Chapter Seven: We're something

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Stiles and Derek laid in bed backs to one another, everyone had returned home and went to bed. Stiles couldn't sleep at all his mind lingering with the feel of Derek's lips on his own. Stiles could tell that Derek was awake also but neither of them spoke. Derek turned to on his back his eyes shut, Stiles sighed and finally sat up annoyed.

"Derek, I know you're awake." Stiles whispered turning to look at Derek.

"No I'm not." Derek grunted his eyes still shut.

"Can we talk about you know.." Stiles trailed off a light blush on his face.

Derek's eyes opened, "Stiles, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable-"

"You didn't make me uncomfortable I just want to know where this is going." Stiles voiced his frustration.

"I mean I enjoyed it did you." Derek's arms rested on his chest as he turned to look at Stiles.

"Well yeah..." Stiles bit his lip looking down, "Did you?"

"Obviously." Derek rolled his eyes also sitting up.

Stiles scoffed at him and ran a hand through his hair. He looked at Derek who was still shirtless and his hair was messy yet it made him look even better if that was possible. Derek gave him a questioning look raising one of his thick eyebrows at the teen, he wanted to make a move but wasn't so sure that was a good idea.

"Why don't we talk about this when we're well rested." Derek finally broke the silence that filled the room.

"Okay." Stiles nodded yet he made no move to lay back down.

"Unless you just want to talk about it now?" Derek sighed.

"I don't want to talk about it I want to-" Stiles cut himself off, "Never mind."

"You want to what?" Derek scooted closer to him getting into his personal space.

"I want to..." Stiles voice trailed off and his lips parted slightly.

"Tell me." Derek cupped his cheek bringing him closer.

"Kiss you." Stiles whispered grazing his lips onto Derek's.

Derek's eyes shut making the kiss deeper, Stiles bit Derek's bottom lip surprising himself and Derek. Derek found himself falling back and next thing he knew Stiles was straddling him, his hands snaked onto Stiles' waist and slowly going up his back and under his shirt. Stiles' started placing small kisses on Derek's jaw slowly making his way to Derek's neck. Derek let out a quiet moan making Stiles stop for a second surprised.

"Sorry..." Derek's cheeks burned.

"Its okay, keep on." Stiles felt himself grinning as he started kissing Derek's neck again this time rocking his hips.

Derek let out a muffled moan biting his lips he ran his fingers through Stiles' hair a satisfied sigh escaping his lips. Derek felt Stiles' wondering hands on his chest stopping by his v-line, Derek bucked his hips at Stiles and Stiles bit back a smirk.

"So eager." Stiles whispered in Derek's ear before kissing his lips.

"Shut up." Derek said in between kisses.

Stiles pulled away smiling broadly at Derek, Derek was breathing heavily his chest rising and falling. Stiles stripped off his own shirt not even giving it a second thought, Derek ran his down Stiles' chest memorizing every inch of it. Stiles felt goosebumps bumps rise on his arms and his heart rate speed up. Derek grinned at Stiles' snail trail and brought him back down for an eager kiss.

"You're beautiful." Derek breathed turning over so now he was on top of Stiles.

"Thanks." Stiles rested one of his hands on Derek's butt.

Derek grinned,"Uh, Stilinski do you know where your hand is?"

"Yup, and what are you gonna do about it Hale?" Stiles challenged.

"I think I just might have to show you." Derek grinned along with Stiles.

"Let's see what you got."


Both Stiles and Derek woke to the sound of pounding on their bedroom door. Derek only groaned and shoved his head under his pillow, tightening his grip on Stiles' bare waist. Stiles shot up from his spot last nights events flooding back into his mind. Both him and Derek were naked in the same bed while someone from the pack was standing out side of their room.

Stiles slipped out of Derek's grip and grabbed his boxers from the floor and his pajama pants putting them on and totally forgetting about his shirt. He looked back at Derek to see that only his top half was showing so he didn't really look naked from where Stiles was standing. Stiles rushed to the door and swung it open to see Lydia and Erica standing there with their arms crossed over their chests.

"Uh...Yeah?" Stiles tried to act casual but failed.

"You're shirtless..." Lydia gave him a suspicious glare.

"I-" Stiles looked down at his bare chest, "yup."

"you had a whole fit about being shirtless yesterday." Lydia scowled.

"And are those boxers on the floor?" Erica pointed down at Derek's under clothes on the floor.

"you know what lets close that." Stiles stepped out of the room shutting the door behind him his cheeks bright red, "How can I help you ladies?"

They gave each other a look before speaking, "Did you and Derek-"

"Nope...I went to bed last night just like any other night." Stiles spoke too quickly.

"okay..." Erica murmured.

"anyway we're heading to mall and we wanted to know if you two wanted to join." Lydia still looked at Stiles with squinted eyes.

"Who's we?" Stiles questioned.

"Me,Lydia, Isaac,and Jackson." Erica looked down at her manicured nails, "and maybe you and Derek."

"What about Scott and Allison?" Stiles already knew the answer but didn't want to be right.

"Another date." Lydia shrugged.

"Yeah we'll come." Stiles sighed.

"How are you-" Lydia started.

"I'll get him to say yes just trust me." Stiles shrugged and went back into the room without another word.

Derek was sitting up his hair messy and his eyes half open Stiles locked the door so no one would walk in on them. Stiles hesitantly made his way towards Derek and sat on his lap giving him a sweet peck on his lips making sure to be quiet. Derek gave him a small smile and pulled him closer so that they were now in an embrace.

Derek nuzzled Stiles neck and Stiles couldn't help but like the feeling of someone actually wanting him around rather then needing him around. They stood like that for a couple of minutes before Stiles got up and started getting his clothes so that he could shower.

"So you're coming to the mall right?" Stiles looked over at Derek who was now standing up completely naked.

"Yeah." Derek stretched giving Stiles an eyeful of his body.

"Okay well hurry up we're leaving soon." Stiles walked into the bathroom with out a look back.

He shut the door and bit back a grin. He and Derek Hale were something. And he couldn't wait to see how their relationship would progress from here.

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