𓇢𓆸𓃗The hot ranch hand𓄋⋆˚☆˖°

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"C'mon. It your lucky day Derek."

Derek stood from the bench walking over to the bars of the cell. "A farm from the next town over has decided to take you in for your community work" Derek looked up confused but still didn't say anything. The cop that was currently unlocking the door was smiling at him.

"This will be good for you. The owner is an old pal of mine." The officer—with a badge reading 'Parrish'—spoke with a smile. "Sherif Stilinski is a great man. And his wife is such a kind lady."

"Cmon Mischief follow me" A woman, Claudia, spoke leading the boy towards the truck. She smiled up at the boy as she attached a horse trailer.

"Mom..? Where are we going?" He was curious not knowing what his mom was up to. She stepped up into the truck, the boy plopping himself in the passenger seat.

She sighed as she started driving. "Stiles. Hun. You remember that horse on the Blake farm? Jennifer is a bad women who does not deserve that horse. And we aren't going to let her keep it." Stiles smiled at his mom she always did what was best for the animals without thinking of any consequences, that's something the boy looked up to in his mom. People always said she had a special way with horses especially.

Stiles nodded eagerly sitting back and relaxing.

Time to save a traumatized horse..

Derek was released and was being escorted by officer Parrish to his home.

The second he opened the door he was attacked by Erica. "DEREK HALE." She stood with her arms crossed in front of him with Boyd wide eyed behind her. "You are such an idiot! You can be serious. Your moving away?!" She pushed his chest but he didn't budge just continued to stare and let her hit him.

"Only till my parole is over." He stepped around the fiery blonde.

"That better be right Hale. I don't want to see you in the station again" Parrish joked with his arms crossed leaning on the door. Derek walked towards his room rolling his eyes.

'Great just great. not only am I moving away but i'm moving to a farm with a sheriff.' Derek grumbled to himself as he packed as much stuff that would fit in his duffel bag..

All of a sudden I heard the officers radio go off indicating a crash in between this town and the next one over. It involved a 18-wheeler and a truck..

"Derek I need to head over to this scene. Stay here. Once I return we will be on our way."

"Stiles! Go start the truck while I come down this fella'" She pet the horses neck while it was trying to rear and kick. She threw the keys to him, Stiles caught them and immediately ran out to start the truck and get the trailer ready.

As the truck heated, Stiles ran to the back opening up the trailer door, stepping inside, he opened the window for the horse to help it seem less like a jail cell and more open. Just as he stepped out his Claudia ran out holding the horse by the halter. While he seemed more calm then before, he still put up quite a fight.

Claudia got the horse in tying him with a quick release knot then getting out. She ran to the driver door and got in while Stiles threw the trailer door shut locking it well. As he got into the truck a woman started yelling "GET BACK WITH MY HORSE YOU THIEF" But they were already leaving and almost out.

The mother and son celebrated as they drove the horse had calmed, seemingly heavily starved and not enough exercise if Stiles had to guess. "We will call Deaton and Scott in the morning. But we need to make sure black beauty back there doesn't collic." Claudia explained.

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