." Stiles snickered as Derek got out of his hold trying to act as if he was busy cooking.

"Shut up." Derek muttered.

"Aw, you had a crush on me." Stiles cooed.

"Stiles." Derek growled.

"Derek." Stiles chimed at the blushing wolf, "you're adorable."

"im going to murder you."

"you love me too much." Stiles gloated.

"You're right."

"Wait! What?!"

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