Chapter Six: Perky Butt

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Summer acne sucks...bleh why me.

Night fell and Derek decided he was done for the day, he hadn't been out at the beach for such a long time not since he was sixteen. Going to the beach without a doubt always made him exhausted after. He walked into his room and shut the door behind him shimming off his trunks and tossing them into his dirty clothes hamper.

Stiles got up from his spot on the couch in the living room finally letting his fatigue get to him. He trudged to his shared bedroom not even thinking about how Derek had came in only minutes before him. Stiles opened the door rubbing his eyes and blinking standing right in front of him was a very nude Derek Hale.

"And you're naked!" Stiles yelped and quickly turned his back at the now startled alpha but not before getting a glimpse of Derek's perky butt.

Derek reached for whatever was near him and covered himself his cheeks flushed,"Jesus Christ! You didn't even think to knock?!"

"I'm sorry I didn't think you'd go full commando right when you walked in!" Stiles yelped still having his back turned to Derek.

"Just don't turn around until you hear the bathroom door shut." Derek commanded gruffly grabbing his pajamas.

"I-Yeah okay." Stiles muttered.

Derek rushed into the bathroom locking the door behind him. For some reason he couldn't help but feel violated. He let out an aggravated sigh before going into the shower. Derek listened to see if Stiles was still in the same spot but no Stiles seemed to have been pacing around the room like a manic. Derek did his best to ignore Stiles' footsteps and focus on bathing himself properly.

Stiles couldn't help but feel his heart rate speed up unnecessarily quick. He cursed under his breath he should've knocked. He just wasn't used to sharing a room he was an only child, sharing a room was never a problem for him. Stiles grabbed his pajamas and rushed out of their bedroom and into the guest bathroom. His palms sweaty from his mini freak out session.

Stiles peeled off his clothes cringing at how embarrassed he really was, he never intended to walk in on Derek. Or to admire his butt for a couple of seconds. He stepped into the shower his cheeks bright red still thinking about the entire situation, he turned on the water. He lathered soap on his body and sighed he made up his mind while rinsing himself.

I'll just apologize to Derek and we'll act like it never happened. Stiles nodded at the idea and squirted shampoo into his hair washing it. He shut his eyes massaging his scalp, hopefully Derek will also act like it never happened.

When Stiles shut his eyes he couldn't help but think about Derek's back dimples. Stiles opened his eyes trying to get rid of the thought in the process he ended up getting soap in his eyes.

"Son of a bitch." He grumbled washing it off.

Stiles shut off the water and grabbed a towel off the towel rack. He wrapped dried his body and slipped on his pajama clothes letting his damp hair drip. When Stiles walked out of the bathroom he wasn't too surprised to hear the beach house empty. Erica and Isaac said they wanted to go get ice cream, Allison and Scott wanted to take a walk on the beach and even Stiles knew that meant have a make out session, and Lydia and Jackson went to the movies cause Lydia wanted to have a special date with him. That left Stiles and Derek to stay at home.

Stiles walked to his shared bedroom and knocked on the door. He heard shuffling from the other side and a muffled come in. Stiles turned the knob hesitantly causing the door to slowly creak open. Derek looked up from his book, his body was stretched out and all he had on were a pair of black joggers. Stiles shut the door behind him standing there awkwardly.

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