Chapter Seventeen: New Tradition (the end)

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My birthday was nice, bro I got deep dish pizza my heart can't explain how much I love deep dish.

Derek looked over at Stiles who had been packing with him all day, he could smell the worry practically leaking out of Stiles. He wanted to question his boyfriend but knew that it would either embarrass Stiles, make him in denial, or piss him off. Which was something Derek didn't want to do at the moment. So he stood silent glancing up at Stiles ever so often.

Today was their last day at the beach house so they planned to go to a bonfire the afternoon before they set off to leave, but Derek could tell Stiles wasn't ready to leave just yet. Nor were the others, especially Lydia she was practically a beach rat. But they had all decided that it'd be for the best plus a couple of parents had started complaining about how long they were away. So Derek promised to bring them back.

"Do we have to go?" Stiles huffed dumping his new clothes in his bag.

"You know we do." Derek murmured not looking up from his bag.

"What are we gonna do in Beacon Hills?" Stiles whined grabbing a pair of socks from his side of the bed.

"Do what you intentionally planned to do before we dragged you here." Derek frowned a bit.

"So I can't do you then." Stiles chuckled gaining an annoyed glare from Derek.

"Stiles, I don't want to go either but I also don't want to be hunted down by all your guys parents." Derek tossed Stiles one of his shirts.

Stiles made a face folding his shirt and putting it in his bag. A silence fell over the two as they continued to pack, they were both in a sour mood. Stiles huffed and plopped onto the bed taking his fifth break since they had started, he would've already been finished if he hadn't kept stopping.

"I'm gonna go check on the others, okay?" Derek sighed giving Stiles a look.

"Yeah." Stiles muttered.

Derek walked out of the room and out of Stiles's line of sight. Stiles finally let his shoulders slouch and a grimace screw up his face. Beacon Hills was the last place he wanted to go, that's where he always felt unwanted. There at the beach house he was accepted by the pack, noticed, spoken to, loved. Now all that was going away because they had to go home. He didn't want the feeling of welcoming to leave him so soon.

Stiles sucked in a deep breath and stood back up. Maybe things back at home would be better because of the trip, maybe nothing will change. But Stiles didn't want to give himself false hope so he did the best next thing. He abandoned his luggage and walked out of the house just to get some fresh air and to clear his thoughts.


Derek walked back into their room only to see Stiles was gone, he ran a hand through his dark silky hair knowing that going back gone was really messing with Stiles's head. He finished packing for himself and Stiles, knowing that once his boyfriend would return he'd drag ass at putting his stuff away. Derek shut both their bags and stepped out of their room. The rest of the pack had stayed in their respective rooms putting their own stuff away. Derek looked towards his parents room and slowly made his way there. He opened the door and stepped in shutting the door behind him.

The room recked of mothballs and nostalgia to Derek, he shut his eyes leaning against the door. There was no doubt that he missed them, so when he reopened his eyes another wave of memories flooded his brain.

"Derek,come here." His mother beckoned him to the bed,"talk to me."

Derek obeyed and sat down on the bed. He was about sixteen this was the summer before the fire, the summer before his life went to crap. Derek looked up at her and gave her a week smile.

"What's bugging you, honey?" Talia cupped Derek's cheek, he was always a momma's boy.

"Mom, I just-i really need to get this off my chest." Derek breathed his nerves getting the best of him, "I'm gay."

He searched her eyes for disgust but all there was, was tenderness and acceptance. She smiled obviously confusing him even more. He didn't expect this reaction from her even though he knew it'd be wrong to think other wise.

"Baby, I know." She chuckled making Derek raised an eyebrow.

"You know?" Derek repeated.

"I know."

Derek smiled recalling the memory she was always so smart. He decided that his parents deserved better than this so he opened up there window letting the dust in their room swirl. He opened up their door and went to the bathroom to grab cleaning supplies. He went back to his mother and father's room and started dusting.

He smiled once he was finished it looked like it usually did when his family used to go to the beach house. He was tempted to change the bed sheets but thought better of it, that was the only thing that still smelled like them. He patted the bed with a fond smile, all the pictures in the room were of Derek's entire family, cousins, aunts, uncles, brothers, and sisters. He missed he had to admit but he knew they were all in a better place.

When Derek turned around to exit the room he could see his pack staring at him from the hallway. All equally confused, they could smell the mix of hazel nut and cologne but they didn't know who's smell it was. Stiles had returned also and he was smiling up at Derek giving him a proud grin.

"This was my parents bedroom." Derek announced, "and I want to start a new tradition, I want us to come here every summer all of us, even if we're mad at each other, broken up, or in college."

"I like that." Stiles smiled.

"You guys are my pack and I'll always look out for you."

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