Chapter Thirty Four.

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With a whole bunch of lilies, Jeongguk entered the Jeon mansion with slouched shoulders.

He thought of calling everyone to the drawing room but he didn't have to do that because everyone was already present there watching the television except for of course, his baby.

When they saw Jeongguk, Jimin was already up on his feet, rushing towards him.

"How was the date?" Jimin asked, overly excited as the others were also looking at him curiously, anticipating the reply.

"As he said before, it wasn't a date. Stop acting as if everything is fine when most of you were against it first." Jeongguk's words came out much harsher than he intended.

"True but we literally saw his love for you. How can we be against it when his love literally can move mountains?" Jin was the one to answer this time as Jeongguk simply let out a scoff.

"It's too late. His love for me has moved on." Jeongguk chuckled as he walked towards the big couch and took a seat, crossing his legs.

"Please make it make sense, Guk-ah! His love and will move on from you? Are you even hearing yourself?" Yoongi said as he heard Jeongguk chuckle.

"If he was still in love with me then he wouldn't always be with that Ninjae." Jeongguk said with a bitterness to his voice as Hobi facepalmed.

"That's Minjae and not Ninjae and he is literally his best friend, idiot." Hobi said as the others nodded their heads.

"Yeah? Best friends you say? They are always together, till late at night sometimes. You think my baby just simply agreed to move on from me? I am sure that Minjae gave him his shoulder to lean on when my baby was extremely vulnerable. And no I don't blame my baby. He can move on." Jeongguk said as he gulped down the sob that almost tried to erupt out.

"My son literally carries his heart on his sleeves for you and you are saying he wants to move on? That too with his best friend?" Namjoon uttered as his eyebrows were drawn together.

"Yes, because why else would he spend more time with that boy? I understand it's my fault too that I neglected him, avoided him which may have made him become more close to him and maybe that's how soon he developed feelings for him too." Jeongguk randomly spoke his mind as the others rolled their eyes at his stupidity.

"Okay, he developed feelings for him-" Jimin couldn't even complete his sentence when he saw Jeongguk glaring daggers at him.

Jimin gulped, " I-If he developed feelings for h-him-just saying-then why does it bother you? Didn't you want that anyway? You anyway don't lov-"

"JIMIN." Jeongguk's voice roared in the drawing room as the others flinched.

"Stop screaming at Jimin and get your act together. If you love him, go tell him that and if you don't, stop acting like a possessive prick." Yoongi said sternly as Jeongguk looked away from him.

"You know what? I'll do exactly that." Jeongguk uttered confidently as the rest of them stared at him with shocked yet joyful eyes.

"And here, take these. From now on, don't ask for flowers from my baby, only I can get flowers from my baby." Jeongguk uttered as he pushed the lilies towards Jimin and walked towards his own room.

"And yes, they mean family. Roses are for love and only I deserve that." Jeongguk mumbled softly as he walked up the stairs.

"I swear to whoever is up there in the heavens, Kim Minjae, I will rip your head from your neck." Taehyung's voice boomed in his cabin on the other hand.

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