Chapter Ten: What If

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Summer has come to an end and now I know I'll miss it when school starts.

Stiles crept through the pitch black beach house craving a midnight snack. He opened up the fridge and instantly grabbed string cheese, he opened it up and started devouring it. He also grabbed a bottle of water kicking the fridge close and heading back towards his room. A bed sheet wrapped around his waist while he made his way into the hallway a couple feet away from his room.

Just before stiles was going to open the room door someone tapped his shoulder causing him to yelp and almost drop the sheet that now laid dangerously low on his waist. Scott looked at him with curious wide eyes almost like a child. Stiles looked every where but into Scott's eyes.

"Stiles what are you-"

"This is all a dream." Stiles interrupted making odd hand gestures.

"What no it's not." Scott shook his head considering the idea seeing that he was half asleep.

"Um...yes it is watch I'll disappear." Stiles started counting with his fingers and at three he quickly went into his room shutting the door behind him with the lock.

Stiles turned to see Derek with his eyebrow raised and an amused smile on his face. Stiles only rolled his eyes dropping the sheet and getting into bed while drinking some of his water. Derek scooted over so that Stiles had room to lay down next to him. Stiles put his water on the night stand and pulled the comforter up so that he and Derek were both covered.

"'re warm." Stiles hummed under his breath cuddling into Derek's chest.

"Tired." Derek breathed shutting off the lamp light making the entire room pitch black.

Stiles' eyes fluttered shut his face against Derek's bare chest. Derek wrapped his arm around Stiles' waist falling asleep almost immediately. Stiles couldn't help but let a smile fall onto his face he was happy. And that's all that matters.


Stiles woke to the sun glaring in his eyes, he groaned snuggling closer to Derek who's warmth only made Stiles want to stay in bed for the rest of the day. Stiles was about to go back to bed when someone knocked on their door startling Derek awake. Stiles muttered under his breath about intruders while he rolled off the bed and slipped on pajama pants and a shirt that just so happen to be Derek's.

Before he opened the door he checked to see if anything of Derek's was showing the only thing anyone would be able to see were his bare shoulders. Stiles opened up the door to see Scott standing there with a frown on his face. Stiles reflected his expression both looked at each other with the same exact frown.

"What's up, Scott?" Stiles leaned against the door frame making sure to block Scott's view of a sleeping Derek.

"I was wondering if you wanted to have a bro day?" Scott's frown disappeared as a lazy smile found it's way onto his face.

"Yeah, cool." Stiles smiled, "let me get ready."

Scott nodded and walked away from the room and into his own, Stiles couldn't help but feel a little excited about spending time with Scott like old times. He shut the door and locked it slipping out of his clothes and walking to the bathroom, he could hear Derek snoring and smiled to himself stepping into the bath tub. He throughly scrubbed his body letting the hot water spray his back, he sighed rolling his neck slightly enjoying the warmth of the water.

He got out wrapping a towel around his waist. He walked back into his room his bare feet making tracks on the wooden floor, by now Derek was half awake sitting up and rubbing at his eyes. Stiles grinned and grabbed his clothes changing in front of Derek without a care, he could here the alpha yawn and flop back onto the mattress.

"I'm going out with Scott for the day, can I borrow the truck." Stiles turned to see only one Derek's eyes open from where he was laying.

"Ymmm jmmm ." Derek's words were muffled his pillow covering his mouth.

"What?" Stiles sat by Derek making the bed creak under his weight.

Derek turned so that his mouth wasn't covered by the pillow, "yeah, just don't crash it."

"Cut me some slack I have never crashed my jeep." Stiles rolled his eyes running his fingers through Derek's hair.

Derek practically purred at Stiles' touch resting his head on Stiles' lap falling right back to sleep. Stiles chuckled and grabbed the keys from the night stand, Derek muttered slurred words at Stiles' movement. Stiles slowly moved Derek's head off his lap and walked out the room before Derek woke up again. He swung the keys on his index finger and walked into the kitchen were Scott and Allison were kissing.

"Ready?" Stiles interrupted.

Allison jumped at Stiles' sudden intrusion but Scott only looked annoyed. Scott nodded and pecked Allison one more time on the lips before they both walked out. Stiles still felt a small pit in his stomach as if the pack only let him in cause of Scott and now Derek. Panic surged through him all types of bad thoughts rushing through his brain.

What if Scott's taking me out to announce that he doesn't want to be my best friend anymore and then Derek realizes he doesn't like me and I get kicked out of the pack. What if they all hate me? What if...


Guys I know this chapter was super short and uneventful but school has been a real ass kicker and it just started so seriously sorry.

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