˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🚙🔧Fixing What's Broken🩹❤꒱ ˎˊ˗

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The morning sun was just rising over the trees as Derek slowly awakened. He lay listening to the birds singing their dawn chorus, taking a moment to appreciate the tranquil beauty of the preserve. But he knew such peace wouldn't last long once Eli was up.

Sure enough, he soon heard the familiar footsteps bounding down the hall, practically vibrating with energy even this early. "Dad, come on, I want to get an early start on fixing the jeep today," Eli called, flinging open Derek's bedroom door without bothering to knock.

Derek sighed. "You know, one of these days that thing is going to fail inspection if we don't just scrap it." But he swung his legs out of bed obligingly. The jeep had been Eli's latest project ever since Stiles had left it in their care when he went away to school. It was as much a piece of the past holding on as Derek was himself.

Derek dragged himself out of bed and followed Eli out to the driveway where the blue jeep sat waiting under a light layer of dew. Eli was already popping the hood to scan the engine with a critical eye, just as he'd seen Stiles do countless times.

"I think the problem is still in the fuel system." Eli muttered, mostly to himself. He started rooting through his toolbox for the right set of tools.

Derek leaned against the doorway, sipping his coffee and watching his son work with a mixture of pride and concern. Eli was growing more like Stiles every day — clever, inquisitive, with a spark that drew people to him. But it also meant he was bound to find trouble just as easily.

Just then, Eli let out a muffled "Ah-ha!" as he located the stubborn piece he was searching for. But in his triumph, he banged his head on the hood with an audible thunk.

Derek was at his side in an instant. "You okay, son?" He asked, checking Eli over with a cautious hand.

"I'm fine, Dad." Eli waved him off, but smiled thankfully. "Just wasn't watching where I was going, like always."

Derek sighed. "Just like someone else I know." His voice was fond but laced with memories. Even after all these years, Stiles' absence still lingered in ever surprises. Some ghosts, it seemed, were harder to lay to rest.

Eli rubbed his head ruefully. "I know you miss him, Dad. I miss him too."

Derek didn't reply, but the tightness in his eyes spoke volumes. After a long moment, he said quietly, "Why don't you take a break from working on the jeep? I've got pancake mix ready if you want to help in the kitchen."

Eli perked up. "With chocolate chips?" At Derek's nod, he slammed the jeep hood shut. "You're on."

Soon the tempting scent of sizzling pancakes wafted through the house. Eli chattered happily about school as Derek listened with a smile, finding solace in their routine. But his mind still wandered to another familiar voice long absent from these walls.

He thought of Stiles' impending summer break from college. Perhaps it was time for a visit, to ease old yearnings and give Eli a chance to see his hero again. Derek couldn't deny the boy this small joy, or himself the peace of laying past ghosts to rest at last.

After breakfast, Eli declared his intention to wash the dishes. Derek went upstairs, pulling out his phone. His thumb hovered over Stiles' contact, hesitation and hope warring within. Then, with a steadying breath, he tapped the call button and raised the phone to his ear. It was past time to fix what had broken between them.

Derek listened to the ringing, pulse quickening as each unanswered tone echoed in his ear. Then a familiar voice spoke, "Hey, this is Stiles. Leave a message."

He hung up without leaving one, fingers clenched tight. Downstairs, Eli called that he was heading to the bus. Derek went to see him off, pushing thoughts of the past from his mind to focus on the present.

"Have a good day, son," Derek said, giving Eli a hug. "I'll be working on the jeep if you need me when you get home."

Eli beamed. "Really? Awesome. Thanks, Dad!" He waved and raced off, backpack bouncing.

Once the rumble of the bus had faded, Derek walked slowly to the driveway. He gazed at the jeep, truly seeing it for the first time in years without Eli's hopeful eyes upon it. Beyond the layers of dirt and rust lay memories buried just as deep.

Derek got to work, losing himself in the rhythmic motions of cleaning, examining, repairing. Piece by piece, secrets were unveiled - remnants of happier days, snippets of earlier troubles, scars left by new struggles since. His fingers lingered where Stiles' own had once moved with expertise and care.

As the morning passed, Derek's thoughts drifted on the breeze. He remembered brighter smiles, carefree laughter, and a bond that had felt unbreakable once. Time and distance had worn it thin, but not severed its roots in his heart. Perhaps, with tenderness, those roots could yet nourish new growth...

As Eli bounded off eagerly running over to Scott who had just gotten off his bike and begging him to go for the test drive, Derek hung back awkwardly. An uneasy silence fell between the two men as Eli's shouts faded into the distance.

Finally Stiles spoke. "He's grown so much."

"Yeah." Derek rubbed the back of his neck. "Hard to believe it's been four years."

"Mm." Stiles stared off into the darkening trees, eyes unfocused. "A lot can change in that time."

The unspoken things hanging thickly in the air. Derek stepped closer, voice low. "Stiles...we never really talked about what happened. I just let you go, and that was wrong of me."

Stiles sighed heavily. "We were both pretty messed up back then. After the Nogitsune..." He shuddered. "I think some space was good, for both our sakes."

"Maybe. But I never meant to stay away for so long." Derek grasped Stiles' arm gently. "I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me."

At his touch, Stiles deflated. "I pushed you away too. It's in the past, we were kids." He met Derek's gaze steadily. "I've missed you, you know. Both you and Eli."

Derek smiled softly. "We've missed you too. It's not too late...if you want to try again. Being friends, at least."

Stiles held out a hand. "I'd like that."

As their fingers wrapped together, four lost years seemed to fade. Hope bloomed anew in Derek's heart that tonight marked not an end, but a fresh beginning.

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