₊˚⊹ ᰔ𓃥𓍯Keep Your Leash On🐾ᰔ ⊹ ˚₊

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It was a snow day in Beacon Hills and Stiles was bored out of his mind. That's when he got a text from Derek asking if he wanted to meet up at the park. Probably just for some light training, but Stiles wasn't about to pass up hanging out with the brooding werewolf.

When Stiles arrived, thick snowflakes drifted gently from the sky. Derek stood next to his Camaro, already waiting. "Took you long enough," Derek said, pulling up his leather jacket collar. "I just thought we could go for a walk since it's snowing. Nice change of scenery."

Stiles grinned. "Okay, Sourwolf, let's go for our romantic stroll." Derek shot him a glare but didn't protest the plan. They began trekking down the park's winding paths, idly chatting about pack business and Derek's newest reconstruction projects.

It was then that Stiles spotted the sign. In big bold letters it proclaimed: "Keep Your Dogs On A Leash." Stiles burst out laughing. "Hey Derek, maybe you should be on a leash too! Since you're part dog and all." Derek rolled his eyes but Stiles could see the hint of a smile. "Oh come on, I think it would suit you. Then I could take you for walks and show you off. 'Look at my big bad wolf.'"

Derek growled playfully. "Keep pushing it and you'll be the one on a leash."

Stiles shivered, though not from the cold. He pushed himself against Dereks side and smirked playfully.

"Kinky. I like where this is going." Derek swiftly grabbed Stiles and pulled him into a kiss under the falling snow. Maybe being on a leash wouldn't be so bad after all, as long as it was with Derek.

Derek slowly pulled away from the kiss, leaving Stiles breathless in the snow. "We should keep moving before we freeze out here," Derek said gruffly, though his cheeks held a hint of red.

Stiles could only nod, still stunned by the unexpected kiss. They started walking again but Stiles grabbed Derek's hand, lacing their fingers together. To his surprise, Derek didn't pull away and even gave his hand a gentle squeeze.

As they wandered further down the trail, Stiles broke the comforting silence. "So does this mean you like me too? Or was that just a heated Christmas movie moment?" 

Derek sighed. "I've cared about you for a while, idiot. But things were... complicated."

"And they're not complicated now?" Stiles asked nervously. Derek stopped and turned to face him, brushing snow from Stiles' hair. 

"Being with you still isn't going to be easy. I'm an alpha, you're human. There will always be risks. But life is short and I don't want to wonder 'what if' anymore."

Stiles beamed, throwing his arms around Derek's neck. "I say screw the risks. Whatever happens, we'll face it together." Derek smiled softly, a rare look of pure happiness and soft vulnerability. He leaned in for another kiss that left Stiles melting all over again. For the first time in a long while, Derek felt at peace. There were still dangers lurking in Beacon Hills but right now, holding Stiles close in the winter wonderland, all was right in Derek's world.

Stiles and Derek strolled leisurely through the snow-blanketed park, hands clasped together. A calm serenity had settled over them, a tender moment of intimacy hard-won after years of tension and turmoil.

As they walked, Stiles noticed Derek seemed relaxed yet alert, green eyes keenly surveying their snow-muffled surroundings. Stiles just laughed amusedly but he stared fondly at the older. "Always on duty, Sourwolf?" he teased gently. 

Derek merely smiled, unperturbed. "Old habits. I'll feel better once we get you someplace warm." Derek said while holding Stiles hand in his pocket to keep it warm even though he had gloves on.

A thought occurred to Stiles. "My dad's working the night shift. Wanna come back to mine, order a pizza, play some video games? We can continue our heart-to-heart by the fire." 

Derek pondered briefly before nodding. "Sounds good. Been a while since I relaxed somewhere cozy."

They headed to the Camaro, Derek made sure the heater was blasting as he drove carefully on slippery roads. Derek kept one hand on the steering wheel and the other holding Stiles hand and tracing circles on the back of his hand with his thumb. Soon they were snuggled close on the Stilinskis' couch, pizza box open, controllers in hand. Derek proved surprisingly skilled at COD, though Stiles suspected supernatural reflexes were involved.

As evening deepened, Stiles sensed Derek letting down more walls. His smiles came easier, shoulders losing their habitual squared tension. Warmth suffused Stiles to see Derek unwind, his wolf at peace in a den-like home. Leaning against Derek's sturdy frame, Stiles felt utter contentment, cushioned by caring hands and the rhythmic thump of two hearts beating as one.

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