─── ⋆ꨄ︎Another Rescue by Sourwolfજ⁀➴⋆ ──

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"Scott. Be careful there could be a trap anywhere." Stiles spoke while looking through an old abandoned library. The pack of course had a new danger trying to take over Beacon Hills. Usually the whole pack would start looking for any clues and research together. But this time, Stiles, Scott and Alison were on their own. Scott and Alison were only there so Stiles wasn't alone. They had been told to join the rest of the pack but refused, damming themselves to the same lecture as Stiles

Stiles. He refused to stay in the loft. His defense being he wanted to help out. This was a normal thing. Stiles felt that just being the research guy wasn't enough , and honestly who's right is it to stop him from helping out?

He and Derek had gotten into an argument about it like any other day. The two had an unlikely relationship, While they started off as enemies they slowly grew with trust from the dangerous situations they were in. Derek found that Stiles was one of the few people who he really trusts. But the difference between their personalities clashed making it hard for the two to become close.

They still had they're arguments obviously but got along at the very least.

The fight this time was the same as one they had before. How Stiles should stay at his house or the loft and do research so he would get hurt going out scouting. But Stiles being the stubborn teen he was, went out anyways.

With a quick google search Stiles found an old abandoned library where he could find even more reliable information on this new threat. He hadn't told anyone about his plans, when he left the loft he had said that he was going to listen to Derek's advice and just go home.. And stay inside. Scott obviously knew that was a lie, giving Allison a look and she shook her head with an adoring smile. They knew they had to follow him.

And that's now how they ended up here.

"Ughh. Derek can never just believe in me can he? sometimes he just makes me want to-" Stiles hissed out as he shook his head, looking though the books on the shelves. Scott and Allison just let him ramble and complain while they helped looking. "He thinks im weak! I swear he does. It's not fair. He treats me almost like a child. Which i'm not. But he lets Scott help him! He was such a bad werewolf. - No offence Scott - Me. A human! Had to TEACH him. And that sourwolf would not take his head out of his ass and help on the first full moon! If i'm so 'weak' why'd he leave me to take care of Scott?-" All of a sudden from behind Stiles he heard the sound of a pressure plate shifting.

Stiles whipped his head around to see Allison wide eyed with a horrified look and Scott trying not to freak out.

Scott had stepped on a pressure plate..

"Scotty.." Stiles spoke softly. The man was trying to stay calm so he wouldn't wolf out and his flight or fight instincts wouldn't take hold. "Hey. Scott. Your gonna be fine. This place is way too old for it to be attached to something just stay calm. Me and Allison will get you outta there. You just have park on keepin that wolf in its place." Stiles spoke as if he were joking about school homework.

Allison glanced at Scott once more before scurrying off to Stiles.

They knew Scott would be too scared to hear what they were saying so they didn't worry about his super wolf ears. "Stiles. We have to get Scott off of there. You and I both know where this is going and Scott will not be able to keep his wolf down long."

Stiles knew this was true, but he stayed quiet while he was thinking of a plan.

Stiles finally thought of one, but he knew Allison would never agree. So he thought of something reasonable to get her out of here. "Go get Derek. Just tell him i've done something stupid and he'll be near just to tell me he told me so." Stiles laughed out even though he knew if his plan didn't work, Derek wouldn't get the chance to say so. "And probably rip my throat out.." Stiles spoke, his voice so soft and caring that he'd not recognized it himself.

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