Chapter Nine.

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Comfort means a pleasant feeling of being relaxed and free from pain. Comfort also means a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint. The easing or alleviation of a person's feelings of grief or distress.

But if you ask Namjoon what comfort is, he will tell you it's none of these above-mentioned meanings. Comfort to him is a person. A person who gives him peace when he wraps his arms around him. A person whose smile can make his heartbeat run at a high speed but also makes his heartbeat calm down with a loud laugh.

Comfort to Namjoon was and will always be a person. A person who is home after a long tiring day. A person whose sparking eyes can bring joy into his boring life. A person who understands each and everything even without Namjoon saying it in words.

Hence, comfort to Namjoon will always be a person. His comfort will always be a person who he loves dearly yet couldn't ever portray it to him. A person he wants to comfort back as well but couldn't be brave enough to confess.

Comfort to Namjoon will always be his Jin hyung.

Namjoon had to take up everyone's responsibility suddenly–he was bound to take everyone's responsibility on his shoulders yet this one person took his responsibility. He took his responsibility and secretly took everyone's responsibility away from his shoulders too without letting him know anything about it.

He was always grateful for his comfort in his life yet slowly and evidently his comfort changed into the form of love. He fell in love so hopelessly and effortlessly that he didn't even have the time to stop his heart from drowning so deep.

Tonight as well when he entered to his mansion, he didn't reach his home. He walked through the doors, crossed the dining hall and gushed inside the kitchen. He scanned the area and found the person he was looking for. He walked towards him and very carefully put his face on the person's left shoulder and closed his eyes, releasing a deep breath. Just his face leaning into the person's shoulder, his body far away from the person's body.

He is finally home.

"How many times have I told you to hug me properly if you want to Namjoon-ah." Jin said very softly as he felt Namjoon's lips curving up in his shoulder.

"Are you tired? You can freshen up a bit and by that time I'll prepare some tea for you. It will help you to relax and soothe your muscles a bit." Jin said as he felt Namjoon shifting a little closer and hovering over him from behind.

"Go you big baby. What's with you today?" Jin questioned as he giggled a little when he felt Namjoon being extra clingy today.

"Hyung, Jin hyung, I am just resting a bit as I am finally home." Namjoon spoke up almost in an inaudible voice.

"Is something wrong?" Jin couldn't help but ask as he slowly turned around. Namjoon moved a little back to give Jin his own space.

"No. Just that some days I feel I am growing old and our kids are growing up too soon." Namjoon whispered as Jin smiled at him softly.

Jin opened his arms wide as he signalled Namjoon to move forward towards him.

Namjoon without any hesitation dropped his huge, built body into Jin's wide open arms and almost turned into jelly. Jin's hugs always made him feel safe.

"If anyone is growing old here, it's me. Don't forget that they might be your baby but to me, you're my baby too. Stop feeling so burdened about everything. It's not your responsibility only." Jin explained as he moved his palm up and down behind Namjoon's head.

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