Chapter Thirteen: I know

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Why is school so tiring, I'm working my ass off and my GPA is a 3.5 like I could do better.

Derek poured himself coffee watching as Stiles flipped a pancake, the rest of the pack had started getting ready or chilled in the kitchen with Stiles and Derek. Scott just happened to be one of those lazy resters relaxing on one of the kitchen stools watching Stiles with big tired eyes. Lydia bustled around every once in a while she would stop to admire how Derek looked at Stiles with a happy ghost of a smile or how Stiles was thoroughly trying to impress Derek with his pancake flipping skills.

"So I was thinking we could all go out to dinner today." Stiles hums placing a fresh pancake in the plate in front of Scott.

"I know this really nice restaurant that's close to the beach." Derek smiles, "the view is great."

"Well, we should all go there tonight seeing how we all barely hung out this far into the trip." Stiles puts more pancake mix into the pan.

Scott digs into his pancake only half listening to their conversation. Derek raises his eyebrow at Stiles, of course they all spent time with each other this trip. Stiles barely noticed the look Derek was giving him until he looked up and sighed at the wolf.

"We've all been hanging out separately, I want a group dinner." Stiles elaborates for Derek who finally understands and nods.

"Could've just said that the first time." Derek grins at the glare Stiles gives him.

"And here I thought you were mister smarty pants." Stiles flips the pancake before it burns.

"I'm very smart!" Derek sounded offended but by the look on his face Stiles can tell he's enjoying their banter.

"What ever you say." Stiles smiles brightly at the wolf.

Derek chuckles and pours himself a second cup of coffee, the steam rising from his mug. Stiles decides he'd make pancakes for everyone including Derek. He started whipping up more batter and slowly the rest of the pack started trickling into the kitchen each of them getting freshly made pancakes from Stiles. He flips his last pancake onto a plate and hands it to Derek who looks thoroughly surprised at the gesture.

"Stiles, you didn't have to." Derek talks with this sincerity that makes Stiles's heart melt.

"It was no problem." Stiles hands him a bottle of syrup which he grabs hesitantly.

"Why don't I make my own pancake and you take this one." Derek offers.

"You haven't even tasted my food, is it that bad?" Stiles jokes but Derek can hear some hurt under the words.

"What!? No! No! Of course not..I just feel I don't know bad for taking this." Derek's cheeks turn bright red.

"Let somebody do something nice for you everyone once and a while." Stiles shuts off the stove and kisses Derek softly before heading to their room.

Derek stood there silent with a syrup bottle in his hands and a bitten back smile on his face. He decides he'll do just that and he pours syrup on his food without a second thought. It's been a long time since anyone has done anything sincerely nice for him, it makes his insides feel all warm and fuzzy.

Stiles grinned to himself watching from afar Derek was cheesy from his act of kindness. Stiles walked to their room deciding it'd be in his best interest to start getting ready for the day rather than lounge around in his pajamas all day. He shut the door behind himself peeling off his clothes and walking naked into the bathroom.

Derek could hear the shower start to run from where he was so he quickly finished his pancake and placed his dish in the sink without a second thought. Derek entered their room locking the door and striping down to nothing he glided into the bathroom getting a surprised yelp from Stiles then an annoyed compliant followed by a soft gasp.

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