✮⋆˙𓃦A True Alpha❤︎˙⋆✮

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Stiles sighed as he entered Derek's loft, exhausted after another day of trying to get ahold of Scott. His supposed "best bro" had blown him off for wolf stuff yet again without so much as a text. Throwing his bag on the couch, Stiles slumped down dejectedly.

Derek glanced up from where he was reading, frowning at Stiles' morose scent. "What did Scott do now?" he asked gruffly. Stiles explained how their friendship seemed to be fading, hurt evident in his voice. Derek's eyes flashed blue in anger toward Scott. "You don't need him," Derek insisted. "You've got us."

Stiles smiled weakly. Derek's gruff care always lightened his mood. At least here, he felt valued as part of the Hale pack family. Still, Scott was his oldest friend and it stung to be cast aside. Lost in thought, Stiles didn't notice Derek moving closer until a muscular arm wrapped around his shoulders...

Stiles tensed in surprise at Derek's unexpected gesture of comfort before slowly relaxing into the alpha's half-embrace. It felt...nice, being supported like this.

"Thanks, Derek. I know I've always got a place with your pack," Stiles said with feeling. Derek's answering smile made his wolf senses tingle in a not-unpleasant way.

Before their moment could develop further, Stiles' phone rang with Scott's name flashing on the screen. Scoffing, Stiles rejected the call, much to Derek's amusement. "What, no love for your 'best bro'?" Derek teased gently.

Stiles rolled his eyes. "After the way he's been treating me? Nah. If he wants to talk, he can do it to my face." And with that, Stiles settled more fully into Derek's touch, ready to put his worries aside for the evening with his true alpha's pack.

The next day, Stiles got his wish when Scott unexpectedly showed up at the loft. "We need to talk," Scott said grimly. When Derek tensed protectively by Stiles' side, Scott's eyes flashed a shocking red... He had become a True Alpha.

"You're the TRUE Alpha?" Stiles said in disbelief. Scott nodded solemnly.

Derek eyed Scott warily. "What do you want?" he asked.

Scott turned to Stiles with a plea in his eyes. "I want you in my pack, bro. We're stronger together."

Stiles hesitated. His loyalty was conflicted - Scott was family, but so was Derek's pack now.

Derek sensed Stiles' turmoil and spoke gently. "Only join if it's what you truly want, not out of obligation."

Scott scowled. "Why wouldn't he want to be with his best friend? Don't try to take him from me, Derek."

The alphas glared as tension rose. Stiles stepped between them. "Back off, both of you. This is my choice."

But Scott's instincts took over, seeing Stiles' wavering as a challenge. With a roar, his eyes blazed red and he lunged...

Derek reacted instantly, shoving Stiles behind him as his own eyes flashed blue. "Don't touch what's mine," Derek snarled,intercepting Scott's attack.

As the alphas battled, Stiles watched in horror, realizing how volatile this could become...

Stiles' mind raced as Derek and Scott fought ferociously before him. He had to stop this!

"Enough!" Stiles shouted with all the authority he could muster. To his relief, both alphas froze mid-blow, recognizing the dominance in his voice.

"Scott," Stiles began with a calm he didn't feel, "You're my brother and I love you. But you've lost my trust lately. And Derek..." he turned to the other alpha. "You've given me a home when I needed one. I want to stay with you...if you'll have me."

Derek nodded, eyes softening as his wolf preened at the acceptance. But fury still lingered as he glared at Scott. "Apologize. Now."

Scott hung his head. "I'm...sorry, Stiles. For everything. You deserve better than how I've been treating you." His eyes were sad but honest.

Stiles sighed. "Thank you. I hope we can work on our friendship." Scott nodded eagerly.

The tension cooled as the two alphas calmed. Stiles smiled, feeling the turmoil inside him settle as he was surrounded by pack — his true pack, both old and new. And as Derek's eyes met his, full of care and something deeper, Stiles knew he had made the right choice.

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