-'♡'-✮⋆˙The Quarterback Crush˙⋆✮-'♡'-

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Stiles Stilinski dragged his feet as he followed his best friend Scott McCall into the university's massive football stadium. As freshmen starting their first day of college, Stiles would've preferred to spend the afternoon playing video games in their dorm room, but Scott was determined to try out for the school's team.

"Come on, Stiles! Tryouts are about to start and I need my best bud there cheering me on," Scott said excitedly, practically bouncing on his toes.

Stiles sighed. "Alright, alright. But you owe me curly fries after."

They climbed up the steps and found seats near the front. Stiles scanned the field, taking in the scattered players warming up and tossing footballs back and forth. His eyes landed on one particular player - the team's star quarterback, Derek Hale.

Even from a distance, Derek's muscular build and handsome features were striking. As a senior and the captain, he commanded the respect of the entire team. Stiles couldn't help but ogle his muscular arms as he effortlessly threw tight spirals across the field.

"Dude, stop staring and help me stretch," Scott laughed, breaking Stiles from his trance.

"What? I wasn't staring," Stiles scoffed unconvincingly.

Scott just shook his head knowingly as he started his warm up routine. Stiles assisted, all the while sneaking glances at the gorgeous quarterback.

Soon, the coach blew his whistle and tryouts commenced. Scott was one of the first up, having to run drills and catch passes. Stiles yelled encouragement, pumping his fist when Scott made an impressive diving catch.

After the tryouts finished, the coach called out the names of those who made the cut. "McCall!" he shouted.

Scott whooped and pulled Stiles into a hug. "I did it!"

Stiles grinned proudly. "I knew you could do it!"

As they walked back to the dorms, Scott chattered excitedly about his new team. "And the quarterback, Derek Hale, seems so cool! I can't believe I get to play with him."

Stiles blushed slightly. "Yeah, he's pretty...good."

Scott smirked knowingly. "Uh huh. Pretty good. I know exactly what that little mind of yours is thinking Stilinski." Scott chuckled and bumped his best friends shoulder.

Over the next few weeks, Scott quickly settled into the team. He raved about how welcoming Derek was, helping him train and offering advice even inviting him to football and senior parties. In turn, Stiles was forced to attend all the practices and games to support his best friend. Not that he really minded. Getting to watch Derek's flawless technique and athleticism was a nice bonus.

At one home game, Stiles was on the edge of his seat as Derek evaded tackle after tackle, buying time for his receivers to get open. With a final pump fake, he launched the football into a perfect spiral right into the waiting hands of a receiver for the game-winning touchdown.

The crowd erupted, Stiles leaping to his feet. Without thinking, he called out, "Yeah, Derek!"

To his shock, Derek turned and caught his eye, throwing a small smile and wink his way. Stiles melted into the stands. Derek Hale just winked at him!

After that, Derek started seeking him out, whether it was a chin nod at practice or a quick greeting before games. Stiles was over the moon. His crush was finally noticing him!

One day, Derek even invited Stiles to sit with him during a team meal. They chatted about classes, hobbies, and funny after game stories. Stiles was thrilled to get to know the guy underneath the hot jock exterior.

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