Chapter Five.

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Choi Taehyung.

Weirdly, that sounded incorrect to Jeongguk's ears.

The previous night, after Jeongguk made his little nuisance sleep, he checked the details that Hobi had sent. There wasn't much information about the boy. His parents' names were Choi Minjun and Choi Mina, the boy was five years old, almost six as his birthday is soon in December and he is not studying in any school currently.

Even after he read the details almost seven times in ten minutes, Jeongguk still felt Choi Taehyung just didn't sound right. It felt there was still something they are missing out here.

He was about to open his laptop and do some more research when he heard a very low mumble. A mumble that made him close his eyes and sigh, a bit too loudly.


Jeongguk kept his laptop on the side table the same way he picked it up and walked towards the bed where the little boy was sleeping. Five pillows were surrounding him, almost like a nest, which was created by Jeongguk to protect the boy as he was sleeping.

Now, don't get him wrong. He didn't want to do any such thing but he did it just because his conscience was screaming at him and also because Jin hyung used to do the same with him when he was small. There was also another reason, if something happened to the little devil, the others in the house would probably throw him out on the streets. Yes, these are the only reasons for the nest he created. It's not like he cares for this small, round, fluffy fool.

He very slowly picked up two pillows from beside the boy and calmly slid under the sheets that were half covering the little boy.

Just when little Taetae felt his Boba's presence beside him in his sleep, he snuggled closer to get more comfortable to the warmth of the latter's body was radiating. The boy was a big time cuddler and Jeongguk understood that pretty well by now.

He stared at the little devil for some time and watched him snuggling closer and closer till his face was squished into Jeongguk's soft yet muscled chest. Jeongguk's hand unconsciously curled around the boy's nape, as he massaged the little boy's scalp with his soft fingertips.

"Choi Taehyung. Choi Taehyung. Why does it still sound so wrong, huh? You're not even old enough that I would get a proper answer from you. Am I overthinking this?" Jeongguk mumbled mostly to himself as he put his chin on the little boy's head.

"I shouldn't even indulge myself so much into your matter because I'll make sure you leave this house, my hyungs and me, soon." Jeongguk whispered in the air with a big sigh as his eyes fluttered close slowly, sleep invading his system without his own knowledge.

The next morning Jeongguk woke up to a knock on the door. He gulped a little and shook his head to get rid of his droopy eyes. He heard a knock again and while he wanted to get up and open the door, a fluffy ball whined in his hold.

When he heard the whine, he suddenly realised where and with whom he was. His eyes opened wide and he looked towards the side, craning his neck a little to see the digital clock on the wall displaying it's nine in the morning.

How the heck did he sleep so long? And wait a minute, did he miss his morning workout?

Jeongguk opened his eyes wide and then let out a disappointed sigh and tried getting up but all went in vain when he heard a loud whine this time. He tried once more yet he couldn't again because this little boy just wouldn't let him go, he kept clutching his T-shirt and snuggling his face there.

"The door is open." Jeongguk let out an annoyed sigh as he spoke the words.

"Guk-ah, are you alright? Are you sick? Is something wrong with Taetae?" A panicked Jin entered the room to witness the most adorable sight, if you cancel out the annoyed expression on Jeongguk's face.

No. Maybe? Yes! (TAEKOOK) Where stories live. Discover now