Stiles birthday

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Stiles sighed as he walked up to Derek's loft door, dreading yet another lonely birthday alone.. He lifted my hand to knock when the door suddenly swung open, revealing a stern-looking Derek.

"It's about time you got here. Come on in," he said gruffly.

"Why you being such a sourwolf? I'm not that late!" Stiles stepped inside, as soon as he saw the scene in front of him his eyes widening in surprise. The loft was decorated with streamers and a huge "Happy Birthday" banner hung from the ceiling. All of Derek's pack—Scott, Lydia, Isaac, even Peter—were gathered around a mountain of presents.

"What's all this?" Stiles gasped.

Scott smiled walked up to him and gave Stiles a big side hug. "We know birthdays have been tough since your mom and your dad's busy working. We wanted to make this one special."

Warmth flooded through Stiles. He truly had the best friends ever. Everyone spent the afternoon laughing and playing games, joking around and of course eating.

The loft looked so lively in comparison to the barren state it usually is. Stiles glances at Derek throughout the party, and he always seemed to be staring at Stiles. The look always brought butterflies to Stiles stomach, it looked like Derek could see right through him. Stiles tries to control his racing heart when he sees Derek smirk, and he remembered that almost all of the people in the room were werewolves... so they could hear his heart.

Eventually when it was time for cake, Derek lit the candles himself and carried it out to the table, his eyes never leaving Stiles, they seemed to be trying to communicate something, though he didn't know what quite yet.

"Make a wish, Stiles," Derek said softly. And Stiles knew exactly what to wish for as he blew out the flames. Everyone attempted to dig right into the cake but Derek pushed them away with a growl, cutting a piece for Stiles first and giving it to the birthday boy.

Later, as the others cleaned up, Derek pulled Stiles aside. They stood close to eachother, feeling the others breath on their cheeks.

"I have one more gift for you. Happy birthday, sweetheart." Derek mumble and then he kissed Stiles. First he was about to pull away, not because he didn't want it, just because he was surprised, but Stiles quickly realized what was happening and happily kissed him back

Stiles heart soared as Derek's lips met his. He kissed him back gently, not wanting this perfect moment to end. When they finally pulled away, Derek rested his forehead against Stiles' and he had a rare soft smile.

"I've wanted to do that for so long," he murmured. Despite not being able to detect lies like werewolves, he knew that Derek wasn't lying.

"Me too," Stiles admitted shyly with a nervous chuckle. "Does this mean...?"

Derek nodded. "If you'll have me, I want to be with you. No more hiding how I feel."

Overcome with joy, Stiles threw my arms around him, the werewolf easily holding him up. "Nothing would make me happier." Stiles said happily.

Derek hugged him close, breathing in Stiles scent with a contented sigh. Both their eyes met, filled with warmth and promise. In that moment, Stiles knew this was the start of something truly special between them.

Weeks passed in a blissful haze. Derek and Stiles grew closer than they already were each day, learning to navigate this new stage in our relationship especially during pack meetings and missions where Derek gets a little over protective which brought some questionable looks from the other pack members to see their alpha so bent out of shape at the idea of Stiles going out into the field to help with the mission.

Stiles spent as much time at the loft as possible, cherishing every private moment they could steal together.

One Saturday evening found them cuddling on the couch, sharing lazy kisses while a movie played in the background. Stiles leaned into Derek's embrace, savoring the feel of his strong arms around him.

"I love you," Stiles said softly, turning to meet his gaze with a wide smile. Derek's eyes shone back with affection.

"I love you too, Stiles. More than anything." He sealed his declaration with a searing kiss that left Stiles weak. In Derek's arms was exactly where he was meant to be.

Stiles had never been happier.

Sorry for posting a blank everyone! I have a bunch of other oneshots with random publication dates so i thought this didn't come for a while. It was Stiles birthday yesterday so i wanted to post it on that day but i never wrote it TvT but here it is now! a short oneshot but it's something!

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