☽🍁𓃥Big Bad Wolf and His Little Red Riding Hood🎃🕸☾

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I wanted to make a halloween special for each oneshot book but i got busy so it's just gonna be this one and it's late TvT

Also this has some NSFW at the end!

Stiles bounced on the balls of his feet, looking at his reflection in the mirror. His curly red hood fell perfectly over his ears, the red cape swishing around his ankles as he moved. He picked up the woven picnic basket filled with goodies for grandma from his bed and grinned.

Tonight was Lydia's famous Halloween party, and Stiles had somehow managed to convince Derek to be his date. Derek had grumbled about it endlessly, but eventually agreed when Stiles used his infamous puppy-dog eyes.

Now, they were going as Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf. Stiles smoothed down his red tunic, feeling pleased with his costume. He had wanted to go as something cute, knowing Derek would resist anything too couple-y. But Red Riding Hood and the Wolf were a classic pair.

The doorbell rang and Stiles rushed downstairs. Swinging open the front door, his mouth dropped open. Derek stood there in a furry wolf costume, complete with ears and a tail. He scratched his ear with a paw glove and scowled.

"Don't say anything," Derek grumbled.

"But you look so cute!" Stiles laughed. He reached out to ruffle Derek's furry ears.

Derek growled, catching Stiles' hand. "Watch it, Red. Don't mess with the Big Bad Wolf."

Stiles swallowed, cheeks flushing. Derek's hand was warm around his, their fingers tangled together. He met Derek's heated gaze, pulse racing.

"Shall we go?" Derek asked gruffly, releasing his hand.

Stiles nodded, throat dry. He followed Derek to his flashy sports car, picnic basket swinging at his side. As Derek drove them to Lydia's, Stiles fidgeted with his red cape. He stole glances at Derek's wolf profile, the fuzzy ears poking up from his dark hair. Stiles' heart pounded and he looked away before Derek could notice his staring.

They arrived at the party fashionably late. Lydia's house was decked out in cobwebs, tombstones lining the walkway. Loud music thumped from within and guests mingled on the lawn with drinks in hand.

Stiles suddenly felt nervous. This was the first time they were going to a social event together. He worried what people might think, seeing them in matching costumes.

As if sensing his anxiety, Derek's hand pressed against the small of his back reassurance. Stiles relaxed into the touch as they walked inside.

"Stiles!" Scott waved at them, dressed as a pirate with Allison as his wench on his arm. "Hey, awesome costumes, guys!"

Stiles smiled, grateful for his best friend's easy acceptance. "Thanks man. Lookin' good, you two!"

Allison grinned. "Love the coordinated outfits!"

Stiles' cheeks heated, but Derek just guided him toward the drink table without comment. They filled up on creepy cocktails, Stiles sipping his cautiously. The last thing he needed was to get drunk and make a fool of himself tonight.

"Well, look who we have here!" Lydia sidled up to them in a sexy cat costume, ears nestled in her strawberry blonde curls. "Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf, how cute." She winked at Stiles knowingly.

Stiles rubbed his neck self-consciously. "Yeah, just a funny costume idea, you know..."

"Mmhmm." Lydia smirked. "Well, you two enjoy yourselves." She sashayed off to mingle.

The party was in full swing, music and laughter filling the house. Stiles tapped his foot along to the music's infectious beat. He caught Derek's eye.

"Wanna dance?"

Derek scowled, but allowed Stiles to pull him into the crowd. Stiles closed his eyes, getting lost in the music. He could feel Derek's heat behind him as they moved together. His hands found Stiles' hips, gripping tightly. Stiles leaned back into him with a contented sigh.

The music shifted to something slower. Couples embraced each other, swaying gently. Before he could overthink it, Stiles turned and wrapped his arms around Derek's neck. Derek's hands settled on his lower back, warm even through his tunic and cape.

They stared at each other, faces inches apart. The party melted away and all Stiles could see was Derek, eyes glowing in the dim light. His heart pounded and he licked his lips nervously.

"Derek..." he breathed.

Derek's grip on his waist tightened, pulling him closer still. "Yes, Red?" His voice was husky.

Stiles gulped, lost in the heat of Derek's gaze. Unable to resist temptation, he leaned in, brushing his lips against Derek's in a feather-light kiss.

Derek made a small sound of surprise before kissing him back firmly. Stiles melted against him, fingers sliding into his furry wolf ears. The kiss deepened, Derek's tongue sliding against his own.

They broke apart, both breathing heavily. Stiles' cheeks were bright red, matching his hood. He ducked his head shyly.

"Do you...want to get out of here?" Derek murmured in his ear.

Stiles nodded wordlessly. Derek took his hand and led him outside to the Camaro. The drive to Derek's apartment was charged with heated looks and tempting brushes of fingers against skin.

They hurried inside, barely making it to the couch before their mouths found each other again. Derek pushed Stiles down onto the cushions, kissing him hungrily. Stiles wrapped his legs around Derek's waist, feeling his hardness even through their costumes.

"The wolf wants to eat Red up," Derek growled playfully, nipping down Stiles' neck.

Stiles laughed breathlessly, tugging at Derek's furry wolf ears. "But Red might eat you up instead."

Derek's eyes flashed blue with desire. They made quick work of removing their costumes, while still exchanging heated kisses. Finally they pressed together skin to skin, desire pooling hot and urgent.

"Are you sure?" Derek asked roughly, though his body begged for more.

"Please," Stiles whispered. "I'm sure."

Derek lifted Stiles easily and carried him to the bedroom. He took his time preparing Stiles thoroughly, until the boy was a panting, writhing mess against the sheets.

At last Derek slid inside him, groaning Stiles' name. He kept the pace gentle but steady. Stiles clutched at Derek's back, gasping in sync with each thrust. Pressure built deep inside until Stiles arched off the bed, crying out Derek's name as he came. Derek followed seconds after, burying his face in Stiles' neck with a guttural moan.

They lay tangled together, both utterly spent. Stiles nuzzled against Derek's chest, arms twined around him.

"That was...incredible," he murmured dreamily.

Derek pressed a kiss to his hair. "I've wanted to do that for a long time."

Stiles smiled, cheeks pinking. "Me too."

Derek tilted his chin up to meet his eyes. "Be my Little Red?"

Heart bursting, Stiles answered by kissing him sweetly. Outside the full moon shone, illuminating their entwined bodies. For the rest of the night, the Big Bad Wolf held Little Red safe in his arms.

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