Chapter Eight: Lydia and Erica Are The Queens Of Teasing

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Honestly though I am legit the worst smut writer out there cause I'm really awkward so I just don't write it.

Derek came out of his room in basketball shorts and a t-shirt surprising almost half the pack. Erica and Isaac were used to seeing Derek dress bummy. Stiles on the other hand was not and had to appreciate the view he was getting thanks to Derek's basketball shorts. Derek put on a pair of sunglasses walking out of house with the others Stiles purposely walked behind him with a seemingly innocent look on his face.

"So who's driving?" Isaac questioned causing Derek to snort.

"I am you dip." Derek wiggled his car keys in his hands and Isaac rolled his eyes.

They all went towards Derek's SUV Stiles once again taking the passenger side. Lydia was looking Stiles up and down along with Erica who just seemed suspious of him and Derek. Derek put the key in the ignition and drove away from the beach house, Stiles looked out his window to see Scott and Allison leaving through the back door of the house hand in hand. He rolled his eyes and was about to reach for the radio when Derek gave him a glare.

"So you just want us to sit in silence?" Stiles crossed his arms over his chest.

Derek scowled at him and turned on the radio Stiles gave him a smug smile and put his window down. Jackson raised an eyebrow at Lydia who gave him a look, then she waved her hand back and forth from stiles to Derek. Jackson still didn't get what she was trying to say so he shrugged and started talking to Isaac. Lydia let out a loud aggravated sigh before speaking.

"So Derek what did you do last night?" Lydia spoke almost too sweetly she gave Erica a look and pointed to her ear.

"Slept." Derek spoke bluntly looking at the road.

"Oh. It's just that this morning when Stiles opened the door to talk to us, we thought you were you know...naked in bed." Lydia faked innocence.

Derek's facial expression hadn't even changed, "I was wearing joggers."

"But what about the boxers on the floor." Erica countered.

Derek shrugged, "probably just dirty clothes or something."

Stiles had to admit he was impressed with Derek's lying, he kept a straight face and his voice never shook. He was just hoping that they didn't turn to him and start asking questions just because he hadn't mastered his heart rate speed. He tapped the outside of the car his arm dangling out the window.

"Well, Stiles also has a hickey on his neck." Lydia bluffed but neither of men knew that.

Derek braked the car abruptly on accident, Stiles gripped his neck his cheeks flaring. Lydia felt satisfied and right then and there she knew that something was defiantly going on between the two.

"What the hell man?" Isaac complained.

"I-" Stiles started.

"You better start explaining." Lydia spoke with superiority that annoyed Derek.

Derek started driving again, "There's nothing to explain."

"So who bottoms?" Erica questioned.

Derek's ears burned red and he shifted in his seat uncomfortable, Stiles shifted his gaze back to the window. Erica raised an eyebrow at them and Derek glared at Erica from his mirror. She grinned at him and he felt his neck heat up.

"What you two are..." Isaac started listening to the conversation along with Jackson.

"Shut up." Derek spat.

"Wow...go big or go home huh Stilinski..." Jackson laughed getting a smack on the arm from Lydia.

"I will turn this car back around." Derek growled.

"No but seriously..." Lydia smirked, "who bottoms?"

"Oh my god." Stiles groaned.

Erica and Isaac snickered under their breaths enjoying their alpha's embarrassment. Derek muttered something about how annoying they were under his breath, Stiles was still clutching his neck trying to cover a nonexistent hickey. Lydia leaned in her head in between the two males in the front.

"It's Derek isn't it." Lydia bit back a chuckle.

Derek did an unexpected U turn getting multiple honks from people on the street. Lydia let out a loud almost evil cackle before sitting back, she no longer cared about the mall. Neither did the other three they were all too interested in Stiles and Derek.

"Aw, Derek there's no need to get sensitive." Jackson teased.

"I will murder all of you." Derek glared at them.

"You love us too much." Lydia patted his shoulder and he flashed his red eyes at her.

"Stop." Stiles shoved Derek's arm giving him a death glare.

"She started it." Derek growled.

"And I'm finishing it...everybody shut up I don't ask you if you top or if Jackson does and I sure as hell don't ask if you or Boyd tops." Stiles looked back at Lydia and Erica,"So cool it!"

"Okay..." Lydia and Erica backed off.

Stiles crossed his arm over his chest a pout on his lips, Derek bit back a smile and glanced at him before looking back at the road. Lydia nudge Erica who grinned at Lydia seeing the look that Derek gave Stiles. They both hopped in their seats ready to bug Stiles and Derek for the rest of the day.

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