Chapter Sixteen: Memory Lane Is The Worst Lane

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Fun fact about moi, I'm 5'3.

Music thumped from all corners of the house, people swayed to the music some drunk others not so much. Conversations filled the room some overlapping others. The lights were dim the light from the moon illuminating the house, Stiles clutched his beer as everyone around him enjoyed the party.

He felt out of his element everyone around him was older, and by older he meant college students. Isaac of course got his flirt on, Jackson and Scott started talking to some other guys about football, Derek was catching up with a group of old friends, and Stiles stood in a corner drinking his beer. This is why he only went to Lydia's parties because he knew who was going to be there and he'd have something to do while he was there.

Stiles sighed running out of his second cup of beer, he was determining whether or not he should get a third cup when a ginger guy with bright blue eyes walked up to him grinning. Stiles instantly thought about where Derek was and then where Scott was. Something about this attractive guy was off but he couldn't quite pin it.

"Nic, is the name." The guy stuck out his hand still grinning.

"Funny how I didn't ask." Stiles snipped looking down at his empty cup definitely ready for a third cup.

"Oh you're one of those." Nic clicked his tongue at the teen.

"What?" Stiles didn't know what it was but this guy reminded him of a mixture of Peter and Jackson, cocky and creepy.

"You're a good looking antisocial person." Nic shrugged his grin dropping and his tone turning matter of factly.

"Wow, thanks." Stiles scoffed and walked past the guy.

"I didn't mean that in a bad way." Nic followed closely behind him.

"Calling someone antisocial isn't a compliment." Stiles pointed out walking into the kitchen where Derek stood talking to a bunch of guys.

Stiles made direct eye contact with Derek and then flicked his eyes Nic's direction and Derek instantly caught on. Derek excused himself from his buddies and made his way towards Stiles who calmed down at the attention of Derek. Nic hadn't quite caught onto what was happening.

"Okay, how bout I redeem myself and take you on a date?" Nic offered with a charming smile.

"He's not interested." Derek walked up to the two giving Nic his famous Hale glare.

"Let the guy talk for himself." Nic scowled at Derek even though there was a bit of fear in his eyes.

"It's Stiles, and no I'm not interested." Stiles looked at Derek who was smugly smirking at Nic.

"Are you sure I'm quite the catch." Nic wiggled his eyebrows.

"Look if my boyfriend doesn't want to be around you he doesn't want to be around you." Derek growled, "Now get lost."

Nic's eyebrows shot up and he instantly retreated from the couple. Stiles smiled at Derek taking his hand in a form of thanks to Derek. They stood there for a second before Derek pulled Stiles back to his old friends. Stiles got a couple of questioning looks from the bigger guys.

"Who's the kid?" The biggest buff guy in the group grunted.

"'The kid' is my boyfriend Stiles." Derek glared at the guy.

"Oh i didn't know you swung that way, buddy." One of the scrawny guys snorted.

"Both ways actually." Derek obviously became defensive Stiles gripping his hand to calm him.

"Lay off him Teddy, I'm Ricky." A blonde guy shook Stiles's hand.

"Brock." The biggest guy shook Stiles's hand also, gripping it so tightly that Stiles bit his lip holding back a squeak.

"I'm Stiles." He introduced himself with a smile his eyes wide with curiosity.

"These are my old football buddies from highschool." Derek offered and Stiles nodded, "Stiles is graduating Beacon Hills High this year."

"Wow Derek, really pushing the boundaries." Teddy bit back a smirk.

"I'm eighteen." Stiles rolled his eyes, "I'm only three years younger then you guys so it's no big deal."

"Kid has a point." Brock spoke into his cup taking another drink.

"You play football?" Ricky questioned.

"Lacrosse actually." Stiles could see that they were all holding back laughter.

"Times have changed my friends." Teddy was the obnoxious one, Stiles could tell.

"Anyway who's your coach?" Ricky glared at Teddy.

"Finstock." Stiles felt himself getting less and less interested in this conversation, all they were doing was judging him and he was getting very tired of it.

"Oh he was our coach!" Brock suddenly got excited, "is he still a pain in the ass?"

"Yeah, you know when he's not making snide comments." That got a chuckle out of the guys.

"Yeah, he favored Derek, he was super bummed when Derek left senior year." Ricky looked like he regretted the words right when they came out his mouth.

Everyone in the group got quiet and Stiles looked to see Derek totally calm about the entire slip up. In fact he was raising his eyebrow at his friend almost urging him to go on. Brock cleared his throat.

"Well yeah, that's just because Derek was the quarter back." Brock rolled his eyes.

"Really?" Stiles find himself intrigued once again.

"Yup he was our star player, cheerleaders wanted him, volleyball player, older women." Teddy elbowed Derek slightly.

"Oh yeah, whatever happen to that Kate chick?" Derek stiffened at her name.

"Bro, disrespectful." Brock pointed at Stiles who was already in the know but none of Derek's friend actually knew that.

"You didn't tell him about Kate?" Teddy questioned and Derek held back a growl.

"She was the one who committed my family's arson." Derek glared at Teddy, "Stiles's father is the sheriff he helped his dad figure it out."

Another silence filled the group, this time it was uncomfortable. Stiles decided he'd have to take matter into his own hands. He excused a fuming Derek and himself away from the group and lead Derek outside to go and get some well needed fresh air. Stiles let go of Derek's hand and watched as Derek picked up a rock and chucked it as far as he could into the ocean.

"You okay?" Stiles finally spoke.

The music was merely a background noise now, "I'm fine."

"I didn't ask if you were fine I asked if you were okay, there's a difference." Stiles caught Derek's wrist before he could storm of and turned him so that he was looking at Stiles.

"Yes I'm okay." Derek looked away from Stiles causing the younger boy to sigh.

"When people lie they find it hard to make eye contact." Stiles pointed out getting a glare from Derek.

"Thanks Mr. Smartypants." Derek muttered and Stiles smiled.

"Derek, Peter killed her it's over." Stiles cupped Derek's cheek softly.

"I know I just miss them." Derek whispered his hazel eyes glowing with despair.

"I know, babe." Stiles did his best to comfort the wolf, "Let's go home."

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