Chapter One:Schools Out and Tortures In

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This is my first Pack summer story so enjoy.Also since you guys may or may not know,i write an authors message on top.Just like this! Every chapter or page.hope you enjoy,Bye!!


Stiles tapped his pencil against his desk impatiently as he watched the clock,a couple more minutes and he was free from this hell hole called school.But then again he wasn't so excited about summer either,due to the fact he'd be spending most of it with the pack.

Now Stiles loves the pack but they do treat him badly sometimes or just flat out ignore him,so no he wasn't excited nor would he be the whole trip to Derek's lake house.Yup that's right Derek 'Dickmuffin' Hale has a beach house and the pack decided without Stiles' knowledge that they'd spend a month there.

Stiles looked to his right to see Scott playing with Allison's hair like the total love sick puppy he is,with an annoyed huff Stiles turned back around.It's not that he's jealous of Allison it's just that he doesn't see much of Scott or talk to Scott as much as he use to, so yeah Allison and Scott have made Stile's life a lot harder then it should be.

He continued to stare at the clock impatiently,five more minutes and he's free.Coach continued talking about being safe during the summer and how not to act.

The school bell rang loudly and everyone practically ran towards the door.Stiles somehow managed to be the first one out,he ran towards his car excitedly.He just wanted to go home and watch a never ending Netflix marathon of supernatural and criminal minds along with some apples and peanut butter.Scott ran towards him before he could even get into his car.

"Hey man!Are you that excited for the trip?you're practically rushing to start packing or finish packing."Scott chuckled Stiles wanted so badly to growl or scream at him but he knew he would sound or look ridiculous.

"Uh...sure Scotty what ever you say."Stiles chuckled even though he was plotting murder in his mind.Scott smiled and looked around for Allison,Stiles rolled his eyes and jumped in his car dismissing Scott himself.He started the car and drove out of the school parking lot not looking back at his best friend.

The ride home was short and Stiles couldn't help but feel forced, to feel happy about this trip, heck even excited. but in truth he hated the whole idea of it, and just wanted to stay home and binge watch tv shows. He huffed as he parked his jeep in his drive way, maybe he should tell Scott to forget it and leave without him.

But that would break Scott's heart, and even though Stiles is upset with his best friend he would never want to actually hurt him. He entered his quiet house and threw his keys in a bowl by the front door. He trudged up to his bedroom and tossed his bookbag in his closet, he didn't want to see that thing until September.

He grabbed his overnight bag and stuffed his clothes, toiletries, and a couple of books inside of it. He also grabbed his charger for his phone and headphones. He sighed loudly and plopped on his bed face first, he just didn't want to go, he didn't like Jackson, nor did he like the way the pack made him feel almost everyday.

He heard his doorbell ring and he felt his heart leap, with fear or with anger, he wasn't sure. He rolled off his bed and purposely went slowly down the stairs, his bag hung on his shoulders limply. He walked to the kitchen even slower and grabbed himself four water bottles, he put three of them in his bag and kept one in his hands.

He internally groaned once he reached the door, if he can endure this long month he could endure anything the pack could throw at him.He unlocked the door to see Scott grinning at him brightly, a large red SUV parked in front of his house. He plastered a fake smile on his face and locked his house behind him.

Remember you're doing this cause you love Scott like a brother, Stiles thought to himself. He tossed his bag in the truck and was heading to the second row when Scott stopped him.

"Hey do you mind sitting up in the front, I kind of want to sit with Allison."Scott grinned sheepishly.

Stiles could feel his blood boil but only nodded yes. He clutched his water bottle and sighed slightly aggravated, he opened the door quickly and sat in the passenger side seat. When he looked to see who the driver was he could practically feel his anger double over.

Derek Hale sat there not even paying attention to Stiles' arrival. He looked back at the others and noticed Boyd wasn't there.

"Where's Boyd?,"He asked to no one enparticular.

"His mom didn't want him traveling without her, so he couldn't come."Erica answered annoyed.

Stiles nodded and turned back around. The up side was that Jackson was all the way in the back so he couldn't bug Stiles the whole ride. Derek pulled out of Stiles' drive way easily and drove quietly, Stiles for some odd reason hated the guy.

Every little thing he did aggravated Stiles, he huffed and rolled down his window letting the warm summer air blow throughout the truck. Scott started casually talking to Jackson, which was weird for Stiles because if he did recall Scott hated the guy. This got Stiles in a even worse mood, how dare he, Scott knows what Jackson does to him during school and still has the audacity to talk to him.

Stiles huffed and plugged in his headphones to his phone, he quickly put the buds in his ears and played his music loudly. He just wanted his summer to be pack free, like old times just Scott and him. Stiles shut his eyes and laid his head back against the chair.

Sleep will be his friend throughout this whole trip, and that's fact.

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