Chapter Fourteen: You deserve happiness

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I hate being sick, I sound like an old smoker.

Derek noted the automatic change in Stiles's behavior, the way he walked, the way he talked. He wasn't himself, and Derek wanted to help him feel better he just didn't know how. So he waited until they were alone again. Stiles was on their bed reading a worn down looking book. Derek crawled besides him resting his head on Stiles's stomach as a sign of affection.

Stiles would usually shut the book and play with Derek's hair but this time he didn't he just kept reading. Derek let out a low rumbly whine indicating he did not like being ignored. Stiles sighed and shut his book still not touching Derek's hair.

"Am I a terrible person?" Stiles whispered gaining Derek's attention the minute he spoke.

"Of course not." Derek turned so that he was facing Stiles, "Why would you even think that?"

"I just think I'm being selfish shaming my dad for dating again when I'm doing the same thing here with you." Stiles shook his head expressing his inner turmoil.

"No you have every right to be upset... But I do think your father deserves some new type of happiness." Derek bit his lip, "he still loves your mom very much Stiles, no doubt about that but maybe he felt lonely."

"Like me..." Stiles breathed.

"What?" Derek barely caught what he said and now that he heard him he wanted a legit explanation.

"Before this happened.." Stiles waved his arms over the two of them. "I felt left out, like I wasn't part of the pack."

"Baby..." Derek started.

"I thought you hated me so I returned the feeling, then Scott was constantly leaving me for Allison which I soon later found out it was to help you but that's besides the point. Lydia never really acknowledged me...Jackson punched me like there was no tomorrow and Erica, Boyd, and Isaac barely spoke a word to me let alone a sentence." Stiles's cheeks were on fire as Derek listened to what he had to say.

"You felt neglected." Derek added.

"Yeah! Left out...I was just the human that tagged along I still am."

That seemed to have pissed Derek off, "You were never just the human, Stiles you were greater then that you still are."

"I sure don't feel like it." Stiles pouted and Derek sat up and brought Stiles up so that they were looking each other in the eye.

"Stiles, the only reason I developed feelings for you believe it or not was because you are an amazing person, you talk back to me when no one else does, you're fearless, you're smart, Stiles you're a catch and I'm lucky you even considered me." Derek seemed almost out of breath clutching Stiles's hands.


"Stiles, I love you because you're human, because you're you." Derek searched for something in Stiles's eyes that even looked like he considered that the truth.

"You don't understand how much I needed to hear that." Tears filled Stiles's eyes and Derek felt himself letting go a breath he didn't know he was holding.

Derek brought him close so that Stiles's head was in the crook of Derek's neck. They sat like this for what felt like hours. Derek just ran his hands through Stiles's hair mumbling  loving words to his mate.

"Derek Hale I love you." Stiles let out a shaky laugh.

"I love you too." Derek whispered.


Stiles woke up refreshed, Derek snored loudly besides him his face covered by his arm. Stiles smiled and climbed out of bed his pajamas sticking to his body. His movements didn't even make Derek stir, Stiles walked out of the room. He could hear someone in the living room watching TV in the living room.

Allison looked up from her spot a small tired smile on her face. Stiles returned it plopping in the spot right next to her. They sat in a comforting silence. Stiles had no idea what TV show she was watching but he decided to just roll with it. She let out a quiet yawn letting her hair fall on her face.

"How'd you sleep?" Stiles mumbled his voice deeper then usual.

Allison looked at him with wide eyes, "You sound so different after you wake up."

Stiles smiled, "You should hear Derek."

She let out a soft laugh, "I slept alright, thanks for asking."

"Well, I haven't talked to you much this trip."

"Yeah its been I wouldn't say hectic."

"Just divided."

"Yeah." She nodded biting her lip.

"I mean we all could hang out again today."

"That would be nice, but Lydia and Erica want to go to the mall today."

"Oh." Stiles frowned a bit.

"I mean everyone can join us no problem, but I don't think you guys want to lug around bags all day." Allison shrugged.

Derek walked into the living room his hair frazzled and his eyes half shut. He found Stiles and instantly sat by him and rested his head in Stiles's lap. Stiles smiled down at Derek before running his hands through the wolf's hair.

"How'd you sleep?" Stiles mumbled.

Derek let out a soft grunt causing Stiles to shake his head still smiling. Allison watched the two with a cheesy grin. She liked this side of both of them, Derek acting cuddly and Stiles being gentle. She only gave them quick glances not wanting to be obvious.

"Come back to bed." Derek grunted.

"No, I'll make breakfast." Stiles rubbed Derek's back.

"Mm, no." Derek slurred.

"Babe, do you want coffee?"

Derek perked up at that and sat up almost instantly. Stiles chuckled and got up from the couch Derek watching him go. Allison let out a soft giggle gaining Derek's attention. He raised an eyebrow at her and she only bit back a grin.

"What?" Derek crossed his arms over his chest.

"You two are adorable." She cooed at Derek who rolled his eyes a blush on his neck.

"Whatever." He muttered.

"He makes you happy." She chimed, "and its about time because you deserve some happiness."

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