જ⁀➴Complicated Love♡︎.

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Stiles and Derek had become close, probably from the amount of times the werewolf had to save the boy from trouble or the danger Stiles had saved the werewolf from. The two became close enough to the point they started going out, nothing official just movie or coffee dates, dates on the beach or just a walk through the preserve. Derek had an honest smile whenever he was around the younger, and that just made Stiles feel proud, making the usual grumpy wolf let loose a bit.

Until one day it all change when Derek came to a pack meeting with a girl, them being attached at the hip practically.

"This is Braeden. She's.." Derek looked to Stiles who had an expression of confusion that was slowly turning to hurt as he put the pieces together. "She's my girlfriend." He looked back to the girl who was smiling up at him with blush covering her cheeks.

Immediately as this was said Erica snapped her head to look over to Stiles who looked full out betrayed now.

"Congratulations Derek.." Stiles spoke with tears in his eyes, "I uh.. I need to go to the bathroom." He pointed behind him with his thumb offering the couple an awkward smile as he refused to make eye contact with either of them.

"Stiles you okay?" And there it was... That concerned voice that Stiles was getting so used to when Derek found him researching up late or not sleeping and going for runs through the forest. And he knew he would always hear it as he was a part of the pack. But it's never gonna be how he wants. And he's never gonna get the smile that Derek shared with Braden. He was stupid to believe he had a chance.

"Mhm! Just.. uh had too much to drink ya know?" Stiles laughed as he turned towards the bathroom speed walking to get away from the situation.

The group watched as Stiles closed the bathroom door and the werewolves could hear the door lock and him slide down the door. Making it clear he had no real intention for going to the bathroom.

"Uh. Derek.." Erica glared at the alpha who just looked confused. The blonde sighed with an annoyed look. "Braeden you look sweet you really do hon.. But do you mind?" Erica gestured to the door.

"Um.. Yeah sure." She looked to Derek who only shrugged and nodded, unsure himself what's happening.

As the beautiful girl left, Erica, Lydia and Allison all glared at the oblivious werewolf sat across from them. Scott, and Boyd were just as oblivious but Isaac seemed to somewhat know what was happening as he stood and walked to the bathroom knocking on the door and whispering to the boy inside.

Stiles leaned against the bathroom door, willing himself not to cry as he heard Isaac's gentle voice outside asking if he was okay. "I'm fine," he sighed, knowing the werewolf could hear his lie. After a long silence, Isaac spoke again. "Derek cares about you, even if he's too oblivious to see your feelings. Come out when you're ready - we're here for you."

The kindness in Isaac's words only made Stiles feel worse. He knew Derek saw him as just another member of the pack, nothing more. It took so long for him to even see him as this...

His heart ached with loneliness as he replayed Derek introducing Braeden as his girlfriend over and over in his mind. Why hadn't he realized Derek would never feel the same?

A soft knock interrupted Stiles' spiraling thoughts. "Stiles? Can I come in?" Derek's familiar gruff tone caused a lump to form in Stiles' throat. He swallowed hard. 

"It's open." The door creaked open slowly. Derek leaned in, concern etched on his face. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. Help me understand...what's really going on?"

Stiles took a shaky breath as Derek gazed at him with those piercing green eyes, full of confusion and care. He wanted so badly to confess everything - how over time their bond had grown into something deeper, at least for him. But revealing his true feelings risked ruining what they had, and Derek clearly didn't see him that way.

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