Chapter Two:He Can Joke?

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Summer is nice until you can't remember what day or time it is.
Stiles' shoulder shook and he couldn't help but feel annoyed, it was summer who in their right mind would wake him up. He yawned and opened his blurry eyes, it was practically pitch black outside, and not a car in sight. He rubbed at his eyes and looked at the person who woke him, him. Stiles felt his body quiver with anger, he stood quiet.

Derek looked at Stiles his eyes showing not an ounce of any type of emotion except boredom. Stiles glared at him and looked back, the whole car was empty and it was just them two. Stiles looked ahead and saw a 7eleven in front of them.

"You woke me up cause?" Stiles rolled his eyes and stifled a yawn.
"Because I'm going inside and I wanted to know if you want anything?" Derek practically growled.

Stiles was about to reply when his stomach made dying whale noises. Hewanted to deny Derek's offer so badly but his belly disagreed with his thoughts and beliefs.

"Nachos and a slurpy please." Stiles grumbled and crossed his arms. "And sour gummy worms."

Derek only nodded and exited the car. Stiles forgot to tell him the flavor of his drink, Derek would probably get him the redbull kind and he hated that one. Stiles huffed and let his head fall back into the seat.

He could see them inside, every single pack member. Excluding him like always, and he stood quiet like every other time. Derek was adding the cheese to his chips and Stiles couldn't help but laugh, it was weird actually seeing the sour wolf doing normal things. Scott and Allison were kissing in front of the chip aisle and Stiles couldn't help but feel his smile flatter.

Scott's been a real dick lately, ever since he and Allison got back together. He's barely spoken two words to Stiles this whole week because of how preoccupied he's been with her. So you could say he's been pretty much abandoned, and it sucks especially on weekends.

Derek walked up to the cashier registrar his lips in a thin line. The cashier looked at him nervously, Stiles would've been  nervous too if a guy who looked like a murder was buying something from him this late at night. Derek paid the cashier and walked out with the snacks in both of his hands. Derek had his chocolate bar dangling from his mouth unopened.

Stiles thought that Derek looked sort of adorable, Stiles immediately shook that thought out of his head. Did I just think of another guy like that, Stiles thought his face a bright red.Plus you hate that stupid mutt,jeeze my mind must still be fuzzy from sleep. Derek opened the car door and stook out his hand for Stiles to grab the slurpy. Stiles grabbed it quickly and Derek sat in the car a loud sigh escaping his lips.

The Slurpy was a red and blue combined and Stiles couldn't help but smile, that was his favorite. Derek handed Stiles his  nachos and shut his own door. Stiles' gummy worms were in the plastic bag Derek had along with the other munchies. Derek tossed the bag Stiles' way and Stiles placed it by his feet. Derek placed a redbull in his cup holder and started going for his chocolate bar.

"Thanks." Stiles mumbled.

"Mhmm." Was all Derek said and then he bit his bar like nothing in the world could ruin it for him.

So he has a sweet tooth,who would've known that a grumpy little shit like him would actually like candy. Stiles pondered while taking a bite out of his nachos. Stiles took a sip of his drink and gently placed it in his cup holder. The rest of the pack had paid for their stuff and were heading back to the car.

Stiles chomped on a chip loudly causing Derek to glare at him and Stiles to glare right back at him.It's how he ate if Derek didn't like it he would just have to deal with it. Derek scowled at Stiles and took another bite of his candy.

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