Chapter Fifteen: A Day Without The Girls

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If you guys really think about it, if Sterek would've became canon on teen wolf in the earlier seasons the shows ratings would have been off the charts.

Stiles sat in a tanning chair besides Jackson and Scott, Scott continuously glared at Jackson when he looked at Stiles. Derek was playing beach volleyball ball with Isaac who kept unintentionally hitting Derek on the head with the blown up ball. Derek scowled at Isaac throwing the ball at him with so much force it almost popped. But Isaac seemed unphased in fact he was laughing the entire time as Derek got more and more aggravated.

The girls were all at the mall leaving the guys to entertain themselves for the day. Jackson sighed rolling his neck and standing up. Stiles watched him as did Scott but Scott looked ready to pounce on him if he tried something funny. Stiles shrugged and looked back at the increasingly violent volleyball game.

"I'm going to go buy water." Jackson announced before slipping on his flip-flops.

"Okay." Was all Isaac said as they watched him walk away.

Derek took this as an opportunity to throw wet sand at Isaac's back. It hit him with a loud smack and he hissed in pain. Derek gave him a satisfied smirk wiping the remaining sand on his trunks. Isaac grabbed a bigger chunk of sand compared to the one Derek had a minute ago and chucked it at Derek's head getting sand all in Derek's hair. Derek growled grabbing more sand.

"Hey! knock it off you two." Stiles spoke like a true pack momma glaring at both of them.

Derek muttered an apology dropping the sand he had in his hands along with Isaac who kicked at the sand. They went back to playing their game without the violence from before. Stiles smiled to himself and sat up taking a drink of his lemonade. Jackson returned chugging his water bottle and sighing as he drank half of it.

Stiles looked over at Scott who was playing a game on his phone, "So what are you gonna do when you get back home? I mean we only have maybe two weeks or less here."

"Man, I don't even want to think about it." Scott shook his head, "work mostly maybe just hang with you and Allison."

"So just the same old same old." Stiles sighed.

"That is if you're not too busy fucking Derek." Scott shrugged casually.

Derek tripped over his footing hearing the words come out of Scott's mouth from where he stood. Isaac busted into giggles watching Derek's entire neck heat up with a bright blush. Stiles almost spilled his drink laughing nervously.

"You really don't have a filter do you?" Stiles glared at Scott.

"Allison is his filter." Isaac chimes in getting a look from both Stiles and Scott.

"I say it like it is, brotha." Scott grinned patting Stiles's knee.

"Well say it a little quieter next time, look how embarrassed Derek is." Stiles whispered to Scott who bit back laughter.

"Will do." Scott clicked his tongue watching Derek recover from his embarrassment.

Derek had given up on the game and took a seat by Stiles's feet on the tanning chair. Stiles gave him a smile offering him lemonade with a small wiggle of his class, Derek took it with a quiet thanks. Jackson returned taking a seat on his chair sipping on something fruity looking rather than water. Jackson grinned at the four putting back on his sun glasses taking another gulp of his drink.

"I thought you said you were getting water." Isaac plopped on the sand near Scott.

"I got a drink an actual drink because I haven't had any type of liquor since we got here." Jackson pointed out.

"How'd you get away with that?" Scott spoke with disdain giving Jackson his best 'fuck you' face.

"A fake I.D." Jackson shrugged, "And my amazing charm."

Stiles let out a loud scoff at that discreetly playing with Derek's hair. Jackson glared at him about to say something when Scott sat up straight almost like a guard dog. Jackson rolled his eyes behind his sun glasses looking away from Stiles. Derek scooted closer to Stiles and Stiles took that as a sign to bring him in for a kiss.

"I think I'm gonna be sick." Isaac joked rolling onto his back.

Stiles pulled away sticking his tongue out at Isaac. Isaac let out a small laugh sitting back up, Derek only ran his fingers over the moles on Stiles's arms. Jackson watched them gulping the last of his drink. Derek's phone chirped and he grabbed it opening up a text message. He grinned as he replied to it.

"What's up?" Stiles looked secretly at Derek's phone.

"Do you guys want to go to a beach party?" Derek looked up from his text.

"Sign me the fuck up!" Isaac stood up with an excited smile.

Night had fallen and the girls had told the guys they were staying at a motel for the night so they could go somewhere else in the morning and return the next day in the afternoon. Derek had decided that all the guys would head to a party just for the heck of it. So they decided to go and get ready.

"Should I just wear trunks?" Stiles hummed looking through his dresser.

"Stiles, it's a party." Derek gave him a look as he wiggled into his jeans.

"Derek, it's a beach party." Stiles sighed.

"I really don't think anyone is gonna wear trunks, just cause it's inside a house and you know at night." Derek looked back at him with a smile.

"Fine, fine, I'll wear pants." Stiles grumbled pulling out a pair of blue jeans.

"What do you have against pants?" Derek slipped on a plain white shirt with a colorful pocket.

"Well it's the summer and I get hot easily." Stiles pulled on his pants sighing as he buttoned them.

"Sti, if you wanna wear trunks go ahead." Derek smiled at Stiles his dimples showing, "just bring those jeans just in case you get cold or spill something on your trunks."

"It's too late now, I already put them on." Stiles hummed grabbing a shirt.

Derek shrugged grabbing his gym shoes, Stiles watched something about Derek looked different. Derek sat down on the bed and slipped on both shoes as Stiles stood in front of him and inspected him closely. Derek looked up with an eyebrow raised.

"Uh, yes?" Derek sat up straight.

"Somethings off about you." Styles stepped back and looked at Derek with squinted eyes.


"I don't know." Stiles walked up to Derek again and cupped his face.

Derek watched him his eyes intense, he was waiting for Stiles's move. Stiles grinned as he figured out what was the problem. He lowered himself to Derek's level and planted a heated kiss on Derek's lips. Derek complied as Stiles ran his nimble fingers through Derek's hair. Stiles pulled away and kissed at Derek's jaw.

"Did you figure out what was wrong." Derek breathed his heart pounding in his ears.

"Your hair was too tamed." Stiles went down to his neck.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself Stiles we're leaving soon." Derek bit the inside of his cheek as Stiles sucked on his neck.

"You're no fun." Stiles whispered pulling away his eyes dark with lust.

"Later we can have all the fun we want." Derek stood up.

"Promise?" Stiles wrapped his arms around Derek's waist pulling him close.

"I promise."

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