Chapter Nine:You Scream, I scream, We all Scream for Ice Cream

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The fact that I love writing this story makes everything so much easier honestly.

Lydia sat by Stiles on the sand watching him while he boredly scrolled through his phone ignoring everyone around him. Since they didn't go to the mall they settled for the beach once again. Derek was on the other side of Stiles reading a book a good length of space between the two. Ever so often one of the two would steal a glance at each other but nothing more. Lydia was really starting to feel disappointed in the two for not expressing their feelings for one another.

"Hey Derek can you pass me the sunscreen?" Lydia questioned with a smile.

Derek sighed but grabbed the sunscreen leaning over Stiles to hand it to her. Lydia grinned Stiles holding his breath while Derek hovered over him to reach Lydia. She grabbed it without a word seeing the blush on Stiles' cheeks was gold to her.

"Well, I'm gonna two have fun!" Lydia stood up and walked to where Jackson was sitting.

Stiles let out a sigh of relief giving Derek an annoyed frown, Derek understood why Stiles was annoyed cause he was too. They sat in silence once again Derek going back to his book and Stiles started mindlessly scrolling through his phone again. From the distance Lydia was fuming she thought that if she had left them alone they would interact more, they were both too stubborn.

"Wanna go get ice cream?" Stiles sighed locking his phone and looking at Derek who had shut his book.

"Anything to get away from them." Derek seethed at the rest of the pack who seemed as if they weren't trying to listen in on Stiles and Derek's conversation. 

They both stood up and caught Lydia's attention quite easily. Erica and Isaac were also watching them though they tried to play it off as if they were too busy building a sand castle to see what Stiles and Derek were doing.

"Lydia, can you watch our stuff?" Stiles questioned stuffing his hands in his trunk pockets.

"Yeah, how long will you be gone?" She had a mischievous smile on her face.

"Not long." Derek glared at her and she returned his glare with an innocent smile.

"Okay, take as long as you need." Erica chimed in winking at Stiles.

Derek and Stiles walked off without saying anything else to the others. Once they were completely clear of the pack Derek wrapped his arm around Stiles, waist and Stiles melted into Derek's touch. They walked in silence the ice cream stand not too far away from them.

"So...?" Stiles mumbled gaining an eyebrow raise from Derek, "What are we?"

"People." Derek gave Stiles an amused grin.

"Derek, you know what I mean." Stiles sighed.

"Whatever you want us to be." Derek gripped Stiles tighter giving him a genuine smile that he had never seen on Derek's face.

"Well it takes two to determine that." Stiles mumbled.

"Fine, Stiles would you like to be my boyfriend?" Derek caved in looking Stiles in the eyes.

"I-I mean yeah." Stiles sputtered looking at Derek with pink cheeks, "I just thought you wanted something less serious...not that I mind but still this-I'm okay with this you know me and you and-"

Derek cut off Stiles' nervous rambling with a gentle kiss on his lips, Stiles' eyes fluttered shut and he wrapped his arms around Derek's neck. They had stopped walking. Derek deepened the kiss and Stiles felt Derek's tongue at his bottom lip. He let him enter without a second thought.

Derek pulled away,"Let's go get that ice cream you wanted."

Stiles nodded speechless Derek took his hand and intertwined their fingers. They walked hand in hand to the ice cream stand. They stood in front Derek already knew what he was getting while Stiles scanned the menu. He finally decided what he wanted and they ordered their dessert. Stiles got a chocolate and vanilla swirl cone and Derek got a vanilla cone with colorful sprinkles.

Stiles raised an eyebrow at him, "Didn't think you were the type to get color sprinkles on your ice cream."

"I'm not all doom and gloom." Derek rolled his eyes.

Stiles was about to take out a five dollar bill but the guy at the stand stopped him. Derek gave the guy a curt nod taking the ice creams. He handed Stiles his cone without a word and they started walking away.

"We just stole ice cream."

"I know him, it was on the house." Derek smiled and started licking his cone.

Stiles looked away his cheeks tinting red, he focused on his own cone. It was Derek's turn to focus his attention else where trying his hardest not to notice how Stiles' tongue glided across the cone. They both looked away from each other obviously a little hot and bothered.

They could see the pack from where they had left them, Lydia was talking to Jackson about something he didn't seem interested about. Erica nudge Lydia and they both turned to see the two males coming back from their trip. Isaac rolled his eyes something Erica had said made him do it.

"Have fun?" Lydia raised an eyebrow at the two.

"All we did was get ice cream." Stiles shrugged.

"I thought Derek only enjoyed bitter coffee and sad children's tears." Jackson chuckled at his own joke.

"Funny." Derek spat taking a seat.

Stiles sat a couple of feet away from him and started conversation with Isaac who was more then willing to talk to him. It surprised Stiles how social the pack was being with him all of a sudden, they usually only talked to him if they needed him to research something for them. But he snatched up the opportunity to talk to Isaac in a heart beat feeling as if this was a once and a lifetime opportunity for him.

As they got more and more into conversation Stiles noticed a speck of ice cream on Derek's nose, it wasn't as noticeable as you would expect it to be but still Stiles saw it and thought it was kind of adorable. Finally Stiles started chuckling getting a confused look from Isaac. He signaled him to wait up almost ruining their conversation. Stiles scooted closer to Derek gaining his attention.

"What's up?" Derek muttered his eyebrows knitting together.

"Stay still." Was all Stiles said.

Derek complied staying still for Stiles. Stiles wiped away the ice cream almost holding his breath when he and Derek made eye contact. Lydia watched holding back am excited squeal along with Erica, Isaac and Jackson raised an eyebrow at each other finally believing Lydia and Erica about their suspicions of Derek and stiles being in a relationship. Stiles smiled at Derek and went back to talking to Isaac acting as if their encounter didn't even happen.

"Stiles are you and Derek-"

"Derek and I are what?" Stiles interrupted on purpose.

"You know...together?" Isaac spoke gently scared that he might set off Derek who was only a couple of feet away from him.


"On what?"

"On what your definition of together means."

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