Chapter Five:A Wet Stiles Isnt A Happy Stiles

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Currently talking to my best friend on the phone at two in the I love the summer

Stiles grumbled some while Lydia and Allison tried to convince him to take off his shirt for the beach. Derek watched from afar with an amused grin playing on his face, he and Scott were fixing the grill so that Derek could start making lunch. Jackson tanned on one of the many beach chairs his sunglasses covering his eyes not that he was paying attention to anyone around him. Erica and Isaac had already gotten in the water splashing each other playfully.

"Oh come on Stiles, you need a tan." Lydia pestered.

"I think the only reason you guys want me to take off my shirt is because you've never seen me shirtless." Stiles put on his sunglasses ignoring Lydia's attempt to get him to strip off his shirt.

"Or maybe we're concerned about your tan line." Lydia countered her strawberry blonde hair in a loose ponytail.

"Why don't you worry about your own." Stiles sat down underneath their umbrella.

"Cause I'm wearing my swimsuit." Lydia ran her hand down her body.

"Plus you're super pale." Allison added.

"Wow thanks." Stiles spat sarcastically.

Stiles could hear Derek chuckling from his spot and he glared in Derek's direction only causing the alpha to explode in more laughter. He huffed and grabbed his phone mindlessly scrolling through his feed. Lydia and Allison left seeing that their attempts weren't working, stiles was grateful they had quit he wasn't too comfortable with the thought of his pack seeing him shirtless. He let out a quiet sigh and locked his phone boredom starting to get to him.

Scott had decided to leave Derek to the rest and went after Allison who was chatting with Lydia in the sand. Stiles got up from his spot and trudged toward Derek he didn't feel like talking to the rest of the pack, for some reason he found himself annoyed with the thought of even trying to make conversation with them. He stuffed his hands in his trunk's pockets and gave Derek an eye roll before standing near him.

"Why aren't you with the others?" Derek murmured slapping burger patties onto the grill.

Stiles shrugged biting his lip he just stared down at the food not looking at Derek. Stiles heard Derek sigh before he started seasoning more patties. Stiles liked the silence between them and he watched how Derek worked his hands in the meat to get the flavoring in. Derek hummed while he worked and Stiles crossed his arms over his chest working on his heels.

"So are you just going to awkwardly stand by me or are you going to blab my ears off like usual?" Derek gave Stiles a side glance.

"I just don't feel like talking right now." Stiles scowled at him, "and I don't blab your ears off."

"Yes you do...why don't you feel like talking? Aren't I the quiet one?"

"No you're the broody one, Boyd is the quiet one." Stiles earned a famous Hale glare from Derek,"I'm only speaking the truth."

"Yeah sure you are." Derek spat flipping one of the patties.

"Aw are the alpha'a feelings hurt." Stiles teased and Derek growled at him.

"Please Stiles, you out of all people couldn't hurt my feelings." Derek grinned and Stiles scoffed.

"But I sure as hell can get under your skin." Stiles pointed out.

"No you can't." Derek hummed even though he knew that was a complete and utter lie.

"Sure I can't, big boy." Stiles grabbed his phone from his trunk pocket and mindlessly scrolled through his notifications.

Derek scowled at him but put cheese on top of the patties trying his best to ignore Stiles. Stiles chuckled at something on his phone and started typing rapidly with a dorky smile on his face. Derek couldn't help but think how cute the smile looked on Stiles, he shook his head letting the thought leave his mind.

Out of no where Scott and Isaac picked Stiles up causing him to let out a yelp and drop his phone. Derek looked up from the food his eyebrows shot up almost to his hairline now on high alert. They were carrying him to the water and Stiles wiggled in their grip trying to free himself but failed miserably. Everyone besides Derek was laughing and Stiles let out another annoyed scream.

Scott was laughing loudly along with Isaac they carried him as if he was no lighter then a feather. Stiles could see the clear blue ocean water nearing him and he jerked even harder in their grip but that only made them laugh harder.

"No point in trying Stiles we got you." Isaac's cheeks were red from all the laughing he had been doing.

Before Stiles could reply with a snarky comeback they had tossed him into the cold water. They ran out as fast as they possible could and Stiles sunk to the bottom holding his breath. He swam back up from under the water his shirt completely soaked and clinging to his skin. Stiles let in a deep breath of air a fresh glare on his face.

Derek picked up Stiles' phone from the ground and stuffed it in his pocket so that it wouldn't get lost or stolen. When Derek looked back up he could see Stiles trudging back to him drenched and furious. Derek couldn't help but let his eyes wander from under his shirt you could see the outline of abs that none of them knew he had and it seemed that he looked bigger then usual, it seemed as if he had more muscle. Stiles sighed and ran a hand through his damp hair frowning.

"Do you have my phone?" Stiles grunted.

"I-uh." Derek cleared his throat and looked away from Stiles," Yeah here."

Stiles grabbed his phone not caring that it got a little wet from his touch. Derek had put the last burger on the plate and called the rest of the pack to get one. Derek served Stiles his and Stiles only gave him a curt nod before taking a seat at the picnic table that was part of the beach just like a couple of chairs that people sat on. Scott patted Stiles' shoulder with a smile and Stiles shook him off with an annoyed glare.

Lydia sat across from Stiles,"Wow Stiles why didn't you tell us you've been working out."

Stiles said nothing but bit into his burger. Lydia gave Scott a look that Stiles hadn't caught, Scott shrugged and started eating his food like everyone else. Derek sat besides Stiles and squirted mayonnaise on his burger before taking a bite out of it, Stiles scrunched up his nose disliking the smell of mayonnaise. Everyone talked besides Stiles who was too busy fuming in his head.

I knew I shouldn't have came, and now I have to endure them for the rest of the month. I don't know what's gotten into Scott but I sure as hell don't like it, especially now that Jackson has joined the pack. it's gotten to point to where I feel like pulling my hair out. Why can't I just be a werewolf or something so they'd treat me like I matter. I'm over all of this, I just want to go home.

Stiles sighed and took a bite out of his burger suddenly feeling down. Derek gave him a weird look while he chewed on his food, Stiles didn't look up to notice the look Derek was giving him. Derek could smell the awful smell of sadness on him but it was so strong it made Derek's wolf upset. He wanted to ask Stiles what was wrong but he also didn't want to put him on the spot.

Derek decided he'd ask him just before they went to bed. Derek gave him one last lingering look before going back to eating along with the others.

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