Chapter Twelve: You love me for it

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I'm like thirsty to join boxing club tbh.

Stiles felt himself become fidgety as he sat by Derek on the couch while the entire pack watched a movie. Stiles kept thinking about how Derek confessed his love which made butterflies erupt in Stiles's belly causing him to fidget in his seat. Derek didn't seem to be bothered by Stiles's constant movement, he sat quietly watching the movie his arm resting on Stiles's shoulders.

Scott was on Stiles's other side Allison cuddled up on his lap, he tossed Stiles an annoyed glare before looking back at the movie trying his best to ignore the constant movement on the couch. Lydia, Jackson, Erica, and Isaac all sat on the floor bundled up in blankets with a bowl of popcorn. Of course the other four on the couch had some only Scott was hogging it and Derek claimed he didn't want any.

The movie credits rolled in and Stiles let out a sigh of relief eager to talk to Derek. Lydia turned on the lights and everyone had gotten up from their seats, Allison let out a soft yawn before stretching. Scott placed the popcorn on the coffee table that was pushed aside so that the others could sit on the floor, Derek slowly got up making sure that Stiles was okay with him moving.

"Well I'm beat so I'm gonna go to bed." Jackson stood up with a cocky smirk suddenly reminding Scott about his and Stiles's conversation earlier that day.

"Oh! Jackson I have something for you." Scott smiled sweetly at the jock.

"What's that McCall?" Jackson rolled his eyes.

"This." Scott drew back his fist and punched Jackson square in the face.

Jackson fell to the ground clutching onto his broken nose blood leaking out of one of his nostrils. Scott gave Stiles a curt nod before walking off to his room, Allison chased after him questions flooding out of her mouth, Lydia instantly went to her boyfriend's side checking to see if he was okay. Erica and Isaac were laughing along with Stiles who couldn't stop grinning. Derek only shook his head grabbing Stiles's hand and dragging him back to their room.

Derek shut the door behind them locking it, Stiles sat on the bed watching Derek. Stiles kept replaying the events from early the subtle way Derek had confessed his love to Stiles. Stiles grinned a dopey little grin biting his lip. Derek looked back and raised an eyebrow at Stiles who was still smiling.

"What's with the cute smile." Derek stuffed his hands in his pockets hesitantly making his way towards the teen.

"You love me." Stiles chimed and Derek's cheeks turned bright red.

"Shut up." Derek shoved him making him fall back onto the bed.

"Its adorable really, the big bad alpha in love with a dorky teenager." Stiles chuckled and Derek rolled into bed resting his head on Stiles's stomach.

"Stiles I'll bite you." Derek muttered.

"Thats kinky." Stiles smirked making the tips of Derek's ears turn bright red.

Derek bit Stiles's arm softly and Stiles let out a surprised yell. He shoved Derek off of his stomach glaring at him with an annoyed eye roll. Derek laughed and rolled onto his back looking up at the ceiling. Stiles straddled Derek looking down at him with a broad smile. Derek smiled back.

"Ya, know Derek...I think I love you to." Stiles rolled his hips.

Derek bit his lip holding in a moan. Stiles grinned at his reaction going down to kiss Derek's neck. Derek's eyes fluttered shut as he ran his hands through Stiles's hair. Stiles sucked on Derek's neck causing a bright red hickey to form on his skin. Derek let out a quiet gasp Stiles's hands traveling bellow his waist line.


The sun pooled into the bedroom the cover on the bed barely covering the boys. Stiles was practically sleeping under Derek the alpha barely even noticed Stiles but noticeably wasn't crushing him. Derek's eyes fluttered open.

Stiles's back was bare his lower body barely covered by the sheets. Derek started tiredly tracing Stiles moles on his back getting a slight reaction from the boy. Stiles mumbled something about not stopping and I love you. Derek grinned even though Stiles's talking was muffled by the pillow.

"Good morning." Derek kissed Stiles's shoulder.

"Morning." Stiles yawned turning so that he was now looking at Derek.

Stiles looked at Derek's neck and let a wide smile spread across his face dark purple hickeys were all over Derek's neck barely healing. Stiles kissed Derek before sitting up on the bed watching as Derek's behind became exposed with his movement. Derek scowled at a grinning Stiles, Stiles poked Derek's butt before getting up and dragging the cover with him. Derek muttered a complaint, becoming cold.

"Sorry but the bathroom is always cold in the morning." Stiles chuckled.

Derek got off of bed and grabbed a pair of joggers from his dresser without underwear. Derek scowled at Stiles ripping the blanket off the lanky boy, Stiles let out a yelp the cold air hitting him. Derek smacked Stiles butt before beating him to the bathroom.

"Better luck next time." Derek laughed shutting the door behind him.

"You asshole." Stiles called out.

"But you love me for it."


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